Training List
Handles creating, reading and updating training events.
GET /api/training/?format=api&offset=120&ordering=-topics", "previous": "", "results": [ { "id": 252, "name": "Introduction to High-performance computing", "shortName": "", "description": "This course offers an introduction on how to work with HPC Southgreen clusters. It is intended for new users, with the goals of improving user productivity and minimizing the obstacles. The HPC Southgreen cluster are presented, together with the tools to be able to use it. Module load notion, interactive usage and batch jobs submittions will be developped.\nPrerequisites\nLinux Basics\n\nProgram\nIntroduction to HPCs architecture\nDiscover Sun grid Engine (SGE)\nData Management on clusters\nInteractive Usage\nSubmit batch jobs\n\n\nLearning objectives\nAfter this course, participants should be able to:\nUse the HPC resources interactively\nManage data copies\nUse module load\nsubmit batch jobs\n\n\nInstructors\n\n\nNdomassi Tando (NT) -\nBertrand Pitollat(BP) -\nAlexis Dereeper (AD) -\n\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 114, "name": "Initiation à la plateforme web GALAXY : L’analyse de données biologiques pour tous !", "shortName": "", "description": "Présentation\nL’analyse des données biologiques nécessite de plus en plus l’utilisation de ressources et d’environnements informatiques difficiles à maîtriser pour le biologiste.\nCette formation présente et décompose l’utilisation de l’environnement Galaxy.\nEn se basant sur une plateforme web, comme c’est la cas avec Mobyle, cet environnement propose une nouvelle approche pour rendre l’analyse biologique plus aisée pour les non- informaticiens.\nObjectifs \nPrise en main de l’environnement Galaxy et des différentes fonctionnalités proposées.\nOrganisation pédagogique \nLa formation comprendra un exposé théorique avec démonstrations pratiques complété par une rapide application sur la manipulation de données de régions génomiques.\nPublic visé\nChercheurs et ingénieurs, biologistes et bio-informaticiens possédant des compétences en développement bio-informatique souhaitant intégrer des outils dans le portail web Galaxy.\nPré-requis\nAucun.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Galaxy" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Pas de pré-requis.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 30, "name": "Python avancé", "shortName": "", "description": "\nObjectifs\n\nEtre autonome pour des manipulations simples visant à extraire, reformater des données issues de fichiers texte.\n \n\n \n \n \n \nProgramme\n\n- Expressions régulières\n- Gestion des erreurs\n- Biopython\n- Réalisation de programmes simples\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences", "Python Language" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Ce cycle est ouvert à l'ensemble des agents de l'INRA et aux extérieurs.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 105, "name": "Galaxy : packages and workflow deploiement.", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Galaxy" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 101, "name": "Encontro França-Brasil de BIoinformatica, Universidad Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC)", "shortName": "", "description": "08-12 novembre 2010\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Bioinformatics and Plant Genomics" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 81, "name": "Master Sciences & Numérique pour la Santé", "shortName": "", "description": "La spécialité BCD a pour objectif de former les étudiants issus des Sciences du vivant (agronomie, biologie moléculaire, cellulaire, physiologie animale et végétale, biochimie), des sciences médicales, de l'informatique ou des mathématiques aux besoins spécifiques de la bioinformatique, des systèmes d'informations, de l'extraction de connaissances et de la modélisation du vivant tout en renforçant les compétences de leur profil initial.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [ "Master" ], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "M1 : licence math, info, physique, EEA, biologie, STAPS + équiv. L3 de la formation pharma/médecine (ou tout équiv. 180 ECTS acquis) - M2 : master 1 ou équiv. (formation continue, VAE, ...)\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 1, "name": "Formation de base", "shortName": "", "description": "None EN\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "None EN\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 68, "name": "Sequences alignment and phylogeny ", "shortName": "", "description": "This training session is organized by the bios4Biol CATI and the genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at initiating participants to molecular phylogenetics studies.\nYou will discover how to build a sequence dataset, to align sequences, to edit and refine the resulting alignment.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 348, "name": "Advanced HPC Trainings", "shortName": "", "description": "This course continues the explanation on how to work on HPC Southgreen clusters. It is intended for experienced users, with the goals of improving LC user productivity and minimizing the obstacles. New notions and tools are presented such as job arrays, basic softwares installation,module environment and singularity. All these notions will be developped.", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "HPC", "SLURM" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Oprn to South Green close collaborators", "maxParticipants": 20, "contacts": [ "" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 85, "name": "IRD", "url": "" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-12-04T14:46:58.108350Z", "audienceTypes": [ "Professional (continued)" ], "audienceRoles": [ "All" ], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "", "" ] }, { "id": 69, "name": "Methods for phylogenetics trees construction", "shortName": "", "description": "This training session is organized by the bios4Biol CATI and aims at training participants to construct and interpret phylogenetic trees.\nYou will discover how to choose an evolutionary model and a phylogenetic inference method (among distance, parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods) and how to evaluate the robustness of a tree using bootstrap.\n", "homepage": "…", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Phylogeny", "Evolution and Phylogeny", "Molecular evolution", "Genes and genomes" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 70, "name": "Phylogenomy and selection pressure ", "shortName": "", "description": "This training session is organized by the bios4Biol CATI.\nMorning : phylogenomics\nThe morning course will provide insigths about sampling problems in phylogenomics studies (genes, species) and methodological aspects of phylogenomics studies with two major focus on super-matrix and super-tree methods.\nAfternoon : selection pressure\nThe afternoon course will be dedicated to the use of the PAML4 package in order to study selection pressures in a sequence alignment.\n", "homepage": "…", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Phylogeny", "Evolution and Phylogeny", "Molecular evolution", "Selection Detection", "Phylogenomics", "Genes and genomes" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 71, "name": "Galaxy : first step", "shortName": "", "description": "Galaxy is a workbench available for biologists from Sigenae Platform. Galaxy objectives are:\n First, making bioinfo Linux tools accessible to biologists.\n Then, it is possible to add Linux tools by developpers into Galaxy workbench.\n Then, Galaxy is used to hide the complexity of the infrastructure and to allow creation, execution and sharing of workflows.\nYou will acquire the following competencies required for the other Galaxy trainning:\n Login to Galaxy: Galaxy Workbench (To access to Galaxy, you need to have an LDAP Genotoul login and password).\n Begin to use some tools provided (BWA, SAM tools, FastQC).\n Work on files.\nOrganized jointly by the Sigenae and the Bioinfo Genotoul platform.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Web portals", "Galaxy", "Interfaces", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 72, "name": "Galaxy : Reads alignment and SNP calling", "shortName": "", "description": "As the command line training but with Galaxy. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and bioinfo genotoul platforms.\n", "homepage": "…", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Galaxy", "Variant analysis", "Genomics (DNA-seq)", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 73, "name": "Galaxy : RNASeq alignment and transcripts assemblies", "shortName": "", "description": "As the command line training but with Galaxy. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and the Bioinfo Genotoul platforms.\n", "homepage": "…", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Analysis of RNAseq data", "Gene expression differential analysis", "Galaxy", "Transcript and transcript variant analysis", "Transcriptomics (RNA-seq)", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 75, "name": "Galaxy: metagenomic: sequence analysis of amplicons from MiSeq and 454 sequencing with FROGS with Galaxy first step and statistics", "shortName": "", "description": "This training session, organized by Bioinfo Genotoul, Sigenae, NED (GenPhySE) and TWB, is designed to help you to deal with NGS data of 16S, 18S ... DNA produced with MiSeq from Illumina and Roche 454 technologies in the Galaxy workbench.\nYou will discover how to use our Galaxy instance, clean reads, clusterize them, do the taxonomic affiliation and perform statistics to interpret your results.\nPrerequisites: knowledge of R or in another programming language\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Galaxy" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "An account on the platform Bioinfo Genotoul is necessary (request a form on the website), you need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 349, "name": "Reproducible Research", "shortName": "", "description": "The following topics and tools are covered in the course:\r\n\r\n Data management\r\n Project organisation\r\n Git\r\n Conda\r\n Snakemake\r\n Nextflow\r\n R Markdown\r\n Jupyter\r\n Docker\r\n Singularity\r\n\r\nAt the end of the course, students should be able to:\r\n\r\n Use good practices for data analysis and management\r\n Clearly organise their bioinformatic projects\r\n Use the version control system Git to track and collaborate on code\r\n Use the package and environment manager Conda\r\n Use and develop workflows with Snakemake and Nextflow\r\n Use R Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks to document and generate automated reports for their analyses\r\n Use Docker and Singularity to distribute containerized computational environments", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [ "Linux - Basic Knowledge" ], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators", "maxParticipants": 20, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "url": "" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-12-04T15:16:00.921744Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "Novice", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "At the end of the course, students should be able to:\r\n\r\n Use good practices for data analysis and management\r\n Clearly organise their bioinformatic projects\r\n Use the version control system Git to track and collaborate on code\r\n Use the package and environment manager Conda\r\n Use and develop workflows with Snakemake and Nextflow\r\n Use R Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks to document and generate automated reports for their analyses\r\n Use Docker and Singularity to distribute containerized computational environments", "hoursPresentations": 8, "hoursHandsOn": 13, "hoursTotal": 21, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] }, { "id": 76, "name": "Master Bioinfo Toulouse ", "shortName": "", "description": "Organized by Sigenae and Bioinfo Genotoul platforms.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [ "Master" ], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 77, "name": "Formation de chercheurs", "shortName": "", "description": " lors de Workshop (organisation de séances de travaux pratiques)\n pour des formations individuelles\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Metagenomics" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Gratuit\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 78, "name": "Formation des post-doctorants", "shortName": "", "description": "Pour la recherche et l’annotation des IS.\n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "Metagenomics" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Gratuit\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [] }, { "id": 19, "name": "Analyse primaire de données issues de séquenceurs nouvelle génération sous Galaxy", "shortName": "", "description": "\nObjectifs\n\nConnaître les concepts et méthodes bioinformatiques utilisés pour l’analyse primaire de données issues de NGS. Application aux outils de mapping et d’assemblage.\nProgramme\nThéorie \n•Présentation des différents types de séquenceurs\n•Les grandes familles d’algorithmes de mapping de lectures courtes d’assemblage et les outils associés\nPratique\nAnalyse des données de séquençage d’un génome bactérien\n•Contrôle qualité\n•Assemblage de-novo\noNettoyage des données\noAssemblage\noVisualisation et statistiques sur l’assemblage\n•Comparaison à un génome de référence :\noMapping des lectures sur un génome proche\noVisualisation du mapping \n", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [ "NGS Data Analysis", "Galaxy", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "Ce cycle est ouvert à l'ensemble des agents de l'INRA et aux extérieurs.\n", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.812642Z", "audienceTypes": [], "audienceRoles": [], "difficultyLevel": "", "trainingMaterials": [], "learningOutcomes": "", "hoursPresentations": null, "hoursHandsOn": null, "hoursTotal": null, "personalised": null, "event_set": [ "" ] } ] }{ "count": 370, "next": "