
Cluster - session 08/10/2024
Oct. 8, 2024->Oct. 8, 2024
LINUX - session 07/10/2024
Oct. 7, 2024->Oct. 7, 2024
RNASeq Analysis
Oct. 2, 2024->Oct. 3, 2024
Introduction to Linux
Sept. 30, 2024->Sept. 30, 2024
July 1, 2024->July 2, 2024
Initiation à Git / Git Initiation - 2024
May 31, 2024->May 31, 2024
Linux Avancé / Advanced Linux - 2024
May 29, 2024->May 29, 2024
Galaxy / Galaxy Initiation - 2024
May 27, 2024->May 27, 2024
Initiation à R / R Initiation - 2024
May 22, 2024->May 22, 2024
Cluster - session 23/04/2024
April 23, 2024->April 23, 2024
LINUX - session 22/04/2024
April 22, 2024->April 22, 2024
BIGomics, Génomique Comparative
April 11, 2024->April 16, 2024
Advanced Python (2024 session)
March 28, 2024->March 29, 2024
RNASeq Analysis
March 20, 2024->March 21, 2024
Introduction to Linux
March 18, 2024->March 18, 2024
NGS data analysis on the command line - Session 6
March 11, 2024->March 15, 2024
BIGomics, Génomique Comparative Biopolis
March 4, 2024->March 8, 2024
Analyse de données de métabarcoding
Sept. 11, 2023->Sept. 14, 2023
New session of FAIR_bioinfo_@_AuBi
July 10, 2023->July 17, 2023
Git / Git Initiation - Session 1 - 2023
June 23, 2023->June 23, 2023
Reproducible Research 2023
June 14, 2023->June 16, 2023
RNA-Seq analysis 2023
May 31, 2023->June 1, 2023
Advanced HPC Trainings 2023
May 22, 2023->May 23, 2023
Advanced HPC Trainings 2022
May 18, 2023->May 19, 2023
Linux For Jedi 2023
May 15, 2023->May 16, 2023
Cluster - session 18/04/2023
April 18, 2023->April 18, 2023
LINUX - session 17/04/2023
April 17, 2023->April 17, 2023
Introduction to python 2023
April 17, 2023->April 20, 2023
Linux for Dummies 2023
April 6, 2023->April 7, 2023
New session of Molecular Phylogeny - Level 1
March 29, 2023->March 31, 2023
Nov. 28, 2022->Dec. 2, 2022
Linux Avancé / Advanced Linux - 2022 Session2
Nov. 22, 2022->Nov. 22, 2022
Cluster - session 2022/10/11
Oct. 11, 2022->Oct. 11, 2022
LINUX - session 2022/10/10
Oct. 10, 2022->Oct. 10, 2022
Metabarcoding analyses 2022
June 27, 2022->June 28, 2022
Introduction to python - May 2022
May 16, 2022->May 20, 2022
Linux For Jedi - April 2022
April 19, 2022->April 21, 2022
Linux for Dummies - April 2022
April 4, 2022->April 5, 2022
Cluster - session 2022/03/15
March 15, 2022->March 15, 2022
LINUX - session 2022/03/14
March 14, 2022->March 14, 2022
Formation MicroScope 2020 session 2
Nov. 23, 2020->Nov. 27, 2020
Phylogénie moléculaire
Nov. 2, 2020->Nov. 5, 2020
Formation MicroScope 2020 session 1
March 16, 2020->March 20, 2020
Train the Trainers 2020
Feb. 10, 2020->Feb. 11, 2020
W4E 2020
Feb. 3, 2020->Feb. 7, 2020
Dec. 2, 2019->Dec. 6, 2019
Les journées de l'IFB 2019
Nov. 27, 2019->None
Formation MicroScope 2019
Nov. 18, 2019->Nov. 22, 2019
ELIXIR Biohackathon 2019
Nov. 18, 2019->Nov. 22, 2019
Linux et script pour la bioinformatique
Nov. 4, 2019->Nov. 6, 2019
Analyses NGS avec R
Oct. 24, 2019->Oct. 25, 2019
R introduction
Oct. 22, 2019->Oct. 23, 2019
RNASeq alignment and transcripts assemblies
Oct. 16, 2019->Oct. 17, 2019
Oct. 15, 2019->None
Oct. 14, 2019->None
Oct. 13, 2019->None
Phylogénie moléculaire
Oct. 6, 2019->Oct. 10, 2019
RNASeq Analysis with Galaxy
Oct. 1, 2019->None
BioMAJ Hackaton
Sept. 26, 2019->Sept. 27, 2019
Assemblage de transcriptome
Sept. 25, 2019->Sept. 27, 2019
Analyse de données métagénomiques 16S
Sept. 16, 2019->Sept. 18, 2019
Initiation au langage R
Sept. 12, 2019->Sept. 13, 2019
Formation au package R-Shiny
July 9, 2019->July 10, 2019
JOBIM 2019
July 2, 2019->July 5, 2019
IBI - 2
June 30, 2019->July 2, 2019
Genopole Summer School 2019
June 24, 2019->June 28, 2019
Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with R
May 27, 2019->May 29, 2019
Analysis of NGS data with R
May 22, 2019->None
Introduction to R Language
May 20, 2019->None
Introduction to R Language
May 20, 2019->None
RNaseq with Galaxy
May 19, 2019->May 20, 2019
RNaseq with Galaxy
May 19, 2019->May 20, 2019
Advanced sequence analysis
May 13, 2019->None
Marseille Hackathon Training Event
April 23, 2019->April 26, 2019
ELIXIR Software Carpentry Workshop 2019
April 15, 2019->April 16, 2019
WAVES Training 2019
March 11, 2019->March 11, 2019
Gestion de données en Python - Avancé
March 2, 2019->March 3, 2019
Gestion de données avec Python : Initiation
Feb. 28, 2019->March 1, 2019
Introduction à la phylogénie moléculaire
Feb. 17, 2019->Feb. 21, 2019
Rôles multiples de l’ARN
Feb. 10, 2019->Feb. 21, 2019
Ecole single-cell 2019
Feb. 3, 2019->Feb. 8, 2019
Jan. 13, 2019->Feb. 7, 2019
Jan. 13, 2019->Feb. 7, 2019
WAVES Training 2018
Dec. 18, 2018->None
7ème Ecole de Bioinformatique AVIESAN-IFB
Nov. 25, 2018->Nov. 30, 2018
Aterlier de Bioinformatique (participation à)
Nov. 24, 2018->Nov. 28, 2018
RNASeq alignment and transcripts assemblies
Nov. 14, 2018->Nov. 15, 2018
Nov. 12, 2018->None
BioHackathon 2018
Nov. 12, 2018->Nov. 16, 2018
Cours Pasteur Analyse des Génomes
Nov. 4, 2018->Nov. 20, 2018
Building a FAIR Bioinformatics environment
Oct. 22, 2018->Oct. 24, 2018
W4E 2018
Oct. 8, 2018->Oct. 12, 2018
Formation au logiciel R
Oct. 8, 2018->Oct. 10, 2018
Formation au logiciel R
Oct. 8, 2018->Oct. 10, 2018
Data analysis
Oct. 7, 2018->Oct. 11, 2018
Data analysis
Oct. 7, 2018->Oct. 11, 2018
Galaxy : Reads alignment and SNP calling
Oct. 7, 2018->Oct. 8, 2018
Hommage à Christophe Caron
Sept. 28, 2018->None
Genopole Summer School 2018
June 25, 2018->June 29, 2018
Ecole thématique CNRS Single-cell 2018
June 17, 2018->June 22, 2018
Integrative Bioinformatics Symposium 2018
June 13, 2018->June 15, 2018
Anniversary RSAT/GINsim
May 16, 2018->May 17, 2018
MicroScope Open Days
May 14, 2018->May 15, 2018
analyse de données metabarcoding
May 13, 2018->May 17, 2018
Analyse de données metabarcoding
May 13, 2018->May 17, 2018
Metagenomic: amplicons and stats
April 9, 2018->April 12, 2018
ELIXIR Software Carpentry Workshop
March 28, 2018->March 29, 2018
Train the Trainers
March 26, 2018->March 27, 2018
Analyse de séquences
March 18, 2018->March 22, 2018
Analyse de séquences
March 18, 2018->March 22, 2018
High-performance computing Course
March 14, 2018->None
Galaxy - Initiation
March 14, 2018->None
Galaxy - Initiation
March 14, 2018->None
Linux For Jedi
March 12, 2018->None
Linux For Jedi
March 12, 2018->None
Linux For Dummies
March 11, 2018->None
Linux For Dummies
March 11, 2018->None
Analyse RNA-seq sous Galaxy
March 5, 2018->None
Analyse RNA-seq sous Galaxy
March 5, 2018->None
Administration Galaxy
Feb. 26, 2018->None
Feb. 8, 2018->Feb. 9, 2018
Galaxy initiation, RNAseq, SARTools
Jan. 29, 2018->Jan. 31, 2018
Formation BioMAJ
Dec. 17, 2017->Dec. 18, 2017
Formation BioMAJ
Dec. 17, 2017->Dec. 18, 2017
MicroScope: formation avancée
Dec. 3, 2017->Dec. 4, 2017
MicroScope: formation avancée
Dec. 3, 2017->Dec. 4, 2017
Cluster usage
Dec. 3, 2017->None
Cluster usage
Dec. 3, 2017->None
Linux advanced
Nov. 28, 2017->None
Linux Initiation
Nov. 27, 2017->None
Linux Initiation
Nov. 27, 2017->None
Analyse RNA-seq de novo
Nov. 21, 2017->Nov. 23, 2017
Analyse RNA-seq de novo
Nov. 21, 2017->Nov. 23, 2017
Analyse de données NGS sous Galaxy
Nov. 14, 2017->Nov. 16, 2017
Analyse de données NGS sous Galaxy
Nov. 14, 2017->Nov. 16, 2017
Elixir Board Meeting
Nov. 13, 2017->None
6ème Ecole de Bioinformatique AVIESAN-IFB
Nov. 12, 2017->Nov. 17, 2017
Aterlier de Bioinformatique (participation à)
Nov. 11, 2017->Nov. 16, 2017
Linux et script pour la bioinformatique
Nov. 6, 2017->Nov. 7, 2017
Linux et script pour la bioinformatique
Nov. 6, 2017->Nov. 7, 2017
Metagenomic amplicon analysis with stats
Nov. 5, 2017->Nov. 8, 2017
Assemblage de génome
Nov. 5, 2017->None
Assemblage de génome
Nov. 5, 2017->None
Initiation au cloud computing
Nov. 1, 2017->None
Initiation au cloud computing
Nov. 1, 2017->None
Analyse avancée de séquences
Oct. 22, 2017->Oct. 14, 2020
Analyse avancée de séquences
Oct. 22, 2017->Oct. 24, 2017
Introduction au logiciel R
Oct. 18, 2017->Oct. 20, 2017
Introduction à R
Oct. 17, 2017->Oct. 19, 2017
Introduction au logiciel R
Oct. 17, 2017->Oct. 19, 2017
Introduction à R
Oct. 17, 2017->Oct. 19, 2017
BioContainers Hackathon 2017
Oct. 9, 2017->Oct. 11, 2017
Phylogénie moléculaire
Oct. 8, 2017->Oct. 12, 2017
Formation CeSGO
Sept. 20, 2017->None
Genopole Summer School
July 4, 2017->July 7, 2017
Metagenomic amplicon analysis with stats
July 2, 2017->Nov. 8, 2017
Formation CeSGO
July 2, 2017->None
Metagenomic amplicon analysis with stats
July 2, 2017->July 5, 2017
Formation CeSGO
July 2, 2017->None
Mini-workshop Web viewers
June 28, 2017->None
Workshop Web Viewers
June 27, 2017->None
Workshop Web Viewers
June 27, 2017->None
GCC 2017
June 26, 2017->June 30, 2017
Analyse avancée de séquences sur mesure
June 25, 2017->June 26, 2017
Analyse avancée de séquences sur mesure
June 25, 2017->June 26, 2017
Analyse de données métagénomiques 16S
June 19, 2017->June 22, 2017
Formation librairie GATB
June 15, 2017->None
Formation librairie GATB
June 15, 2017->None
Python for Biology
June 6, 2017->June 8, 2017
Data Analysis boot camp
June 6, 2017->June 15, 2017
Journées "ReproHackathon"
June 1, 2017->June 2, 2017
May 28, 2017->June 1, 2017
May 28, 2017->June 1, 2017
RNASeq with Galaxy
May 22, 2017->May 23, 2017
RNASeq with Galaxy
May 22, 2017->May 23, 2017
Cluster - Usage
May 17, 2017->None
Cluster - Usage
May 17, 2017->None
Linux advanced
May 16, 2017->None
Linux advanced
May 16, 2017->None
May 16, 2017->May 17, 2017
Linux - Initiation
May 15, 2017->None
Linux - Initiation
May 15, 2017->None
Annotation de génomes microbiens
May 14, 2017->May 17, 2017
Cours MIGALE - Perl avancé
May 11, 2017->None
Perl avancé
May 10, 2017->None
Perl avancé
May 10, 2017->None
Perl avancé
May 10, 2017->None
Initiation à Perl
May 8, 2017->None
Initiation à Perl
May 8, 2017->May 9, 2017
Initiation à Perl
May 8, 2017->May 9, 2017
Traitements bioinfo RNA-seq
May 2, 2017->None
Linux et script pour la bioinformatique
May 2, 2017->May 3, 2017
International Conference on Holobionts
April 19, 2017->April 21, 2017
Initiation à GO-Docker
April 17, 2017->None
Initiation à GO-Docker
April 17, 2017->None
R - Advanced
April 4, 2017->None
R - Advanced
April 4, 2017->None
R - Initiation
April 3, 2017->None
R - Initiation
April 3, 2017->None
Analyse de données métagénomiques 16S
March 26, 2017->March 29, 2017
Cours Programmation Scientifique en Python
March 26, 2017->March 30, 2017
Cours Programmation Scientifique en Python
March 26, 2017->March 30, 2017
Analyse de données métagénomiques 16S
March 26, 2017->June 22, 2017
Modélisation 3D des protéines
March 22, 2017->None
Scientific Programming in Python
March 19, 2017->March 30, 2017
Scientific Programming in Python
March 19, 2017->March 30, 2017
NGS sous Galaxy
March 13, 2017->None
NGS sous Galaxy
March 13, 2017->None
Initiation à Galaxy
March 12, 2017->None
Formation MIGALE - Python avancé
March 10, 2017->None
Python avancé
March 9, 2017->None
Read alignment and SNP calling
March 8, 2017->None
Read alignment and small size variants calling
March 7, 2017->March 8, 2017
Read alignment and small size variants calling
March 7, 2017->March 8, 2017
Initiation à Python
March 7, 2017->March 8, 2017
Initiation à Python
March 7, 2017->None
Formation au cluster Genotoul
March 7, 2017->None
Initiation à Python
March 7, 2017->March 8, 2017
Initiation à R
March 6, 2017->None
March 6, 2017->None
March 6, 2017->None
Formation Genotoul Linux/Unix
March 6, 2017->None
March 5, 2017->None
March 5, 2017->None
Initiation à R
March 4, 2017->March 5, 2017
Initiation à R
March 4, 2017->March 5, 2017
Python avance
Feb. 28, 2017->None
Python avance
Feb. 28, 2017->None
Feb. 23, 2017->None
Feb. 23, 2017->None
Metagenomic amplicon analysis/Frogs
Feb. 19, 2017->Feb. 22, 2017
Metagenomic amplicon analysis/Frogs
Feb. 19, 2017->Feb. 22, 2017
Montpellier Omics Days 2017
Feb. 6, 2017->Feb. 7, 2017
Réunions IFB
Jan. 30, 2017->Jan. 31, 2017
European Galaxy Developer Workshop
Jan. 15, 2017->Jan. 19, 2017
European Galaxy Developer Workshop
Jan. 15, 2017->Jan. 18, 2017
Workflow4Metabolomics 2016
Nov. 28, 2016->Dec. 2, 2016
Journées SUCCES 2016
Nov. 23, 2016->Nov. 24, 2016
5ème Ecole de Bioinformatique AVIESAN-IFB
Nov. 20, 2016->Nov. 25, 2016
Analyse de données RNA-seq sous Galaxy
Nov. 15, 2016->Nov. 16, 2016
Bioinformatique et Analyses Mutationnelles
Nov. 13, 2016->Nov. 17, 2016
Initiation à Galaxy
Nov. 7, 2016->None
Formations Cloud IFB IBI-2
Oct. 19, 2016->None
Formations Cloud IFB IBI-1
Oct. 18, 2016->None
Oct. 18, 2016->Oct. 20, 2016
Formation à R
Oct. 12, 2016->Oct. 14, 2016
4ème Ecole de Bioinformatique AVIESAN
Sept. 27, 2015->Oct. 2, 2015
3ème Ecole de Bioinformatique AVIESAN
Oct. 5, 2014->Oct. 10, 2014
2ème Ecole de Bioinformatique AVIESAN
Nov. 17, 2013->Nov. 22, 2013
1ère Ecole de Bioinformatique AVIESAN
Jan. 14, 2013->Jan. 18, 2013