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{ "count": 144, "next": "", "previous": "", "results": [ { "id": 115, "name": "Chip-seq: Pattern Analysis tutorial", "description": "Goal\nThe aim is to :\nGet familiar with motif analysis of ChIP-seq data.\nLearn de novo motif discovery methods.\nIn practice :\nMotif discovery with peak-motifs\nDifferential analysis\nRandom controls\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Chip-Seq", "Pattern recognition", "NGS" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 112, "name": "Chip-seq: Motif Analysis Tutorial", "description": "Introduction\nGoal\nThe aim is to :\nGet familiar with motif analysis of ChIP-seq data.\nLearn de novo motif discovery methods.\nIn practice :\nMotif discovery with peak-motifs\nDifferential analysis\nRandom controls\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Chip-Seq", "Pattern recognition", "Motif analysis", "NGS" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [] }, { "id": 118, "name": "Chip-seq: Introduction to the Workshop", "description": "Data visualization, quality control, normalization & peak calling\nPeak annotation\nFrom peaks to motifs\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Chip-Seq" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 116, "name": "Chip-seq: Functional Annotation tutorial", "description": "Global Objective\nGiven a set of ChIP-seq peaks annotate them in order to find associated genes, genomic categories and functional terms.\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Chip-Seq", "Functional Annotation", "NGS" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [] }, { "id": 111, "name": "Chip-seq: Discovering motifs in peaks with RSAT", "description": "Read mapping: from raw reads to aligned reads.\nPeak calling: from aligned reads to regions/peaks of high read density.\nChIP-seq annotation\nIdentification of genes related to the peaks.\nProfiles of ChIP-seq reads around reference points (TSS, histone marks,).\nFunctional enrichment of the genes related to the peaks.\n\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Motif analysis", "Chip Seq", "NGS" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 113, "name": "Chip Seq: Annotation and visualization Tutorial", "description": "Global Objective\nGiven a set of ChIP-seq peaks annotate them in order to find associated genes, genomic categories and functional terms.\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Chip-Seq", "Data visualization", "Annotation", "NGS" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 114, "name": "Chip Seq: Annotation and visualization Lesson", "description": "How to add biological meaning to peaks\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Chip-Seq", "Data visualization", "Annotation", "NGS" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 65, "name": "Chip-seq Analysis", "description": "Quality, normalisation and peak calling\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "genomics", "Chip-Seq" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2016-11-22", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "", "", "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 23, "name": "Building a semantic search engine for biology publications using event stream processing", "description": "\n \n\nBuilding a semantic search engine for biology publications using event stream processing\n \n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "biohackaton 2018" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2019-03-21", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 24, "name": "bio-tools - EDAM drop-in hackathon - discussions", "description": ", EDAM drop-in hackathon and discussions\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "biohackaton 2018" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2019-03-21", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 25, "name": "Bioconda packaging of the Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT)", "description": "\n \n\nBioconda packaging of the Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT)\n \n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "biohackaton 2018" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2019-03-21", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 46, "name": "BioBlend API", "description": "BioBlend module, a python library to use Galaxy API\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Galaxy", "Python", "API" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2017-01-18", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "", "", "" ] }, { "id": 129, "name": "Bacterial Genome Annotation", "description": "This tutorial covers the questions:\r\n- Which genes are on a draft bacterial genome?\r\n- Which other genomic components can be found on a draft bacterial genome?\r\n\r\nAt the end of the tutorial, learners would be able to:\r\n- Run a series of tools to annotate a draft bacterial genome for different types of genomic components\r\n- Evaluate the annotation\r\n- Process the outputs to format them for visualization needs\r\n- Visualize a draft bacterial genome and its annotations", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "bacterial-genome-annotation", "topics": [ "", "" ], "keywords": [ "Bacterial isolate", "Annotation", "Galaxy" ], "audienceTypes": [ "Undergraduate", "Graduate", "Professional (initial)", "Professional (continued)" ], "audienceRoles": [ "Researchers", "Life scientists", "Biologists" ], "difficultyLevel": "Novice", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": "CC-BY-4.0", "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 26, "name": "Assessing the FAIRness of Training Materials", "description": "\n \n\nAssessing the FAIRness of Training Materials\n \n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "biohackaton 2018" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2019-03-21", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 81, "name": "Assessing microbial biogeography by using a metagenomic approach", "description": "Soils are highly complex ecosystems and are considered as one of the Earth’s main reservoirs of biological diversity. Bacteria account for a major part of this biodiversity, and it is now clear that such microorganisms have a key role in soil functioning processes. However, environmental factors regulating the diversity of below-ground bacteria still need to be investigated, which limits our understanding of the distribution of such bacteria at various spatial scales. The overall objectives of this study were: (i) to determine the spatial patterning of bacterial community diversity in soils at a broad scale, and (ii) to rank the environmental filters most influencing this distribution.\nThis study was performed at the scale of the France by using the French Soil Quality Monitoring Network. This network includes more than 2,200 soil samples along a systematic grid sampling. For each soil, bacterial diversity was characterized using a pyrosequencing approach targeting the 16S rRNA genes directly amplified from soil DNA, obtaining more than 18 million of high-quality sequences.\nThis study provides the first estimates of microbial diversity at the scale of France, with for example, bacterial richness ranging from 555 to 2,007 OTUs (on average: 1,289 OTUs). It also provides the first extensive map of bacterial diversity, as well as of major bacterial taxa, revealing a bacterial heterogeneous and spatially structured distribution at the scale of France. The main factors driving bacterial community distribution are the soil physico-chemical properties (pH, texture...) and land use (forest, grassland, crop system...), evidencing that bacterial spatial distribution at a broad scale depends on local filters such as soil characteristics and land use when regarding the community (quality, composition) as a whole. Moreover, this study also offers a better evaluation of the impact of land uses on soil microbial diversity and taxa, with consequences in terms of sustainability for agricultural systems.\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Metagenomics" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2016-12-16", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": "CC BY-NC-ND", "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 90, "name": "A Simple Phylogenetic Tree Construction (part 2)", "description": "Understand the method used in identifying an unknown sequence.\nUnderstand the limitations of this method\nGet to grips with various software (CLUSTALw, SeaView, Phylo_win and Njplot)\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Phylogenetics" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [ { "id": 19, "name": "PRABI-AMSB", "url": "" } ], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [] }, { "id": 91, "name": "A Simple Phylogenetic Tree Construction (part 1)", "description": "Understand the method behind constructing a phylogenetic tree from the search for sequences to the analysis of the tree.\nGet to grips with various bio-informatic software (BLAST, CLUSTALw, SeaView and Phylo_win).\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Phylogenetics" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [ { "id": 19, "name": "PRABI-AMSB", "url": "" } ], "dateCreation": null, "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [] }, { "id": 98, "name": "A Quick and focused overview of R data types and ggplot2 syntax", "description": "R and RStudio overview.\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "R", "Statistics", "Graphical analysis" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2016-04-01", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 27, "name": "Application of RDF-based models and tools for enhancing interoperable", "description": "\n \n\nApplication of RDF-based models and tools for enhancing interoperable use of biomedical resources\n \n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "biohackaton 2018" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2019-03-21", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] }, { "id": 97, "name": "Analysis of community composition data using phyloseq", "description": "Learn about and become familiar with phyloseq R package for the analysis of microbial census data\n", "communities": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "doi": null, "fileLocation": "", "fileName": "missing.txt", "topics": [], "keywords": [ "R", "Microbiomes" ], "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "providedBy": [], "dateCreation": "2016-04-01", "dateUpdate": null, "licence": null, "maintainers": [ "" ] } ] }