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            "id": 174,
            "name": "Linda",
            "description": "The web application Linda offers a complete tool for entering and managing metadata associated with a phenotyping experiment on plants. It thus makes it possible to intuitively describe experimental related information such as, for example, the experimental design, the growth protocols, the environmental variable measurements, etc. Linda is coupled with a database that stores this information in a structured manneer using oriented graphs. This database uses reference ontologies (e.g., Plant Ontology, Crop Ontology, etc.) and standards dedicated to this type of experiment such as the Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment (MIAPPE) standard. Data sharing is facilitated on the one hand by respecting the FAIR principles (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) and oon the other hand, by exporting this metadata relating to the experiment in tabulated formats or formatted for submission in the international databases (ISA-tab).",
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            "description": "Tool that combines two or more draft assemblies, without relying on a reference genome and has the goal to reduce contig fragmentation and thus speed-up genome finishing. The algorithm builds an extension graph where vertices represent extremities of contigs and edges represent existing alignments between these extremities. These alignment edges are used for contig extension. The resulting output assembly corresponds to a path in the extension graph that maximizes the cumulative contig length.",
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            "description": "Software solver that searches for active subnetwork modules that are conserved between two species. It uses a branch-and-cut algorithm that finds provably optimal or near-optimal solutions. Active subnetwork modules are sets of genes, one for each species, which: - induce a connected subnetwork in a species-specific interaction network, - show overall differential behavior, and - contain a large number of orthologous genes.",
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            "id": 47,
            "name": "BYKdb",
            "description": "Bacterial protein tYrosine Kinase database (BYKdb). Bacterial tyrosine-kinases share no resemblance with their eukaryotic counterparts and they have been unified in a new protein family named BY-kinases. However, BY-kinase sequence annotations in primary databases remain incomplete. This prompted us to develop a specialized database of computer-annotated BY-kinase sequences.",
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