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"id": 153,
"name": "xHeinz",
"description": "Software solver that searches for active subnetwork modules that are conserved between two species. It uses a branch-and-cut algorithm that finds provably optimal or near-optimal solutions. Active subnetwork modules are sets of genes, one for each species, which: - induce a connected subnetwork in a species-specific interaction network, - show overall differential behavior, and - contain a large number of orthologous genes.",
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"name": "Linda",
"description": "The web application Linda offers a complete tool for entering and managing metadata associated with a phenotyping experiment on plants. It thus makes it possible to intuitively describe experimental related information such as, for example, the experimental design, the growth protocols, the environmental variable measurements, etc. Linda is coupled with a database that stores this information in a structured manneer using oriented graphs. This database uses reference ontologies (e.g., Plant Ontology, Crop Ontology, etc.) and standards dedicated to this type of experiment such as the Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment (MIAPPE) standard. Data sharing is facilitated on the one hand by respecting the FAIR principles (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) and oon the other hand, by exporting this metadata relating to the experiment in tabulated formats or formatted for submission in the international databases (ISA-tab).",
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"name": "WheatIS",
"description": "This project aims at building an International Wheat Information System (WheatIS) to support the wheat research community. The main objective is to provide a single-access web based system to access to the available data resources and bioinformatics tools. The web portal indexes and makes findable any kind of data from wheat related species. \nThe WheatIS search is an implementation of DataDiscovery.",
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"name": "VirHostnet",
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"id": 148,
"name": "Vidjil",
"description": "Open-source platform for the interactive analysis of high-throughput sequencing data from lymphocyte recombinations. It contains an algorithm gathering reads into clonotypes according to their V(D)J junctions, a web application made of a sample, experiment and patient database and a visualization for the analysis of clonotypes along the time.",
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" Command-line"
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"name": "Viral Host Range database",
"description": "The Viral Host Range database represents a unique resource for the community to rapidly find, document analyze and disseminate data related to the range of hosts that a virus can infect. Over the years, countless host range experiments have been performed in many laboratories. However, these data are not readily available to the community and are therefore underexploited.\n\nThe VHRdb is an online resource that centralizes experimental data related to the host range of viruses. While it originates from bacteriophages and bacteria interaction studies, its design is compatible with viruses infecting all living forms. Users can browse publicly available data to find which host is infected by a virus, and vice versa. Users can also upload their own data while keeping it private or making it public, analyze results across independent sets of data, generate and visualize outputs. Data implemented in the VHRdb are linked to users and, if available, to publications and sequence identifiers.",
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"name": "VarAFT",
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"name": "UMD-Predictor",
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"id": 238,
"name": "TOXsIgN",
"description": "The TOXicogenomic sIgNature (TOXsIgN) is a cross-species resource that supports online submission, storage, and retrieval of TOXicogenomic sIgNatures. TOXsIgN aims at complementing existing resources by acting as a distribution hub for the community. One of its unique features is its ability to archive heterogeneous data. TOXsIgN thus allows users to upload lists of genes positively (overexpressed for transcriptomic assays) affected and negatively (underexpressed) affected from distinct –omics experiments (e.g., transcriptomics, proteomics, or epigenomics). It also provides users with a working environment containing a powerful search engine as well as bioinformatics/biostatistics modules that enable cross-species and cross-technology signature comparisons or enrichment analyses. TOXsIgN is thus intended to serve as a warehouse for toxicogenomics and predictive toxicology tools simultaneously based on and able to analyze the overall set of signatures deposited by the community.",
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"id": 124,
"name": "TOGGLE",
"description": "Toolbox for generic NGS analyses.",
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"id": 128,
"name": "Tedna",
"description": "A lightweight de novo transposable element assembler. It assembles the transposable elements directly from the raw reads.",
"homepage": "",
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"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:tedna",
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"id": 165,
"name": "T-Coffee",
"description": "A multiple sequence alignment package that can be used for DNA, RNA and protein sequences. It can be used to align sequences or to combine the output of other alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle...) into one unique alignment.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "tcoffee",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:tcoffee",
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"id": 173,
"name": "Tango",
"description": "A computer algorithm for prediction of aggregating regions in unfolded polypeptide chains. The model used here, is designed to predict cross-beta aggregation in peptides and denatured proteins and consists of a phase-space encompassing the random coil and 4 possible structural states: beta-turn, alpha-helix, beta-sheet aggregation and alpha-helical aggregation.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "tango",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:tango",
"tool_type": [
"Command-line tool"
"collection": [],
"scientific_topics": [
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"id": 144,
"name": "SynTView",
"description": "Comparative and interactive viewer for microbial genomes, designed to run as either a web-based tool (Flash technology) or a desktop application (AIR environment). The basis of the program is a generic genome browser with sub-maps holding information about genomic objects. The software is characterized by the presentation of syntenic organisations of microbial genomes and the visualization of polymorphism data along these genomes; these features are accessible to the user in an integrated way.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "syntview",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:syntview",
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"Desktop application"
"collection": [],
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"cost": "Free of charge",
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"id": 188,
"name": "SyntTax",
"description": "A web server linking synteny to prokaryotic taxonomy.",
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"biotoolsID": "synttax",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:synttax",
"tool_type": [
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"id": 116,
"name": "SulfAtlas",
"description": "SulfAtlas describes the family and sub-families of structurally-related sulfatases. Sub-families are created based on phylogenetic analyses and essentially correspond to different substrate specificities",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "SulfAtlas",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:SulfAtlas",
"tool_type": [
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"collection": [
"scientific_topics": [
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"operating_system": [
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"name": "Tristan Barbeyron",
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"orcidid": null,
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"id": 102,
"name": "Sugarcane Genome Hub",
"description": "The Sugarcane Genome Hub is an integrated web-based database providing centralized access to the sugarcane reference genome sequences and genomic resources.",
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"biotoolsID": "Sugarcane_Genome_Hub",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:Sugarcane_Genome_Hub",
"tool_type": [
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"collection": [
"Genome Hub",
"scientific_topics": [
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"operating_system": [
"tool_credit": [
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"url": null,
"orcidid": "",
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