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"id": 197,
"name": "JASS",
"description": "software package that handles the computation of the joint statistics over sets of selected GWAS results, and the interactive exploration of the results through a web interface.",
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"name": "leBIBI",
"description": "Quick bioInformatic phylogeny of prokaryotes.",
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"name": "Plant DataDiscovery",
"description": "The purpose of this web portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology managed by different laboratories across the world.\n\nThe web portal indexes and makes findable any kind of plant data. Plant DataDiscovery is an implementation of DataDiscovery.",
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"name": "DataDiscovery",
"description": "DataDiscovery aims at providing researchers a simple and fast access to relevant biological data using specific keywords and easy to use filters.\n\nThis tool is expected to be easily customizable for specific filters, environments, or data schemas. Its current implementations supported by URGI are: WheatIS, Plant, RARe.",
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"name": "FAIDARE",
"description": "FAIDARE: FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research. \nThe purpose of this portal is to facilitate the discoverability of public data on plant biology from a federation of established data repositories.\n\nIt is based on the Breeding API (BrAPI) specifications and facilitates the access to genotype and phenotype datasets for crop and forest plants through an easy to use web interface. It also provides a standard interface that can be accessed programatically through web services.\n\nIt is an extension of the generic DataDiscovery portal, a web portal that allows finding any type of data across several databases through a lightweight keyword based search. FAIDARE offers more detailed search and data retrieval capabilities and it takes advantage of the growing adoption of the BrAPI.",
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"id": 87,
"name": "Genetic and Genomic Information System (GnpIS)",
"description": "A multispecies integrative information system dedicated to plant and fungi pests.. It allows researchers to access genetic, phenotypic and genomic data. It is used by both large international projects and the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment",
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"Animal and Crop Genomics"
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"id": 92,
"name": "RARe",
"description": "RARe is a research infrastructure registered on the french national roadmap that brings together five networks of BRCs conserving genetic, genomic, and biological resources assembled and characterized by research on domestic animals, model or cultivated plants, wild species related to domestic animals, forest trees, micro-organisms of agronomic or agri-food interest, micro-organisms and environmental organisms.\nThe purpose of this web portal is to facilitate the discoverability of these data. \nRARe search is an implementation of DataDiscovery.",
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"name": "REPET",
"description": "The REPET package integrates bioinformatics pipelines dedicated to detect, annotate and analyze transposable elements (TEs) in genomic sequences. The main pipelines are (i) TEdenovo, which search for interspersed repeats, build consensus sequences and classify them according to TE features, and (ii)\n TEannot, which mines a genome with a library of TE sequences, for instance the one produced by the TEdenovo pipeline, to provide TE annotations exported into GFF3 files.",
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"name": "WheatIS",
"description": "This project aims at building an International Wheat Information System (WheatIS) to support the wheat research community. The main objective is to provide a single-access web based system to access to the available data resources and bioinformatics tools. The web portal indexes and makes findable any kind of data from wheat related species. \nThe WheatIS search is an implementation of DataDiscovery.",
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"name": "Viral Host Range database",
"description": "The Viral Host Range database represents a unique resource for the community to rapidly find, document analyze and disseminate data related to the range of hosts that a virus can infect. Over the years, countless host range experiments have been performed in many laboratories. However, these data are not readily available to the community and are therefore underexploited.\n\nThe VHRdb is an online resource that centralizes experimental data related to the host range of viruses. While it originates from bacteriophages and bacteria interaction studies, its design is compatible with viruses infecting all living forms. Users can browse publicly available data to find which host is infected by a virus, and vice versa. Users can also upload their own data while keeping it private or making it public, analyze results across independent sets of data, generate and visualize outputs. Data implemented in the VHRdb are linked to users and, if available, to publications and sequence identifiers.",
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"name": "ANISEED",
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"name": "Ciona robusta Anatomy and Development Ontology",
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"name": "Genomicus-plants",
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"name": "Gbrowse giant virus",
"description": "A genome browser instance dedicated to giant viruses discovered by the IGS Laboratory",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "gbrowse_giant_virus",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:gbrowse_giant_virus",
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"last_update": "2022-12-01T20:12:00.006926Z",
"teams": [],
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"id": 157,
"name": "OCG",
"description": "Creates an overlapping class system from an unweighted simple graph G = (V,E).OCG is essentially a hierarchical ascending algorithm. By default, it will fuse the initial classes until further fusions do not increase the modularity but other options are available.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "ocg",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:ocg",
"tool_type": [
"Command-line tool"
"collection": [],
"scientific_topics": [
"primary_publication": [],
"operating_system": [
"tool_credit": [
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"last_update": "2024-11-25T16:02:04.280293Z",
"teams": [
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"id": 173,
"name": "Tango",
"description": "A computer algorithm for prediction of aggregating regions in unfolded polypeptide chains. The model used here, is designed to predict cross-beta aggregation in peptides and denatured proteins and consists of a phase-space encompassing the random coil and 4 possible structural states: beta-turn, alpha-helix, beta-sheet aggregation and alpha-helical aggregation.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "tango",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:tango",
"tool_type": [
"Command-line tool"
"collection": [],
"scientific_topics": [
"primary_publication": [],
"operating_system": [
"tool_credit": [
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"last_update": "2018-12-10T12:58:45Z",
"teams": [
"source_repository": null
"id": 97,
"name": "Ocean Gene Atlas",
"description": "The Ocean Gene Atlas service provides data mining access to three complementary data objects: gene sequence catalogs (ENA), sample environmental context (PANGAEA), and gene abundances estimates in samples (computed by mapping sequence reads onto gene catalogs).\nUser queries are composed of either a sequence (nucleic or protein), or a hidden Markov model derived from a multiple sequence alignment. Homologs of the user query in the gene catalogs are identified using standard sequence similarity search tools (eg BLAST or HMMER), and their read based estimated abundance are displayed in interactive maps and plots. A phylogenetic tree is also inferred in order to situate the user query within its context of marine environmental homologs as well as known homologs from reference sequences.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "Ocean_Gene_Atlas",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:Ocean_Gene_Atlas",
"tool_type": [
"Database portal"
"collection": [
"scientific_topics": [
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"tool_credit": [
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"name": "OCEANOMICS",
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"orcidid": null,
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"typeEntity": "Funding agency",
"note": "ANR-11-BTBR-0008"
"tool_licence": "Not licensed",
"documentation": "",
"maturity": "Mature",
"cost": "Free of charge",
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"last_update": "2024-11-24T20:59:34.208631Z",
"teams": [],
"source_repository": null
"id": 109,
"name": "RSAT dyad-analysis",
"description": "Detect over- or under-represented dyads (spaced pairs of k-mers) in sequences.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "RSAT_dyad-analysis",
"biotoolsCURIE": "biotools:RSAT_dyad-analysis",
"tool_type": [
"Web service",
"Web application",
"Command-line tool"
"collection": [
"Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT)"
"scientific_topics": [
"primary_publication": [
"operating_system": [
"tool_credit": [
"type_role": [],
"name": "UNAM",
"email": null,
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"orcidid": null,
"gridid": "grid.9486.3",
"typeEntity": "Institute",
"note": null
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"name": "Université Libre de Bruxelles",
"email": null,
"url": "",
"orcidid": null,
"gridid": "grid.4989.c",
"typeEntity": "Institute",
"note": null
"type_role": [
"Primary contact"
"name": "Jacques van Helden",
"email": null,
"url": null,
"orcidid": "",
"gridid": null,
"typeEntity": "Person",
"note": null
"tool_licence": "AFL-3.0",
"documentation": "",
"maturity": "Mature",
"cost": "Free of charge",
"unique_visits": null,
"citations": null,
"annual_visits": null,
"last_update": "2020-06-16T10:55:27Z",
"teams": [],
"source_repository": ""