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"id": 95,
"name": "RSAT oligo-analysis",
"description": "Compute k-mer frequencies (oligonucleotides or oligopeptides) and various statistics to discover exceptional motifs (over-represented or under-represented). Typical applications include discovery of transcription factor binding motifs, restriction sites in bacterial genomes, RNA termination and polyadenylation signals, detection of motifs associated with replication origins, analysis of oligopeptide frequencies in protein sequences.",
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"name": "OCG",
"description": "Creates an overlapping class system from an unweighted simple graph G = (V,E).OCG is essentially a hierarchical ascending algorithm. By default, it will fuse the initial classes until further fusions do not increase the modularity but other options are available.",
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"name": "RSAT position-analysis",
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"name": "Erpin",
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"id": 183,
"name": "SHOW",
"description": "Enables self-learning of HMM on a set of sequences, sequence segmentation based on the Baum-Welch or the Viterbi algorithms,and sequence simulation under a given HMM. Allows the user to specify any highly structured model and also to process large sets of sequences. Successfully used in diverse tasks such as DNA segmentation in homogeneous segments, bacterial gene prediction and human splice sites detection.",
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"name": "European Hepatitis C virus database (euHCVdb)",
"description": "European Hepatitis C virus database.",
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"name": "Lifemap",
"description": "Explorer of the entire tree of life. Lifemap allows visualizing the entire NCBI taxonomy on a single page with a deep zoom interface and performing easy search, mrca detection, subtree download, etc.",
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"name": "FAIDARE",
"description": "FAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research. \nThe purpose of this portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology from a federation of established data repositories.\n\nIt is based on the Breeding API (BrAPI) specifications and facilitates the access to genotype and phenotype datasets for crop and forest plants through an easy to use web interface. It also provides a standard interface that can be accessed programatically through web services.\n\nIt is an extension of the generic DataDiscovery portal, a web portal that allows finding any type of data across several databases through a lightweight keyword based search. FAIDARE offers more detailed search and data retrieval capabilities and it takes advantage of the growing adoption of the BrAPI.",
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"annual_visits": null,
"last_update": "2024-09-02T05:04:34.812991Z",
"teams": [
"source_repository": ""
"id": 258,
"name": "FAIR-Checker",
"description": "FAIR-Checker is a tool aimed at assessing FAIR principles and empowering data provider to enhance the quality of their digital resources. Data providers and consumers can check how FAIR are web resources. Developers can explore and inspect metadata exposed in web resources.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "fair-checker",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:fair-checker",
"tool_type": [
"Web application"
"collection": [],
"scientific_topics": [
"primary_publication": [
"operating_system": [
"tool_credit": [],
"tool_licence": null,
"documentation": null,
"maturity": "Emerging",
"cost": "Free of charge",
"unique_visits": null,
"citations": null,
"annual_visits": null,
"last_update": "2024-11-24T14:45:19.260708Z",
"teams": [
"IFB Core"
"source_repository": null