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"results": [
"id": 109,
"name": "RSAT dyad-analysis",
"description": "Detect over- or under-represented dyads (spaced pairs of k-mers) in sequences.",
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"id": 108,
"name": "RSAT position-analysis",
"description": "Detect oligomers (k-mers) whose positional distribution significantly discard from a homogeneous distribution.",
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"id": 56,
"name": "CyanoLyase",
"description": "Manually curated sequence and amino acid motif database gathering all the different phycobilin lyases and related protein sequences available in public databases.",
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"name": "SPROUTS",
"description": "SPROUTS has two general functions.\nThe first is to provide existing mutation data given a protein specified by a PDB ID. This is Query mode.\nThe second is to generate new mutation data based on a new PDB ID or a user input. This is Submit mode.",
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"description": "This tool manages your RNA-Seq and ChIP-seq data.",
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"name": "HOGENOM",
"description": "It allows selection of sets of homologous genes among species, and visualisation of multiple alignments and phylogenetic trees. It is useful for comparative sequence analysis, phylogeny, molecular evolution studies and to get a view of what is known about a peculiar gene family.",
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"id": 110,
"name": "RSAT retrieve-ensembl-seq",
"description": "Returns upstream, downstream, intronic, exonic, UTR, transcript, mRNA, CDS or gene sequences for a list of genes from the EnsEMBL database.\nMulti-genome queries are supported: automatic retrieval of sequences for all the orthologs of the query genes, at a given taxonomical level.",
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"name": "SulfAtlas",
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"id": 95,
"name": "RSAT oligo-analysis",
"description": "Compute k-mer frequencies (oligonucleotides or oligopeptides) and various statistics to discover exceptional motifs (over-represented or under-represented). Typical applications include discovery of transcription factor binding motifs, restriction sites in bacterial genomes, RNA termination and polyadenylation signals, detection of motifs associated with replication origins, analysis of oligopeptide frequencies in protein sequences.",
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"name": "SMS",
"description": "Phylogenetic model selection using likelihood-based criteria. SMS stends for Smart Model Selection.",
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"name": "VirHostnet",
"description": "Virus-Host Network is a knowledge-base system dedicated to the curation, the integration, the management and the analysis of virus-host molecular (mainly protein-protein) interaction networks as well as their functional annotation (molecular functions, cellular pathways, protein domains). VirHostNet contains high quality and up-to-date information gathered and curated from public databases.",
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"name": "T-Coffee",
"description": "A multiple sequence alignment package that can be used for DNA, RNA and protein sequences. It can be used to align sequences or to combine the output of other alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle...) into one unique alignment.",
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"name": "IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system",
"description": "IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system® is the global reference in immunogenetics and immunoinformatics, created in 1989 by Marie-Paule Lefranc (Université de Montpellier and CNRS). IMGT® is a high-quality integrated knowledge resource specialized in the immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR), major histocompatibility (MH) of human and other vertebrate species, and in the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF), MH superfamily (MhSF) and related proteins of the immune system (RPI) of vertebrates and invertebrates. IMGT® provides a common access to sequence, genome and structure Immunogenetics data, based on the concepts of IMGT-ONTOLOGY and on the IMGT Scientific chart rules. IMGT® works in close collaboration with EBI (Europe), DDBJ (Japan) and NCBI (USA). IMGT® consists of sequence databases, genome database, structure database, and monoclonal antibodies database, Web resources and interactive tools.",
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"name": "Ocean Gene Atlas",
"description": "The Ocean Gene Atlas service provides data mining access to three complementary data objects: gene sequence catalogs (ENA), sample environmental context (PANGAEA), and gene abundances estimates in samples (computed by mapping sequence reads onto gene catalogs).\nUser queries are composed of either a sequence (nucleic or protein), or a hidden Markov model derived from a multiple sequence alignment. Homologs of the user query in the gene catalogs are identified using standard sequence similarity search tools (eg BLAST or HMMER), and their read based estimated abundance are displayed in interactive maps and plots. A phylogenetic tree is also inferred in order to situate the user query within its context of marine environmental homologs as well as known homologs from reference sequences.",
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