Team List
Handles creating, reading and updating teams.
GET /api/team/?format=api&offset=40&ordering=-ifbMembership", "results": [ { "id": 42, "name": "BONSAI", "logo_url": "", "description": "The team Bonsai has been re-created on January 1, 2011, and is an evolution of the INRIA-LIFL team Sequoia, which was created in 2007. The scientific focus of Bonsai is still very much the same as the one of Sequoia. We work in computational biology, and more specifically o n algorithms for biological sequences analysis. Several topics of Bonsai were already present in Sequoia: Noncoding RNA analysis and non ribosomal peptide synthesis. We also work on further lines of research: Algorithms for Next Generation Sequencing and comparison of sequences at genome scale taking into account rearrangements. These lines of research find their source in the development of new sequencing technologies and the increasing availability of complete genome sequence data. They are supported by strategical collaborations, and they also reinforce the expertise of the team in sequence analysis and genome annotation. The main goal of Bonsai is to define appropriate combinatorial models and efficient algorithms for large-scale sequence analysis in molecular biology.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Avenue Henri Poincaré 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq France", "city": "Villeneuve d'Ascq", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 97, "name": "Université de Lille", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [], "members": [ "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Associated Team", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "50.606180", "lng": "3.138530", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T13:29:07.799103Z" }, { "id": 13, "name": "MBI-DS4H", "logo_url": "", "description": "La plateforme MBI signifie \"Modélisation des biomolécules et de leurs interactions\". Il s'agit essentiellement d'une plateforme de recherche offrant des services dans le cadre de projets scientifiques collaboratifs. Les principales activités de la plateforme concernent la modélisation 3D de protéines en interaction avec des ligands, des protéines, de l'ARN ou de l'ADN ss, ainsi que l'annotation fonctionnelle de biomolécules. Les programmes disponibles comprennent la simulation dynamique moléculaire (logiciel NAMD), l'arrimage rigide très rapide et les programmes de comparaison de formes, qui sont exécutés sur des grappes hybrides de CPU et de GPU. L'expertise en science des données, y compris l'exploration de données symboliques, l'apprentissage machine, l'analyse de graphes complexes, est également disponible pour la bio-informatique et les applications biomédicales.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "615 Rue du Jardin Botanique\r\n54600 Villers-lès-Nancy\r\nFrance", "city": "Villers-lès-Nancy", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 61, "name": "INRIA", "url": "" }, { "id": 72, "name": "Inria Nancy - Grand-Est research centre", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 61, "name": "INRIA", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Protein/protein interaction modelisation", "proteins/peptides and proteins/nucleic acids", "Structural Bioinformatics" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "hexserver" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Associated Team", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.665526", "lng": "6.157679", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T14:30:47.596338Z" }, { "id": 45, "name": "CENTURI-MEP", "logo_url": "", "description": "La plateforme multi-engineering a été créée en 2019 dans le cadre du projet interdisciplinaire “The Turing Centre for Living Systems” (CENTURI) à Marseille. Les ingénieurs de cette plateforme interdisciplinaire fournissent une expertise en bioinformatique mais également en analyse d’images, en optique, en mécatronique, en neuroscience, en développement logiciel et en gestion de données aux 21 instituts de recherche affiliés au projet CENTURI. Les ingénieurs sont notamment impliqués dans des projets collaboratifs dans lesquels des outils, des logiciels, des méthodes, des bases de données ainsi que du matériel et des techniques de laboratoire sont développés. La plateforme participe à la formation et au transfert technologique de ces développements. Dans ce cadre, des logiciels et des pipelines bioinformatiques sont développés pour les analyses des données -omiques (bulk-RNAseq, single-cell RNAseq, métagénomique, métatranscriptomique, métabarcoding ou encore protéomique) et sont mis à la disposition de la communauté scientifique. En organisant des open desk, des sessions de formation et en mettant en relation les différents laboratoires du projet CENTURI, la plateforme crée un fort esprit de coopération et facilite la diffusion d'informations entre les équipes et la plateforme.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Campus de Luminy – Case 913 13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 09 France", "city": "Marseille", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 98, "name": "CENTURI", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Associated Team", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.232835", "lng": "5.440151", "updated_at": "2024-12-04T12:51:32.281426Z" }, { "id": 41, "name": "Biomics", "logo_url": "", "description": "The Biomics Platform is the C2RT structure at Institut Pasteur for Next Generation Sequencing short and long-read technologies. You will find all the detailed information on our services and processes on the Biomics website.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75015 Paris", "city": "Paris", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 48, "name": "Institut Pasteur", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [], "members": [ "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Associated Team", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.840340", "lng": "2.310810", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T13:20:57.994658Z" }, { "id": 37, "name": "NSBD", "logo_url": "", "description": "L'équipe \"biologie des systèmes et des réseaux pour les maladies\" est une équipe de recherche interdisciplinaire ayant pour objectif de développer d'algorithmes et outils d'analyse et d'intégration de données biologiques et de proposer des approches \"système\" pour l'étude des pathologies génétiques humaines. Sur le versant des outils, l'équipe focalise particulièrement sur des approches non-supervisées appliquées aux réseaux biologiques multi-couches et propose des outils de clustering, de marches aléatoires ou de network embedding. L'équipe travaille également sur l'intégration de données quantitatives (transcriptomique, protéomique) dans les réseaux pour identifier des modules perturbés dans différentes conditions. Enfin, l'équipe s'intéresse également à l'intégration de données multi-omiques par des approches de réduction de dimension via des factorisations de matrices.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Faculté de Médecine de la Timone\r\n27 Bd Jean Moulin", "city": "Marseille Cedex 05", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "mogamun" ], "services": [], "leaders": [ "" ], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Associated Team", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.288900", "lng": "5.402160", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T14:53:13.009640Z" } ] }{ "count": 45, "next": null, "previous": "