Training List
Handles creating, reading and updating training events.
GET /api/training/?format=api&offset=340&ordering=keywords", "previous": "", "results": [ { "id": 351, "name": "Introduction au language R / Introduction to R langage", "shortName": "Introduction to R langage", "description": "Objectifs pédagogiques :\r\nÀ l’issue de la formation, les stagiaires connaîtront les principales fonctionnalités du langage R et ses principes. Ils seront capables de les appliquer pour effectuer des calculs ou des représentations graphiques simples. Ils seront de plus autonomes pour manipuler leurs tableaux de données.\r\nAttention : ce module n’est ni un module de statistique, ni un module d’analyse statistique des données.\r\n\r\nProgramme :\r\n* Structures et manipulation de données\r\n* Principaux éléments du langage de programmation (boucle, fonctions…)\r\n* Différentes représentations graphiques de données/résultats (plot, histogramme, boxplot)", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [ "" ], "keywords": [ "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 10, "contacts": [ "" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" }, { "id": 88, "name": "BioinfOmics", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 10, "name": "MIGALE", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2024-01-18T12:51:01.486572Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "Novice", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": 2, "hoursHandsOn": 10, "hoursTotal": 12, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 129, "name": "R avancé", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 42, "name": "Initiation to R language", "shortName": "", "description": "OBJECTIVES :\n* Acquire basic knowledge on the R language\n* Experience the main features of R\n* Be autonomous in handling data\n* Perform simple statistical analysis and build charts\n* Learn how to create functions\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "This training is open to all (public and private) with no institution restrictions and is accessible through the University of Nantes continuing education programme.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 55, "name": "University of Nantes", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 344, "name": "Analyses Single Cell RNA-seq (ScRNA-seq) avec R", "shortName": "", "description": "Cette formation introduira notamment la librairie Seurat permettant la manipulation et l'analyse de données Single Cell RNA-seq ainsi que la visualisation des résultats d'analyse\r\n\r\n- Rappels des concepts du séquençage Single Cell RNA-seq\r\n- Importation des données Single Cell dans R\r\n- Intégration de données Single Cell multiples\r\n- Quality Check et pré-traitement des données\r\n- Normalisation de données\r\n- Identification de marqueurs\r\n- Clustering et assignation cellulaire\r\n- Analyse différentielle des groupes cellulaires\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données de spatialisation\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données de trajectoire\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données de communication cellulaire\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données d'épigénétique (ATAC-seq)", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics & Biomedical", "R Language", "R", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [ "Basic knowledge of R", "R programming" ], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "Maîtrise du langage R\r\nAvoir suivi le stage \"Langage R : introduction\" ou niveau équivalent.\r\nAfin de vérifier que votre maîtrise du langage R est suffisante pour pouvoir suivre ce stage, nous vous invitons à effectuer et à renvoyer le test téléchargeable\r\n", "maxParticipants": 12, "contacts": [ "" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [ { "id": 6, "name": "CNRS formation entreprise", "url": "" } ], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 1, "name": "CNRS formation entreprises", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 6, "name": "CBiB", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-08-31T09:19:56.754683Z", "audienceTypes": [ "Graduate", "Professional (initial)" ], "audienceRoles": [ "Biologists", "Bioinformaticians" ], "difficultyLevel": "Intermediate", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "- Savoir expertiser et manipuler des données issues d'expériences Single Cell RNA-seq\r\n- Savoir mener une analyse différentielle à de multiples niveaux\r\n- Savoir intégrer des données complémentaires pour l'analyse Single Cell RNA-seq (spatial, trajectoire, cell communication, cell identification...)", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "", "" ] }, { "id": 128, "name": "R initiation", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 103, "name": "Biostatistique avec R", "shortName": "", "description": "Apprendre à se servir du logiciel R dans le contexte de l’analyse de données biologiques tout en consolidant ses connaissances de base en biostatistique\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Personnel IHU-A-ICM, gratuit\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 392, "name": "Introduction au language R / Introduction to R langage", "shortName": "Introduction to R langage", "description": "Objectifs pédagogiques :\r\nÀ l’issue de la formation, les stagiaires connaîtront les principales fonctionnalités du langage R et ses principes. Ils seront capables de les appliquer pour effectuer des calculs ou des représentations graphiques simples. Ils seront de plus autonomes pour manipuler leurs tableaux de données.\r\nAttention : ce module n’est ni un module de statistique, ni un module d’analyse statistique des données.\r\n\r\nProgramme :\r\n* Structures et manipulation de données\r\n* Principaux éléments du langage de programmation (boucle, fonctions…)\r\n* Différentes représentations graphiques de données/résultats (plot, histogramme, boxplot)", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [ "" ], "keywords": [ "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 10, "contacts": [ "" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" }, { "id": 88, "name": "BioinfOmics", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 10, "name": "MIGALE", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2025-01-23T14:09:34.394672Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "Novice", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": 2, "hoursHandsOn": 10, "hoursTotal": 12, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "", "" ] }, { "id": 134, "name": "Initiation à l'analyse de données avec R", "shortName": "", "description": "Le cours s’adresse à des personnes qui veulent apprendre ou ré-apprendre à utiliser les statistiques à bon escient pour leurs propres projets. L’objectif est de présenter et expliquer les principales notions de statistiques utiles pour décrire un jeu de données, en explorer les propriétés afin d’en tirer des conclusions robustes, utiliser à bon escient les méthodes les plus courantes (tests d’hypothèse, ACP, …) et savoir lire, interpréter (et éventuellement aborder d’un œil critique) les résultats présentés dans les publications. Nous utiliserons le moins possible le formalisme mathématique mais insisterons sur les propriétés des méthodes, leurs pré-requis, l’interprétation des résultats. Nous aborderons les notions d’analyse exploratoire, ACP, clustering, estimation, échantillonnage, régression, tests d’hypothèse, planification d’expérience\nCe cours est une initiation à l’analyse de données. Il est préférable d’avoir une connaissance minimale de R. Dans le cas contraire, un tutoriel d’initiation est disponible sur la page web du cours et les notions de base de R seront rappelées pendant la pratique. Pour les personnes n’ayant jamais utilisé R, il peut être utile d’avoir des connaissances de base en programmation, quel que soit le langage.\nLes cours seront donnés en Français et alterneront théorie et pratique avec RStudio. Il est demandé à chaque participant de venir avec un ordinateur portable chargé sur lequel il aura préalablement installé les éléments nécessaires (R, Rstudio et les fichiers de données sur lesquels nous travaillerons). La liste complète des fichiers et logiciels nécessaires sera disponible sur la page web du cours une dizaine de jours avant le début de la session.\nderniere session: Mar 2016\n \n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Biostatistics", "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "Statistical Tests", "R Language", "Descriptive statistics" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "ouvert à tous, sur inscription.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 4, "name": "Introduction to data analysis with R", "shortName": "", "description": "The program includes an introduction:\nApproaches in biostatistics and research, explaining to participants the principles, methodologies, use of statistical methods and applications in biology and clinical research.\nCourses on software R will be delivered in the form of additional exercises. The basis of the programming language R will be discussed and statistical approaches presented in the theoretical part will be implemented.\nApplication of skills acquired over a personal dataset\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "R Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Aucune\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 9, "name": "Formation Professionnelles", "shortName": "", "description": "Séminaires et conférences invitées : 6 par an en moyenne\nDIU Oncogénétique\nDESC Cytogénétique\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics & Biomedical" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 140, "name": "Bioinformatique et Analyses Mutationnelles", "shortName": "", "description": "Module de formation à la bioinformatique appliquée à l'analyse des données génétiques dans le cadre des maladies génétiques humaines. Cet enseignement fait partie du Master 2 de Pathologie Humaine dispensé à la faculté de Médecine de la Timone à Marseille.\n \n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Bioinformatics & Biomedical", "Sequence analysis", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [ "Master (M2 uniquement)" ], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Inscription au Master 2 de Pathologie Humaine\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 7, "name": "InSilicoDb Analysis Training", "shortName": "", "description": "Interrogating public and private gene expression datasets for bio-medical researchers. This workshop will you teach about two subjects: 1- Genomics data management for the lab (efficiently store and make accessible microarray and NGS data), 2- Interrogation of your expression data and comparison and combination of your data with public data.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics & Biomedical" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Aucune\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 59, "name": "Advanced sequence analysis", "shortName": "", "description": "\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Analysis of RNAseq data", "Sequence Algorithm", "Bioinformatics & Biomedical", "Galaxy", "Variant analysis", "Transcriptomics (RNA-seq)", "Genomics (DNA-seq)", "Sequence annotation", "Pattern matching", "Multiple sequence alignment" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "CNRS fee-based training\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 6, "name": "Ingenuiy Pathways Analysis Workshop", "shortName": "", "description": "The User Group Meeting will consist of talks, customer case studies and interactive feedback sessions where new and existing users of QIAGEN’s Ingenuity products can learn about product updates, usability tips & tricks and best practices. Take advantage of this opportunity to engage with other users from the scientific community.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics & Biomedical" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Aucune\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 141, "name": "Biotechnologies et bioinformatique appliquées aux maladies rares", "shortName": "", "description": "Module optionnel du DIU Maladies rares : de la recherche au traitement.\n", "homepage": "…", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Bioinformatics & Biomedical", "Sequence analysis", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [ "Autre (Diplôme universitaire, école d'ingénieur ...)" ], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Inscription au DIU Maladies rares : de la recherche au traitement\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 344, "name": "Analyses Single Cell RNA-seq (ScRNA-seq) avec R", "shortName": "", "description": "Cette formation introduira notamment la librairie Seurat permettant la manipulation et l'analyse de données Single Cell RNA-seq ainsi que la visualisation des résultats d'analyse\r\n\r\n- Rappels des concepts du séquençage Single Cell RNA-seq\r\n- Importation des données Single Cell dans R\r\n- Intégration de données Single Cell multiples\r\n- Quality Check et pré-traitement des données\r\n- Normalisation de données\r\n- Identification de marqueurs\r\n- Clustering et assignation cellulaire\r\n- Analyse différentielle des groupes cellulaires\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données de spatialisation\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données de trajectoire\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données de communication cellulaire\r\n- Savoir intégrer les données d'épigénétique (ATAC-seq)", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics & Biomedical", "R Language", "R", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [ "Basic knowledge of R", "R programming" ], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "Maîtrise du langage R\r\nAvoir suivi le stage \"Langage R : introduction\" ou niveau équivalent.\r\nAfin de vérifier que votre maîtrise du langage R est suffisante pour pouvoir suivre ce stage, nous vous invitons à effectuer et à renvoyer le test téléchargeable\r\n", "maxParticipants": 12, "contacts": [ "" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [ { "id": 6, "name": "CNRS formation entreprise", "url": "" } ], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 1, "name": "CNRS formation entreprises", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 6, "name": "CBiB", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-08-31T09:19:56.754683Z", "audienceTypes": [ "Graduate", "Professional (initial)" ], "audienceRoles": [ "Biologists", "Bioinformaticians" ], "difficultyLevel": "Intermediate", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "- Savoir expertiser et manipuler des données issues d'expériences Single Cell RNA-seq\r\n- Savoir mener une analyse différentielle à de multiples niveaux\r\n- Savoir intégrer des données complémentaires pour l'analyse Single Cell RNA-seq (spatial, trajectoire, cell communication, cell identification...)", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "", "" ] }, { "id": 5, "name": "Partek Workshop", "shortName": "", "description": "Introduction to Partek® software and the principles of RNA-seq data analysis DNA-Seq analysis and annotations with Partek® Genomics Suite® Hands on analysis in Partek® Flow® including: Data import and sample annotation, Pre and post alignment quality control, Gene and transcript quantification, Detection of differential expression using powerful gene specific modeling\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics & Biomedical" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Aucune\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 152, "name": "Cycle « Analyse de données de séquençage à haut-débit » - Module 5/5 : Métagénomique", "shortName": "", "description": "Bilille propose chaque année un cycle de formation d'introduction à l'analyse des données de séquençage à haut débit.\r\nCe cycle est composé de 5 modules, à la carte : \r\n- Module 1: Analyses ADN\r\n- Module 2: Analyses de variants\r\n- Module 3: Analyses RNA-seq, bioinformatique\r\n- Module 4: Analyses RNA-seq, biostatistique\r\n- Module 5: Métagénomique\r\nLes fiches descriptives sont accessibles sur le site de Bilille. Chaque module comprend des présentations générales et des séances pratiques sur ordinateur, avec Galaxy.\r\nLes objectifs du module 5 sont :\r\n- Connaître les différentes méthodes de séquençage à haut débit pour la métagénomique, avec leurs avantages et leurs limites : métagénomique ciblée, métagénomique génomes entiers, métatranscriptomique\r\n- Comprendre les différentes étapes analytiques du traitement bioinformatique des données et savoir les mettre en œuvre\r\n- Savoir conduire une analyse statistique pour l’estimation de la richesse de la biodiversité\r\n- Aller jusqu’aux conclusions biologiques", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Metagenomics", "Assembly of genomes and transcriptomes", "Read alignment on genomes", "metatranscriptomics", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "- Etre familier avec la plate-forme web Galaxy (idéalement avoir suivi la formation bilille « Initiation à Galaxy »)\r\n- Avoir suivi le module 1/5 « Analyses ADN » de ce cycle ou toute autre formation permettant de justifier de connaissances sur les données de séquençage haut débit et leur alignement. Etre familier avec le vocabulaire et les étapes de base de l’analyse de données de séquençage : nettoyage, assemblage, mapping", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" }, { "id": 66, "name": "UDL", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Bilille", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2024-12-09T17:42:35.775242Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 159, "name": "Analyse de données metabarcoding", "shortName": "", "description": "Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue d'une formation sur l'analyse de données metabarcoding en mai 2018.\nCelle-ci vous proposera : \n- une formation complète à l'outil FROGS sous Galaxy\n- l'intervention de plusieurs experts du domaine avec exposés thématiques et tutoriaux \n- le tout sur 5j, du 14 au 18 mai prochain\nCette semaine thématique est co-organisée entre la cellule bioinformatique de l’ifremer à Brest, la plateforme MIGALE de Jouy et la plate-forme ABiMS de Roscoff qui accueillera la formation.\nRetrouver les détails du programme ici : \n\nSi cette formation vous intéresse, merci de bien vouloir compléter le formulaire d'inscription (disponible dans le lien ci-dessus).\n----------------------------------------\nWe are pleased to announce a training on metabarcoding data analysis in May 2018.\nThis one will propose to you:\n- complete training in the FROGS tool under Galaxy\n- the intervention of several experts in the field with thematic presentations and tutorials\n- all on 5days , from May 14 to 18\nThis theme week is co-organized with the IFREMER bioinformatic team (Brest) , the Migale bioinformatic platform(Jouy en Josas) and the ABiMS (Roscoff) bioinformatic platform and would take place in Roscoff..\nFind the details of the program here:\n\nIf you are interested in this training, please complete the registration form (see link above).\nTrainning will be in French with slides in English.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Ecology", "Biodiversity", "Microbial ecology", "NGS Data Analysis", "Metagenomics", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Dates et lieu\nDu 14 au 18 mai 2018\nStation Biologique de Roscoff\nPublic visé\nDoctorants, ITA, chercheurs, enseignants et ingénieurs impliqués dans des projets concrets d’analyse de données de metabarcoding.\nPré-requis\nAvoir une connaissance de l'environnement Galaxy et un projet d'analyse de données de metabarcoding.\nNombre de participants attendus\n18 participants.\nEtant donné le nombre limité de places pour cette formation, une sélection des participants sera réalisée dans le cas où nous aurions reçu plus de 18 candidatures.\nFrais d'inscription\n600€ HT (tarif unique)\nCes frais d'inscription comprennent les déjeuners et diners qui seront pris au restaurant Gulf Stream à Roscoff.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 144, "name": "FROGS formation : tools for bioinformatics and statistics analyses with amplicon metagenomics data", "shortName": "", "description": "This training session, organized by Bioinfo Genotoul, Sigenae, NED (GenPhySE) and TWB, is designed to help you to deal with NGS data of 16S, 18S ... DNA produced with MiSeq from Illumina and Roche 454 technologies in the Galaxy workbench.\nYou will discover how to use our Galaxy instance, clean reads, clusterize them, do the taxonomic affiliation and perform statistics to interpret your results.\nPrerequisites: knowledge of R or in another programming language\n", "homepage": "…", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Metagenomics", "metatranscriptomics", "Galaxy" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Subscribe by the web page :\nPrices : 165 euros per day for academic people, 550 per day otherwise.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] } ] }{ "count": 370, "next": "