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"id": 161,
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"description": "PEP-SiteFinder is a web server tool for the blind identification of peptide binding sites on protein surfaces.",
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"name": "Gametogenesis and reproductive tissue expression",
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"name": "REPET",
"description": "The REPET package integrates bioinformatics pipelines dedicated to detect, annotate and analyze transposable elements (TEs) in genomic sequences. The main pipelines are (i) TEdenovo, which search for interspersed repeats, build consensus sequences and classify them according to TE features, and (ii)\n TEannot, which mines a genome with a library of TE sequences, for instance the one produced by the TEdenovo pipeline, to provide TE annotations exported into GFF3 files.",
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"name": "xHeinz",
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"name": "JASS",
"description": "software package that handles the computation of the joint statistics over sets of selected GWAS results, and the interactive exploration of the results through a web interface.",
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"name": "iPPI-DB",
"description": "IPPI-DB is a database of modulators of protein-protein interactions. It contains exclusively small molecules and therefore no peptides. The data are retrieved from the literature either peer reviewed scientific articles or world patents. A large variety of data is stored within IPPI-DB: structural, pharmacological, binding and activity profile, pharmacokinetic and cytotoxicity when available, as well as some data about the PPI targets themselves.",
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"name": "Viral Host Range database",
"description": "The Viral Host Range database represents a unique resource for the community to rapidly find, document analyze and disseminate data related to the range of hosts that a virus can infect. Over the years, countless host range experiments have been performed in many laboratories. However, these data are not readily available to the community and are therefore underexploited.\n\nThe VHRdb is an online resource that centralizes experimental data related to the host range of viruses. While it originates from bacteriophages and bacteria interaction studies, its design is compatible with viruses infecting all living forms. Users can browse publicly available data to find which host is infected by a virus, and vice versa. Users can also upload their own data while keeping it private or making it public, analyze results across independent sets of data, generate and visualize outputs. Data implemented in the VHRdb are linked to users and, if available, to publications and sequence identifiers.",
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"id": 125,
"name": "Gigwa",
"description": "The Gigwa application, which stands for “Genotype Investigator for Genome-Wide Analyses”, provides an easy and intuitive way to explore large amounts of genotyping data by filtering it not only on the basis of variant features, including functional annotations, but also matching genotype patterns. It is a fairly lightweight, web-based, platform-independent solution that may be deployed on a workstation or as a data portal. It allows to feed a MongoDB database with VCF, PLINK or HapMap files containing up to tens of billions of genotypes, and provides a user-friendly interface to filter data in real time. Gigwa provides the means to export filtered data into several popular formats and features connectivity not only with online genomic tools, but also with standalone software such as FlapJack or IGV. Additionnally, Gigwa-hosted datasets are interoperable via two standard REST APIs: GA4GH and BrAPI.",
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"id": 108,
"name": "RSAT position-analysis",
"description": "Detect oligomers (k-mers) whose positional distribution significantly discard from a homogeneous distribution.",
"homepage": "",
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"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:RSAT-position-analysis",
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"id": 110,
"name": "RSAT retrieve-ensembl-seq",
"description": "Returns upstream, downstream, intronic, exonic, UTR, transcript, mRNA, CDS or gene sequences for a list of genes from the EnsEMBL database.\nMulti-genome queries are supported: automatic retrieval of sequences for all the orthologs of the query genes, at a given taxonomical level.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "rsat-retrieve-ensembl-seq",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:rsat-retrieve-ensembl-seq",
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"Command-line tool"
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"id": 109,
"name": "RSAT dyad-analysis",
"description": "Detect over- or under-represented dyads (spaced pairs of k-mers) in sequences.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "RSAT_dyad-analysis",
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"Command-line tool"
"collection": [
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"id": 138,
"name": "SARTools",
"description": "R package dedicated to the differential analysis of RNA-seq data. It provides tools to generate descriptive and diagnostic graphs, to run the differential analysis with one of the well known DESeq2 or edgeR packages and to export the results into easily readable tab-delimited files. It also facilitates the generation of a HTML report which displays all the figures produced, explains the statistical methods and gives the results of the differential analysis.",
"homepage": "",
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"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:sartools",
"tool_type": [
"Command-line tool"
"collection": [
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"name": "EDAM-Browser",
"description": "The EDAM Browser is a client-side web-based visualization javascript widget of the EDAM ontology. \nThe EDAM Browser provides users a simple and performant interface to explore EDAM when annotating or searching for bioinformatics resources.\nIts goals are to help describing bio-related resources and service with EDAM, and to facilitate and foster community contributions to EDAM.",
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"id": 145,
"name": "MacSyFinder",
"description": "Program to model and detect macromolecular systems, genetic pathways... in protein datasets. In prokaryotes, these systems have often evolutionarily conserved properties: they are made of conserved components, and are encoded in compact loci (conserved genetic architecture). The user models these systems to reflect these conserved features, and to allow their efficient detection.",
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"id": 176,
"name": "Galaxy",
"description": "Open, web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research. Whether on the free public server or your own instance, you can perform, reproduce, and share complete analyses.",
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"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:galaxy",
"tool_type": [
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"Web application",
"Web API"
"collection": [
"Animal and Crop Genomics"
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"name": "Lifemap",
"description": "Explorer of the entire tree of life. Lifemap allows visualizing the entire NCBI taxonomy on a single page with a deep zoom interface and performing easy search, mrca detection, subtree download, etc.",
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"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:Lifemap",
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