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"count": 207,
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"results": [
"id": 95,
"name": "RSAT oligo-analysis",
"description": "Compute k-mer frequencies (oligonucleotides or oligopeptides) and various statistics to discover exceptional motifs (over-represented or under-represented). Typical applications include discovery of transcription factor binding motifs, restriction sites in bacterial genomes, RNA termination and polyadenylation signals, detection of motifs associated with replication origins, analysis of oligopeptide frequencies in protein sequences.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "oligo-analysis",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:oligo-analysis",
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"id": 108,
"name": "RSAT position-analysis",
"description": "Detect oligomers (k-mers) whose positional distribution significantly discard from a homogeneous distribution.",
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"name": "Protomata",
"description": "Motif search and discovery in protein sequences.",
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"biotoolsID": "protomata",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:protomata",
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"name": "TOXsIgN",
"description": "The TOXicogenomic sIgNature (TOXsIgN) is a cross-species resource that supports online submission, storage, and retrieval of TOXicogenomic sIgNatures. TOXsIgN aims at complementing existing resources by acting as a distribution hub for the community. One of its unique features is its ability to archive heterogeneous data. TOXsIgN thus allows users to upload lists of genes positively (overexpressed for transcriptomic assays) affected and negatively (underexpressed) affected from distinct –omics experiments (e.g., transcriptomics, proteomics, or epigenomics). It also provides users with a working environment containing a powerful search engine as well as bioinformatics/biostatistics modules that enable cross-species and cross-technology signature comparisons or enrichment analyses. TOXsIgN is thus intended to serve as a warehouse for toxicogenomics and predictive toxicology tools simultaneously based on and able to analyze the overall set of signatures deposited by the community.",
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"id": 14,
"name": "UMD-Predictor",
"description": "A tool that provides a combinatorial approach to identify potential pathogenic variations, that associates the following data: localization within the protein, conservation, biochemical properties of the mutant and wild-type residues, and the potential impact of the variation on mRNA.",
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"Rare Disease",
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"name": "S-MART",
"description": "This tool manages your RNA-Seq and ChIP-seq data.",
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"id": 128,
"name": "Tedna",
"description": "A lightweight de novo transposable element assembler. It assembles the transposable elements directly from the raw reads.",
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"id": 94,
"name": "VarAFT",
"description": "VarAFT (Variant Analysis and Filtration Tool) is a standalone and multiplatform tool for annotation and prioritization of potential disease causing genes. With this tool users can annotate variant (VCF) files, combine multiple samples from various individuals, prioritize list of variants by multi-filtering parameters. Additionally, users can perform a coverage analysis and quality check from any BAM file.",
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"name": "VirHostnet",
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"name": "BIONJ",
"description": "This software is well suited for distances estimated from DNA or protein sequences. It has better topological accuracy than NJ in all evolutionary conditions; its superiority becomes important when the substitution rates are high and varying among lineages.",
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"name": "CompPhy",
"description": "Web-based collaborative platform for comparing phylogenies.",
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"id": 168,
"name": "FastME",
"description": "Distance algorithms to infer phylogenies. It's based on balanced minimum evolution, which is the very principle of NJ. It includes Nearest Neighbor Interchange (NNI) and also Subtree Pruning and Regrafting (SPR), while remaining as fast as NJ and providing a number of facilities: distance estimation for DNA and proteins with various models and options, bootstrapping, and parallel computations.",
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"name": "LoRDEC",
"description": "Program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads.",
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"description": "Fast dating using least-squares criteria and algorithms",
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"id": 167,
"name": "MPscan",
"description": "MPscan (multi-pattern scan) is a program for mapping short reads (<30bp) exactly on a set of reference sequences (eg, a genome) without indexing the reference. MPscan performs only exact mapping (no substitution, nor indels), is fast (optimal complexity), and easy to use.",
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"id": 243,
"name": "RAPPAS",
"description": "RAPPAS stands for Rapid Alignment-free Phylogenetic Placement via Ancestral Sequences. It uses an alignment-free approach for phylogenetic placement, thus removing the hurdle of query sequence alignment.",
"homepage": "",
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"id": 240,
"name": "SMS",
"description": "Phylogenetic model selection using likelihood-based criteria. SMS stends for Smart Model Selection.",
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"name": "WAVES",
"description": "WAVES is a web application dedicated to bioinformatic tool integration. It provides an efficient way to implement a service for any bioinformatic software. Such services are automatically made available in three ways: web pages, web forms to include in remote websites, and a RESTful web services API to access remotely from applications. In order to fulfill the service’s computational needs, WAVES can perform computation on various resources and environments, such as Galaxy instances.",
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"name": "ORDO",
"description": "The Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology (ORDO) - structured vocabulary for rare diseases, capturing relationships between diseases, genes and other relevant features. It integrates a classification of rare diseases, relationships (gene-disease relations, epiemological data) and connections with other terminologies (MeSH, UMLS, MedDRA), databases (OMIM, UniProtKB, HGNC, ensembl, Reactome, IUPHAR, Geantlas) and classifications (ICD10).",
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"name": "GalaxEast",
"description": "GalaxEast aims at providing a large range of bioinformatics tools for the analysis of various types of Omics data. It supports reproducible computational research by providing an environment for performing and recording bioinformatics analyses.",
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