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"id": 13,
"name": "Human Splicing Finder",
"description": "The Human Splicing Finder (HSF) system combines 12 different algorithms to identify and predict mutations’ effect on splicing motifs including the acceptor and donor splice sites, the branch point and auxiliary sequences known to either enhance or repress splicing: Exonic Splicing Enhancers (ESE) and Exonic Splicing Silencers (ESS).",
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"name": "VarAFT",
"description": "VarAFT (Variant Analysis and Filtration Tool) is a standalone and multiplatform tool for annotation and prioritization of potential disease causing genes. With this tool users can annotate variant (VCF) files, combine multiple samples from various individuals, prioritize list of variants by multi-filtering parameters. Additionally, users can perform a coverage analysis and quality check from any BAM file.",
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"id": 125,
"name": "Gigwa",
"description": "The Gigwa application, which stands for “Genotype Investigator for Genome-Wide Analyses”, provides an easy and intuitive way to explore large amounts of genotyping data by filtering it not only on the basis of variant features, including functional annotations, but also matching genotype patterns. It is a fairly lightweight, web-based, platform-independent solution that may be deployed on a workstation or as a data portal. It allows to feed a MongoDB database with VCF, PLINK or HapMap files containing up to tens of billions of genotypes, and provides a user-friendly interface to filter data in real time. Gigwa provides the means to export filtered data into several popular formats and features connectivity not only with online genomic tools, but also with standalone software such as FlapJack or IGV. Additionnally, Gigwa-hosted datasets are interoperable via two standard REST APIs: GA4GH and BrAPI.",
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"name": "Genetic and Genomic Information System (GnpIS)",
"description": "A multispecies integrative information system dedicated to plant and fungi pests.. It allows researchers to access genetic, phenotypic and genomic data. It is used by both large international projects and the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment",
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"id": 94,
"name": "VarAFT",
"description": "VarAFT (Variant Analysis and Filtration Tool) is a standalone and multiplatform tool for annotation and prioritization of potential disease causing genes. With this tool users can annotate variant (VCF) files, combine multiple samples from various individuals, prioritize list of variants by multi-filtering parameters. Additionally, users can perform a coverage analysis and quality check from any BAM file.",
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"name": "FAIDARE",
"description": "FAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research. \nThe purpose of this portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology from a federation of established data repositories.\n\nIt is based on the Breeding API (BrAPI) specifications and facilitates the access to genotype and phenotype datasets for crop and forest plants through an easy to use web interface. It also provides a standard interface that can be accessed programatically through web services.\n\nIt is an extension of the generic DataDiscovery portal, a web portal that allows finding any type of data across several databases through a lightweight keyword based search. FAIDARE offers more detailed search and data retrieval capabilities and it takes advantage of the growing adoption of the BrAPI.",
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"name": "Linda",
"description": "The web application Linda offers a complete tool for entering and managing metadata associated with a phenotyping experiment on plants. It thus makes it possible to intuitively describe experimental related information such as, for example, the experimental design, the growth protocols, the environmental variable measurements, etc. Linda is coupled with a database that stores this information in a structured manneer using oriented graphs. This database uses reference ontologies (e.g., Plant Ontology, Crop Ontology, etc.) and standards dedicated to this type of experiment such as the Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment (MIAPPE) standard. Data sharing is facilitated on the one hand by respecting the FAIR principles (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) and oon the other hand, by exporting this metadata relating to the experiment in tabulated formats or formatted for submission in the international databases (ISA-tab).",
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"name": "mosaic",
"description": "Software which calculates the ‘mosaicity’ of a one dimensional hybrid zone. This package uses likelihood to fit step-wise models to one dimensional hybrid zone data, and to estimate the ‘mosaicity’ of the hybrid zone.",
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"description": "Browser that helps navigate among abundant homologies, syntenies and genes annotations.",
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"description": "A web server linking synteny to prokaryotic taxonomy.",
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"name": "OrthoInspector",
"description": "Software system incorporating an original algorithm for the rapid detection of orthology and inparalogy relations between different species.",
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"name": "DiscoSNP",
"description": "This software is designed for discovering Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) from raw set(s) of reads obtained with Next Generation Sequencers (NGS).",
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"name": "Workflow4Metabolomics",
"description": "First fully open-source and collaborative online platform for computational metabolomics. It includes preprocessing, normalization, quality control, statistical analysis of LC/MS, FIA-MS, GC/MS and NMR data.",
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"name": "RSAT retrieve-ensembl-seq",
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