Training List
Handles creating, reading and updating training events.
GET /api/training/?format=api&offset=320&ordering=topics", "previous": "", "results": [ { "id": 310, "name": "Diplôme Universitaire en Bioinformatique Intégrative / University Diploma in Integrative Bioinformatics", "shortName": "DUBii", "description": "La bioinformatique est devenue une compétence incontournable pour l'analyse de données de natures diverses : génomes, transcriptomes, protéomes, métabolomes, structures macromoléculaires, réseaux d'interactions. L'appropriation par les biologistes des méthodes et des outils de biostatistique et bioinformatique intégrative est un enjeu majeur pour la montée en compétence des équipes de recherche et des plateformes de service.\r\n\r\nL'université de Paris propose en partenariat avec l'Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB) la troisième édition du Diplôme Universitaire en Bioinformatique intégrative (DUBii). Cette formation s’adresse en priorité à des biologistes ou à des médecins souhaitant évoluer en compétences ou envisager une reconversion professionnelle et ayant déjà acquis des compétences (formation courte, autoapprentissage, expérience de terrain) en informatique ou bioinformatique / biostatistique (environnement Unix, Python ou R ou autre langage de programmation). \r\n\r\nLe DUBii fournira une formation théorique et pratique, complétée par une période d'immersion de 20 jours sur l'une des plateformes régionales de l'IFB, qui mobilisera, dans le cadre d'un projet tutoré, l'ensemble des méthodes et outils appris durant les cours pour réaliser un projet personnel de bioinformatique intégrative. Ce projet combinera des données propres à chaque participant produites dans son laboratoire (principe BYOD : “Bring Your Own Data”) ou collectées à partir de bases de données publiques. \r\n\r\n Cette formation se déroulera pendant 8 semaines réparties entre :\r\nLes cours : 4 semaines à raison de 4 jours/semaine en présentiel (96h)\r\nLe projet tutoré : 20 jours sur l'une des plateformes bioinformatique de l'IFB", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 20, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-09-15T12:11:46.140196Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "Advanced", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": true, "event_set": [ "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 321, "name": "Genopole Autumn School", "shortName": "", "description": "Cette formation est dédiée aux chercheurs, ingénieurs et doctorants et dispensée en anglais par des experts internationaux de la génomique.\r\nLes points forts de la formation :\r\n\r\n Des sessions de formation pratiques aux outils d’analyse génomique\r\n Des experts des grands centres nationaux et internationaux (Université d’Evry – Paris-Saclay, Inrae, CEA, CNRS, Université du Luxembourg, EMBL-EBI)\r\n Format résidentiel tout inclus dans un cadre accueillant et propice au networking\r\n Effectif limité à 15 participants pour une qualité optimale des sessions pratiques\r\n Formation éligible à la prise en charge employeurs ou OPCO", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": null, "updated_at": "2022-11-14T16:38:22.898523Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 257, "name": "Metabarcoding analyses (using FROGS in Galaxy and Phyloseq)", "shortName": "", "description": "This course offers an introduction to metabarcoding analyses at two different levels/steps: bioinformatics with FROGS pipeline in the Galaxy environment, biostatistics with PhyloSeq R package. This includes preprocessing, clustering and OTU picking, taxonomic assignation, estimation of diversity, visualization of statistics results.\r\nPrerequisites\r\nGalaxy, R knowledge\r\n\r\nProgram\r\nIntroduction to metagenomics and metabarcoding\r\nPre-processing, Clustering, taxonomic affiliation (FROGS)\r\nHandling and visualizing OTU table using PhyloSeq R package (PhyloSeq)\r\n\r\n\r\nLearning objectives\r\nManipulate tools available for metabarcoding analysis\r\nStudy sample diversity by using NGS and post-NGS analysis tools\r\nVisualize diversity metrics in metabarcoding approach\r\n\r\n\r\nInstructors\r\nJulie Orjuela -\r\nFlorentin Constancias -\r\nAlexis Dereeper -", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-01-24T10:25:28.170059Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 30, "name": "Python avancé", "shortName": "", "description": "\nObjectifs\n\nEtre autonome pour des manipulations simples visant à extraire, reformater des données issues de fichiers texte.\n \n\n \n \n \n \nProgramme\n\n- Expressions régulières\n- Gestion des erreurs\n- Biopython\n- Réalisation de programmes simples\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "Python Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Ce cycle est ouvert à l'ensemble des agents de l'INRA et aux extérieurs.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 256, "name": "RNASeq analyses (using Galaxy and TOGGLe)", "shortName": "", "description": "This course offers an introduction to RNASeq analyses using two different workflow management systems: Galaxy and TOGGLe. This includes reference-based mapping, estimates of transcript levels, differential expression (DE) analyses, visualization of statistics results.\r\nPrerequisites\r\nWorkflow management system (Galaxy, TOGGLe)\r\n\r\nProgram\r\nMapping of RNASeq against a transcriptome reference with kallisto (Galaxy)\r\nMapping of RNASeq against an annotated genome reference with TopHat (TOGGLe)\r\nDifferential expression analysis using EdgeR and DESeq2\r\nPlots, clustering, co-expression network: degust, WGCNA\r\n\r\n\r\nLearning objectives\r\nManipulate packages/tools available for searching DE genes\r\nThink about different normalisation methods\r\nDetect differentially expressed genes\r\nCompare results between two approaches\r\n\r\n\r\nInstructors\r\nAlexis Dereeper -\r\nSebastien Cunnac -\r\nSebastien Ravel -\r\nChristine Tranchant -", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-01-24T10:26:00.180547Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 48, "name": "Analyses bioinformatique et statistiques de données ChIP-seq sous Unix", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Formations payantes\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 271, "name": "Bioinformatique pour le traitement de données de séquençage (NGS) : analyse de transcriptome", "shortName": "", "description": "OBJECTIFS\r\n- Comprendre les principes des méthodes d'analyse de données de séquençage à haut débit\r\n- Comprendre les résultats obtenus, les paramètres et leurs impacts sur les analyses\r\n- Savoir choisir et utiliser les principaux outils d'analyse\r\n- Être autonome pour utiliser un pipeline d'analyse\r\n- Savoir manipuler les fichiers de séquences : préparation et filtration\r\n- Savoir évaluer la qualité des données\r\n- Savoir analyser les résultats avec ou sans génome de référence\r\n\r\nPRÉREQUIS\r\n- Notions de base en informatique : fichiers, répertoire...\r\n- Notions du système linux et des lignes de commande\r\n- Niveau master \r\n\r\nPROGRAMME\r\n- Linux : commandes de base\r\n- Les données NGS : fichiers, manipulation de base, nettoyage\r\n- Mapping : principaux outils et pratique\r\n- Transcriptomique :\r\n. analyse de RNA-seq : expression différentielle des gènes / des ARNs (comptage et DESeq2) ; comparaison d'échantillons issus de conditions différentes\r\n. post-analyse : analyse GO, interrogation bases de connaissances (ex : KEGG), création de graphique (en R)\r\n. analyse couplée transcriptome / traductome", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "PUBLICS :\r\n- Biologistes, professionnels des sciences du vivant ayant besoin d'analyser des données de séquençage\r\n- Ingénieurs ou chercheurs en bioinformatique\r\n- Bioanalystes\r\n \r\nPRÉREQUIS\r\n- Notions de base en informatique : fichiers, répertoire...\r\n- Notions du système linux et des lignes de commande\r\n- Niveau master", "maxParticipants": 12, "contacts": [ "" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 1, "name": "CNRS formation entreprises", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 7, "name": "ATGC", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-01-24T10:47:30.457628Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "", "" ] }, { "id": 66, "name": "sRNASeq", "shortName": "", "description": "This training session is designed to help you to deal with small RNA sequences produced from the SGS (Second Generation Sequencing) technology particularly Illumina platforms (HiSeq). You will discover sequence file formats, learn about expression profiles of miRNA and other small non coding RNA and run different kind of analysis such as reads cleaning, alignment on a reference genome, detection and annotation of new and known miRNA, and expression quantification. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and bioinfo genotoul platforms.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Small and long non-coding RNAs", "Analysis of RNAseq data" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 74, "name": "Galaxy : sRNAseq", "shortName": "", "description": "As the command line training but with Galaxy. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and Bioinfo Genotoul platforms.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Small and long non-coding RNAs", "Analysis of RNAseq data", "Galaxy" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 322, "name": "Introduction to Structural variant detection analyses", "shortName": "", "description": "Program\r\n\r\n* Handling mapping tools suitable for ILLUMINA and ONT data (bwa, minimap2)\r\n* SNP detection from mapping of short reads against a reference genome: SNP calling, filters and SNP annotation. Examples of possible studies based on SNP arrays\r\n* Detecting Structural Variations (SV) in short and long reads (breakdancer, sniffle)\r\n* SV detection from genome assembly and comparison (minimap2, nucmer, assemblytics, siry)", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [ "Linux and knowledge of NGS formats" ], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-01-24T10:41:28.470404Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": 14, "hoursHandsOn": 14, "hoursTotal": 28, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 333, "name": "Improve your command line skills by learning a few words of Perl", "shortName": "", "description": "This “Perl one-liners” training session is organized by the Sigenae platform. Perl one-liners are small and awesome Perl programs that fit in a single line of code and perform many operations such as replacing of text, spacing, deleting, calculation, manipulation in files and many more. This training will allow you to discover the power of Perl on the command line and learn how to use it to automate your file manipulations and command line generation with classical file formats such as tabulated text, fastq, sam/bam, and vcf.\r\n\r\nThis training lasts one day and is focused on practice. It consists of 3 parts with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\nIntroduction to Perl and its characteristics: Perl is a widely used programming language for data processing and task automation. We will introduce the main characteristics of Perl and discuss why it is particularly suited for biologists who want to manipulate files and generate command lines.\r\nPerl on the command line: we will show how to use Perl on the command line to perform common tasks, such as searching and replacing strings, merging files, and loop over lists of files.\r\nConcrete examples: we will present several concrete examples drawn from biology, such as extracting information from genomic sequence files, converting files between different formats, and generating command lines for data biology tools.\r\n \r\nThe session will take place in the room ‘salle de formation MIAT’ at INRAE center of Toulouse-Auzeville.", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)", "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)", "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Perl Langage" ], "prerequisites": [ "Linux/Unix", "Cluster" ], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 12, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 37, "name": "MIAT 0875", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 22, "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": null, "updated_at": "2023-04-06T13:37:15.444074Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "Novice", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 27, "name": "Perl avancé", "shortName": "", "description": "\nObjectifs\n\nAller plus loin avec Perl afin d’être autonome pour des manipulations complexes visant à extraire et reformater des données issues de fichiers texte.\n\n \n \n \n \nProgramme\n\n- Expressions régulières\n- Fonctions\n- Prise en main de Bioperl\n \n \nIllustration avec des exercices de manipulation de fichiers de séquences et de fichiers de résultats d’outils bionformatiques.\n \n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "Perl Langage" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Ce cycle est ouvert à l'ensemble des agents de l'INRA et aux extérieurs.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 83, "name": "Projet AMIDEX \"spongex\"", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Autre" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Accès en local aux différents clusters\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 84, "name": "Master STIC pour la Santé", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [ "Master" ], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Accès en local aux différents clusters\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 110, "name": "Galaxy : first step", "shortName": "", "description": " \n\nLe programme de cette introduction à Galaxy est le suivant : présentation de Galaxy, se connecter à l’instance toulousaine, commencer à utiliser certains outils bioinformatiques standards, la gestion des fichiers dans galaxy. Découvrir les bonnes pratiques dans Galaxy. Organisée en collaboration avec la plateforme Bioinfo Genotoul.\n\n\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Galaxy" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Avoir un compte sur la plateforme Bioinfo Genotoul (demande via un formulaire web sur notre site), s’inscrire (via notre site web) et payer 150 euros la journée pour un académique et 500 euros la journée pour un privé.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 111, "name": "Spectrométrie de masse, analyse protéomique et interprétation des données", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Autre" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 272, "name": "Molecular Phylogeny - Level 2", "shortName": "Phylogénie moléculaire - Niveau 2", "description": "OBJECTIF\r\n- Être capable de tester des hypothèses et d'ajuster des modèles permettant de comprendre l'évolution à l'échelle moléculaire\r\n\r\nPRÉREQUIS\r\n- Avoir déjà utilisé les logiciels de base en phylogénie moléculaire\r\n- Maîtriser les notions de base en statistiques (tests statistiques, principe du bootstrap, intervalles de confiances, etc.) et de probabilités (probabilités jointes / conditionnelles, théorème de Bayes, etc.)\r\n- Maîtriser un langage de programmation\r\n- Notions de phylogénie moléculaire\r\nAvoir suivi le stage \"Phylogénie moléculaire - formation de base\" ou niveau équivalent \r\n\r\nPROGRAMME\r\n- Phylogénétique et génétique des populations\r\n- Détection de sélection positive au sein de séquences codantes\r\n- Datation moléculaire : intégrer fossiles et molécules\r\n- Phylogénomique\r\n- Super-arbres et super-matrices, réconciliations d'arbres\r\n- Visualisation de l'information en phylogénie\r\n- Placement phylogénétique\r\n- Bases d'épidémiologie (modèles en compartiments, ODE, applications, etc)\r\n- Simulations selon une variété de modèles épidémiologiques\r\n- Phylodynamique : combiner épidémiologie et évolution", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced", "1200 €" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Phylogeny", "Selection Detection", "Phylogenomics" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 12, "contacts": [ "" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 1, "name": "CNRS formation entreprises", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 7, "name": "ATGC", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-01-24T10:49:17.913427Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 28, "name": "Initiation à R", "shortName": "", "description": "\nObjectifs\n\n- Présenter le langage de programmation R et ses principes.\n- Utiliser les principales fonctionnalités de ce langage pour effectuer des calculs mathématiques, statistiques ou des représentations graphiques.\n- Attention : ce module n'est ni un module de statistique, ni un module d'analyse statistique des données.\n\nProgramme\n\n- Structures et manipulation de données.\n- Principaux éléments du langage de programmation (boucle, fonctions…).\n- Différentes représentations graphiques de données/résultats (plot, histogramme, boxplot).\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Ce cycle est ouvert à l'ensemble des agents de l'INRA et aux extérieurs.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 29, "name": "Initiation à Python", "shortName": "", "description": "\nObjectifs\n\nInitiation à la programmation.\nRéalisation de tâches simples d'extractions d'informations.\nIdentifier les possibilités offertes par l'écriture de quelques lignes de codes.\n \n\n \n \n \n \nProgramme\n\n• Présentation de Python\n• Variables Python\n• Structures de contrôle\n• Réalisation de programmes simples\n• Gestion de fichiers\n• Fonctions\nIllustration avec des exercices de manipulation de fichiers de séquences\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "Python Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Ce cycle est ouvert à l'ensemble des agents de l'INRA et aux extérieurs.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], 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"personalised": null, "event_set": [] } ] }{ "count": 370, "next": "