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"id": 90,
"name": "FAIDARE",
"description": "FAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research. \nThe purpose of this portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology from a federation of established data repositories.\n\nIt is based on the Breeding API (BrAPI) specifications and facilitates the access to genotype and phenotype datasets for crop and forest plants through an easy to use web interface. It also provides a standard interface that can be accessed programatically through web services.\n\nIt is an extension of the generic DataDiscovery portal, a web portal that allows finding any type of data across several databases through a lightweight keyword based search. FAIDARE offers more detailed search and data retrieval capabilities and it takes advantage of the growing adoption of the BrAPI.",
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"name": "WheatIS",
"description": "This project aims at building an International Wheat Information System (WheatIS) to support the wheat research community. The main objective is to provide a single-access web based system to access to the available data resources and bioinformatics tools. The web portal indexes and makes findable any kind of data from wheat related species. \nThe WheatIS search is an implementation of DataDiscovery.",
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"name": "Plant DataDiscovery",
"description": "The purpose of this web portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology managed by different laboratories across the world.\n\nThe web portal indexes and makes findable any kind of plant data. Plant DataDiscovery is an implementation of DataDiscovery.",
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"name": "CRISPRFinder",
"description": "Detects this family of direct repeats found in the DNA of many bacteria and archaea.",
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"id": 146,
"name": "fqtools",
"description": "A package that provides tools for efficient FASTQ files manipulation.",
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"Pasteur HUB"
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"id": 152,
"name": "PipeAlign2",
"description": "Takes one or more protein sequences as input and analyzes them in a five-step process during which searches for sequence homologues, analyses of multiple sequence alignments, and hierarchical relationships between protein subfamilies are performed.",
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"id": 132,
"name": "Minia",
"description": "Short-read assembler based on a de Bruijn graph, capable of assembling a human genome on a desktop computer in a day.",
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"name": "Logol",
"description": "Pattern matching grammar language and a set of tools to search a pattern in a sequence (nucleic or proteic).",
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"name": "Protomata",
"description": "Motif search and discovery in protein sequences.",
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"name": "CRAC",
"description": "CRAC is a mapping software specialized for RNA-Seq data. It detects mutations, indels, splice or fusion junctions in each single read.",
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"name": "REPET",
"description": "The REPET package integrates bioinformatics pipelines dedicated to detect, annotate and analyze transposable elements (TEs) in genomic sequences. The main pipelines are (i) TEdenovo, which search for interspersed repeats, build consensus sequences and classify them according to TE features, and (ii)\n TEannot, which mines a genome with a library of TE sequences, for instance the one produced by the TEdenovo pipeline, to provide TE annotations exported into GFF3 files.",
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"id": 159,
"name": "SABBAC",
"description": "Tool for the reconstruction of complete protein structures from their alpha-carbon descriptions.",
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"id": 103,
"name": "Ciona robusta Anatomy and Development Ontology",
"description": "The first ontology describing the anatomy and the development of Ciona robusta, based on the Hotta developmental table.",
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"id": 164,
"name": "InterEvDock",
"description": "Ab initio protein docking based on rigid-body sampling followed by consensus scoring using physics-based and statistical potentials, including the InterEvScore function specifically developed to incorporate co-evolutionary information in docking.",
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"name": "Frog",
"description": "Frog2 (Free Online Drug Conformation 2) is a service aimed at generating 3D conformations for small molecules starting from their 1D, 2D or 3D descriptions (smiles, sdf or mol2 input formats). Frog2 improves upon Frog1 by embedding new energy minimization and ring generation capacities.",
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"name": "Fpocket",
"description": "Web server which detects small molecule pockets by relying on the geometric alpha sphere theory. It also tracks pockets during molecular dynamics so to provide insight on pocket dynamics (mdpocket) and transposes mdpocket to the combined analysis of homologous structures (hpocket).",
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"name": "PEP-FOLD",
"description": "PEP-FOLD uses a hidden Markov model-derived structural alphabet for de novo modeling of 3D conformations of peptides between 9-25 amino acids in aqueous solution. Updates to PEP-FOLD allow for modeling of linear and disulphide bonded cyclic peptides with 9-36 amino acids using benchmarked peptides.",
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"description": "PEP-SiteFinder is a web server tool for the blind identification of peptide binding sites on protein surfaces.",
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"name": "microSysMics",
"description": "This workflow provides an automated microbiome data analysis, starting with sequenced taxonomic markers (such as 16SrRNA) and using the standard QIIME2 toolbox to produce an abundance table and preliminary diversity, phylogeny and taxonomy analysis.",
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"name": "VarAFT",
"description": "VarAFT (Variant Analysis and Filtration Tool) is a standalone and multiplatform tool for annotation and prioritization of potential disease causing genes. With this tool users can annotate variant (VCF) files, combine multiple samples from various individuals, prioritize list of variants by multi-filtering parameters. Additionally, users can perform a coverage analysis and quality check from any BAM file.",
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