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"name": "GINsim",
"description": "Computer tool for the modeling and simulation of genetic regulatory networks.",
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"name": "DiNAMO",
"description": "The DiNAMO software implements an exhaustive algorithm to detect over-represented IUPAC motifs in a set of DNA sequences.",
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"name": "FastME",
"description": "Distance algorithms to infer phylogenies. It's based on balanced minimum evolution, which is the very principle of NJ. It includes Nearest Neighbor Interchange (NNI) and also Subtree Pruning and Regrafting (SPR), while remaining as fast as NJ and providing a number of facilities: distance estimation for DNA and proteins with various models and options, bootstrapping, and parallel computations.",
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"id": 165,
"name": "T-Coffee",
"description": "A multiple sequence alignment package that can be used for DNA, RNA and protein sequences. It can be used to align sequences or to combine the output of other alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle...) into one unique alignment.",
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"name": "SHAMAN",
"description": "SHiny application for Metagenomic ANalysis including the normalization, the differential analysis and mutiple visualization. It is based on DESeq2 R package [Anders and Huber 2010] for the analysis of metagenomic data, as suggested in [McMurdie and Holmes 2014, Jonsson2016]. It robustly identifies the differential abundant genera with the Generalized Linear Model implemented in DESeq2 [Love 2014].",
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"name": "ANISEED",
"description": "ANISEED is the main model organism database for the worldwide community of scientists working on tunicates (sister-group of vertebrates). It integrates for each species: \ni) a main knowledge base with extended functional, gene expression, phenotyping, anatomical and phylogenetic information; \nii) A multispecies genomic browser; \niii) a Genomicus gene synteny browser.",
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"name": "MacSyFinder",
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