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"id": 179,
"name": "MACSIMS",
"description": "Multiple alignment-based information management system that combines the advantages of both knowledge-based and ab initio sequence analysis methods.",
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"name": "NGS-QC Generator",
"description": "Comparative analysis between ChIP-seq and other enrichment-related NGS datasets requires prior characterization of their degree of technical similarity. The Galaxy tool NGS-QC Generator is a computational-based approach that infers quality indicators from the distribution of sequenced reads associated to a particular NGS profile. Such information is then used for comparative purposes and for defining strategies to improve the quality of sample-derived datasets.",
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"name": "Logol",
"description": "Pattern matching grammar language and a set of tools to search a pattern in a sequence (nucleic or proteic).",
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"name": "Linda",
"description": "The web application Linda offers a complete tool for entering and managing metadata associated with a phenotyping experiment on plants. It thus makes it possible to intuitively describe experimental related information such as, for example, the experimental design, the growth protocols, the environmental variable measurements, etc. Linda is coupled with a database that stores this information in a structured manneer using oriented graphs. This database uses reference ontologies (e.g., Plant Ontology, Crop Ontology, etc.) and standards dedicated to this type of experiment such as the Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment (MIAPPE) standard. Data sharing is facilitated on the one hand by respecting the FAIR principles (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) and oon the other hand, by exporting this metadata relating to the experiment in tabulated formats or formatted for submission in the international databases (ISA-tab).",
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"id": 172,
"name": "Mix",
"description": "Tool that combines two or more draft assemblies, without relying on a reference genome and has the goal to reduce contig fragmentation and thus speed-up genome finishing. The algorithm builds an extension graph where vertices represent extremities of contigs and edges represent existing alignments between these extremities. These alignment edges are used for contig extension. The resulting output assembly corresponds to a path in the extension graph that maximizes the cumulative contig length.",
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"id": 168,
"name": "FastME",
"description": "Distance algorithms to infer phylogenies. It's based on balanced minimum evolution, which is the very principle of NJ. It includes Nearest Neighbor Interchange (NNI) and also Subtree Pruning and Regrafting (SPR), while remaining as fast as NJ and providing a number of facilities: distance estimation for DNA and proteins with various models and options, bootstrapping, and parallel computations.",
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"name": "MPscan",
"description": "MPscan (multi-pattern scan) is a program for mapping short reads (<30bp) exactly on a set of reference sequences (eg, a genome) without indexing the reference. MPscan performs only exact mapping (no substitution, nor indels), is fast (optimal complexity), and easy to use.",
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"name": "CRAC",
"description": "CRAC is a mapping software specialized for RNA-Seq data. It detects mutations, indels, splice or fusion junctions in each single read.",
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"name": "T-Coffee",
"description": "A multiple sequence alignment package that can be used for DNA, RNA and protein sequences. It can be used to align sequences or to combine the output of other alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle...) into one unique alignment.",
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"id": 164,
"name": "InterEvDock",
"description": "Ab initio protein docking based on rigid-body sampling followed by consensus scoring using physics-based and statistical potentials, including the InterEvScore function specifically developed to incorporate co-evolutionary information in docking.",
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"name": "PEP-FOLD",
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"id": 162,
"name": "HCA (hydrophobic cluster analysis)",
"description": "The HCA method is based on the use of a bidimensional plot, called the HCA plot. The bidimensional plot is associated with an alpha helicoidal pitch (3.6 residue/turn, connectivity distance of 4) which has been shown to offer the best correspondence between clusters and regular secondary structures. Examination of the HCA plot of a protein sequence allow to easily identify globular regions from non globular ones and, in globular regions, to identify secondary structures.",
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"name": "PEP-SiteFinder",
"description": "PEP-SiteFinder is a web server tool for the blind identification of peptide binding sites on protein surfaces.",
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"description": "Frog2 (Free Online Drug Conformation 2) is a service aimed at generating 3D conformations for small molecules starting from their 1D, 2D or 3D descriptions (smiles, sdf or mol2 input formats). Frog2 improves upon Frog1 by embedding new energy minimization and ring generation capacities.",
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"id": 158,
"name": "Fpocket",
"description": "Web server which detects small molecule pockets by relying on the geometric alpha sphere theory. It also tracks pockets during molecular dynamics so to provide insight on pocket dynamics (mdpocket) and transposes mdpocket to the combined analysis of homologous structures (hpocket).",
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"id": 153,
"name": "xHeinz",
"description": "Software solver that searches for active subnetwork modules that are conserved between two species. It uses a branch-and-cut algorithm that finds provably optimal or near-optimal solutions. Active subnetwork modules are sets of genes, one for each species, which: - induce a connected subnetwork in a species-specific interaction network, - show overall differential behavior, and - contain a large number of orthologous genes.",
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