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"id": 1,
"name": "VirHostnet",
"description": "Virus-Host Network is a knowledge-base system dedicated to the curation, the integration, the management and the analysis of virus-host molecular (mainly protein-protein) interaction networks as well as their functional annotation (molecular functions, cellular pathways, protein domains). VirHostNet contains high quality and up-to-date information gathered and curated from public databases.",
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"name": "REPET",
"description": "The REPET package integrates bioinformatics pipelines dedicated to detect, annotate and analyze transposable elements (TEs) in genomic sequences. The main pipelines are (i) TEdenovo, which search for interspersed repeats, build consensus sequences and classify them according to TE features, and (ii)\n TEannot, which mines a genome with a library of TE sequences, for instance the one produced by the TEdenovo pipeline, to provide TE annotations exported into GFF3 files.",
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"name": "CyanoLyase",
"description": "Manually curated sequence and amino acid motif database gathering all the different phycobilin lyases and related protein sequences available in public databases.",
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"name": "SortMeRNA",
"description": "Sequence analysis tool for filtering, mapping and OTU-picking NGS reads.",
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"name": "UMD-Predictor",
"description": "A tool that provides a combinatorial approach to identify potential pathogenic variations, that associates the following data: localization within the protein, conservation, biochemical properties of the mutant and wild-type residues, and the potential impact of the variation on mRNA.",
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"name": "PepPSy",
"description": "A gene expression-based prioritization system to help investigators to determine in which human tissues they should look for an unseen protein.",
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"name": "Vidjil",
"description": "Open-source platform for the interactive analysis of high-throughput sequencing data from lymphocyte recombinations. It contains an algorithm gathering reads into clonotypes according to their V(D)J junctions, a web application made of a sample, experiment and patient database and a visualization for the analysis of clonotypes along the time.",
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"name": "RSAT dyad-analysis",
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"name": "GINsim",
"description": "Computer tool for the modeling and simulation of genetic regulatory networks.",
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"name": "Orphanet",
"description": "Information on rare diseases and orphan drugs.",
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"id": 162,
"name": "HCA (hydrophobic cluster analysis)",
"description": "The HCA method is based on the use of a bidimensional plot, called the HCA plot. The bidimensional plot is associated with an alpha helicoidal pitch (3.6 residue/turn, connectivity distance of 4) which has been shown to offer the best correspondence between clusters and regular secondary structures. Examination of the HCA plot of a protein sequence allow to easily identify globular regions from non globular ones and, in globular regions, to identify secondary structures.",
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"name": "ParameciumDB",
"description": "Online community database for Paramecium species. Contains annotation of genome sequences and features, genome-wide data sets, advanced capabilities to query, retrieve, visualize and compare data.",
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"name": "GAG",
"description": "Generates an NCBI .tbl file of annotations on a genome.",
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"id": 95,
"name": "RSAT oligo-analysis",
"description": "Compute k-mer frequencies (oligonucleotides or oligopeptides) and various statistics to discover exceptional motifs (over-represented or under-represented). Typical applications include discovery of transcription factor binding motifs, restriction sites in bacterial genomes, RNA termination and polyadenylation signals, detection of motifs associated with replication origins, analysis of oligopeptide frequencies in protein sequences.",
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"Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT)"
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"name": "MacSyFinder",
"description": "Program to model and detect macromolecular systems, genetic pathways... in protein datasets. In prokaryotes, these systems have often evolutionarily conserved properties: they are made of conserved components, and are encoded in compact loci (conserved genetic architecture). The user models these systems to reflect these conserved features, and to allow their efficient detection.",
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"id": 141,
"name": "DroPNet",
"description": "DroPNet is a webserver for generating and analyzing Drosophila protein-protein interaction networks. Input data is a list of genes from an experiment such as RNAi screen.",
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"id": 94,
"name": "VarAFT",
"description": "VarAFT (Variant Analysis and Filtration Tool) is a standalone and multiplatform tool for annotation and prioritization of potential disease causing genes. With this tool users can annotate variant (VCF) files, combine multiple samples from various individuals, prioritize list of variants by multi-filtering parameters. Additionally, users can perform a coverage analysis and quality check from any BAM file.",
"homepage": "",
"biotoolsID": "varaft",
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"tool_type": [
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