Team List
Handles creating, reading and updating teams.
GET /api/team/?format=api&offset=20&ordering=-is_active", "previous": "", "results": [ { "id": 43, "name": "BIOI2", "logo_url": "", "description": "La plateforme BIOi2 (ex I2BC bioinfo) est rattachée à l’Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC), Unité Mixte de Recherche (CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay) qui regroupe plus de 600 personnes dédiées à la recherche sur le fonctionnement de la cellule à toutes ses échelles d’organisation. La plateforme vise à valoriser les ressources et activités en bioinformatique développées au sein de l’unité aussi bien dans le domaine de l’analyse comparative des génomes, de l’étude des ARNs que de la modélisation structurale des machineries cellulaires. Elle situe au cœur de l’ensemble des 13 plateformes technologiques de l’I2BC, membres d’Infrastructures Nationales en Biologie Santé (FRISBI, FBI, France-Génomique) pour favoriser l’intégration et l’exploitation des données générées par les utilisateurs. Elle offre des services de support pour faciliter et améliorer le traitement des données de séquençage NGS, de protéomique ou de biophysique et organise des formations en bioinformatique en lien étroit avec l’IFB.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "1, Avenue de la Terrasse, Bâtiment 21", "city": "GIF-SUR-YVETTE", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 62, "name": "CEA", "url": "" }, { "id": 67, "name": "University of Paris-Saclay", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "" ], "maintainers": [], "ifbMembership": "Contributing platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.704698", "lng": "2.132366", "updated_at": "2024-12-04T13:14:34.050096Z" }, { "id": 48, "name": "BIG", "logo_url": null, "description": "Le plateau de BioInformatique et Génomique (BIG) de l’Institut Sophia Agrobiotech (INRAE - CNRS - Univ. Côte d’Azur) propose de l’expertise en bioinformatique et des solutions pour le traitement, l’intégration, l’analyse et la visualisation de données multi-omiques dans le domaine de la santé et protection des plantes. BIG dispose d’un savoir-faire en génomique comparative, en transcriptomique et évolution moléculaire. Les outils et les ressources produits sont mis à la disposition de la communauté scientifique (site web, forge et portails intégratifs) et peuvent répondre à des problématiques similaires rencontrées dans d’autres domaines de recherche. Outre les développements méthodologiques, le plateau propose des accompagnements et des formations aux biologistes dans l’utilisation des outils qu’il produit et plus largement en bioinformatique.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Institut Sophia Agrobiotech\r\n400 route des Chappes", "city": "Sophia Antipolis", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Contributing platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.612660", "lng": "7.077920", "updated_at": "2024-03-12T13:08:18.581266Z" }, { "id": 27, "name": "Orphanet", "logo_url": "", "description": "Orphanet est une base de connaissances sur les maladies rares et les médicaments orphelins. Elle vise à répertorier et à générer des données sur les maladies rares afin d'améliorer le diagnostic, les soins et le traitement des patients. Le site web Orphanet vise à fournir des informations de qualité sur les maladies rares et à garantir l'égalité d'accès à la base de connaissances pour les chercheurs et dans l'ontologie des maladies rares d'Orphanet. Orphanet tient également à jour la nomenclature des maladies rares d'Orphanet (numéro ORPHA), essentielle pour améliorer la visibilité des maladies rares dans les systèmes d'information sur la santé et la recherche, en agissant comme vecteur d'interopérabilité.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "96 rue Didot", "city": "Paris", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 40, "name": "INSERM US14", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [ "HON Code", "IRDiRC Recommended", "Autre" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Machine learning", "Web portals", "Ontologies", "Interfaces", "Interoperability", "Semantic web", "Integration of heterogeneous data", "Knowledge representation", "Data collection curation", "Data Integration", "Données", "Toolkit", "Databases and information systems", "Développements technologiques de l‘Information et de la Communication" ], "fields": [ "Biomédical" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "ordo" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "", "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Contributing platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.827419", "lng": "2.314518", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T14:58:57.583304Z" }, { "id": 7, "name": "ATGC", "logo_url": "", "description": "La plateforme bioinformatique de l'ATGC fournit des services de génomique évolutive, comparative et fonctionnelle. Elle met en avant les développements méthodologiques réalisés par l'équipe Méthodes et Algorithmes pour la Bioinformatique (MAB) du LIRMM. Ces développements sont diffusés à la communauté scientifique sous forme de services en libre accès sur le site web de la plateforme. La plupart des outils peuvent être utilisés directement en ligne, via une interface web dédiée à partir de laquelle chaque utilisateur peut charger ses propres données. Ces interfaces ont été conçues pour faciliter la présentation des outils, l'analyse et l'interprétation des résultats.", "expertise": [ "" ], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "UMR5506", "address": "860 rue Saint Priest", "city": "Montpellier", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 73, "name": "LIRMM", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "10.1007/978-3-642-00982-2_60", "10.1186/1471-2105-9-166", "10.1093/sysbio/syq002", "10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a025808", "10.1080/10635150390235520", "10.1093/nar/gki352", "10.1093/bioinformatics/bti713", "10.1080/10635150600755453", "10.1080/10635150701639754", "10.1093/molbev/msn067", "10.1098/rstb.2008.0180", "10.1186/1471-2105-9-413", "10.1080/10635150600969872", "", "10.1093/sysbio/syq010", "10.1093/nar/gkn180" ], "certifications": [ "Label IBiSA" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Methodology", "Metagenomics", "Sequence Algorithm", "Evolution and Phylogeny", "Molecular evolution", "Speciation dating", "Machine learning", "Tree of Life", "Assembly of genomes and transcriptomes", "Read alignment on genomes", "Supertrees and Reconciliations", "Gene expression differential analysis", "Web portals", "metatranscriptomics", "Sequence analysis", "Interfaces", "Interoperability", "Knowledge mining", "Transcript and transcript variant analysis", "Transcriptomics (RNA-seq)", "Cluster", "Computing Environments", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Phylogenomics", "Genes and genomes", "Pattern matching", "Toolkit", "Tool integration", "Développements technologiques de l‘Information et de la Communication" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical", "Agro-alimentaire", "Environnement", "Biotechnologie" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "bionj", "compphy", "crac", "fastme", "lordec", "mpscan", "", "phyml" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "", "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.636878", "lng": "3.841811", "updated_at": "2024-03-27T12:48:38.368305Z" }, { "id": 29, "name": "IFB Core", "logo_url": "", "description": "La mission de la plateforme IFB-Core est de coordonner l'utilisation des moyens et les activités de l'infrastructure nationale. IFB-core est également l'interlocuteur du réseau ELIXIR, dont l'IFB est le noeud français (ELIXIR-FR). L'UAR IFB-core sert d'interface vis-à-vis de différents acteurs, afin de mettre en place et d'administrer une infrastructure informatique nationale multi-sites (National Network of Computing Resources, NNCR) visant à mutualiser les ressources et fédérer les communautés des sciences de la vie autour d'outils adaptés à leurs besoins.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Génoscope\r\n2 rue Gaston Crémieux", "city": "Evry", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 43, "name": "IFB-core", "url": "" }, { "id": 44, "name": "UMS 3601", "url": "" }, { "id": 51, "name": "INRA", "url": "" }, { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" }, { "id": 62, "name": "CEA", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 51, "name": "INRA", "url": "" }, { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" }, { "id": 62, "name": "CEA", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "fair-checker" ], "services": [], "leaders": [ "" ], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "", "", "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "", "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Coordinating unit", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.633330", "lng": "2.450000", "updated_at": "2024-05-13T11:05:19.400196Z" }, { "id": 44, "name": "PRABI-PFGT", "logo_url": "", "description": "La plateforme de Bioinformatique \"Gilles Thomas\", située au Centre Léon Bérard (CLB), a été initiée en 2009 par le Pr. Gilles Thomas pour favoriser l'exploitation de quantités massives de données de séquençage en génomique du cancer. L'équipe est composée de 11 bioinformaticiens et biostatisticiens travaillant sous la direction scientifique d'Alain Viari (Inria). Elle fournit une expertise multidisciplinaire, de la gestion des données à l'interprétation biologique, pour soutenir un large spectre de collaborations allant de la recherche fondamentale aux projets translationnels et aux activités de diagnostic clinique.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "28 Rue Laennec", "city": "Lyon", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [], "members": [ "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Contributing platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "45.776067", "lng": "5.003264", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T15:21:31.174033Z" }, { "id": 10, "name": "MIGALE", "logo_url": "", "description": "La plateforme bioinformatique Migale est une équipe de l'unité de recherche INRAe MaIAGE (Mathématiques appliquées et informatique, du génome à l'environnement). Depuis 2003, elle fournit quatre types de services à la communauté des sciences de la vie : une infrastructure ouverte dédiée à l'analyse des données des sciences de la vie (500 Tb, 1000 CPU équivalents), la diffusion de l'expertise en bio-informatique (session annuelle de formation \"Bio-informatique par la pratique\"), la conception et le développement d'applications bioinformatiques (navigateur de génome, bases de données) et l'analyse de données en génomique, métagénomique et métatranscriptomique.", "expertise": [ "", "" ], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "UR1404", "address": "Domaine de Vilvert\r\nUnité MaIAGE", "city": "Jouy-en-Josas", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 24, "name": "MaIAGE", "url": "" }, { "id": 25, "name": "UR 1404", "url": "" }, { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" }, { "id": 88, "name": "BioinfOmics", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "10.3389/fimmu.2021.745535", "10.3389/fimmu.2021.742584", "10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126612", "10.3390/nu13113865", "10.1158/1055-9965.epi-21-0188", "10.1128/msystems.00558-21", "10.1038/s41598-021-96967-4", "10.1101/2021.08.18.456644", "10.1038/s41541-021-00351-2", "10.1007/978-1-0716-1641-3_11", "10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112631", "", "10.1093/bib/bbab318" ], "certifications": [ "Label IBiSA", "France-Génomique", "ISO 9001", "CNOC (INRA)", "CATI - CTAI", "PF stratégique nationale INRA", "RIO" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Microbial ecology", "Metagenomics", "Sequence Algorithm", "Second level analysis", "Assembly of genomes and transcriptomes", "Read alignment on genomes", "Gene expression differential analysis", "Web portals", "metatranscriptomics", "Sequence analysis", "Variant analysis", "proteomics", "Interfaces", "Genome analysis", "Structural and functional annotation of genomes", "Complete genomes", "Cluster", "Comparative genomics", "Data Integration", "Data management and transfer", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Homology/orthology prediction", "Données", "Sequence annotation", "Pattern matching", "Multiple sequence alignment", "Toolkit", "Tool integration", "Workflow development", "Databases and information systems" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Agro-alimentaire", "Environnement" ], "orgid": "05qdnns64", "tools": [ "gpcrautomodel", "show", "vast" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.763439", "lng": "2.171437", "updated_at": "2025-01-23T08:57:43.384514Z" }, { "id": 32, "name": "MMG-GBIT", "logo_url": "", "description": "La plateforme MMG-GBIT IFB est liée à l'équipe de recherche Bio-informatique & Génétique de l'Inserm U1251. Elle bénéficie de cette forte interaction et met à la disposition des utilisateurs l'expertise de l'équipe en génétique humaine, maladies rares et oncogénétique ainsi que l'analyse des données NGS. Il fournit des systèmes de référence internationaux pour collecter, annoter, filtrer et interpréter les données de génétique humaine en relation avec les maladies. Ces outils, bases de données, registres et observatoires ont déjà reçu des millions de requêtes dans le monde entier. En outre, nous proposons des formations et pouvons aider les chercheurs pour tout projet bio-informatique ou développement d'outils liés à la génétique humaine, de la conception à l'analyse.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Faculté de Médecine de la Timone, \r\n27 Bd Jean Moulin", "city": "Marseille", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 46, "name": "MMG-GBIT", "url": "" }, { "id": 47, "name": "INSERM U1251", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Cloud", "Sequence analysis", "Cluster", "Data collection curation", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Données", "Toolkit", "Parallelization", "Développements technologiques de l‘Information et de la Communication" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical", "Biotechnologie" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "varaft" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Contributing platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.288900", "lng": "5.402160", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T14:52:19.557944Z" }, { "id": 6, "name": "CBiB", "logo_url": "", "description": "Le CBiB est une installation bioinformatique de base qui donne accès à des ressources informatiques de haute performance, à l'analyse de données biologiques et à une expertise en programmation. Ces ressources permettent aux scientifiques et aux laboratoires privés de répondre aux besoins en bioinformatique de leurs recherches de manière efficace et rentable. Nous offrons des technologies de pointe pour travailler avec des données cliniques, translationnelles et de sciences fondamentales, de l'acquisition et du stockage à l'analyse et au partage. Nos ressources sont sécurisées et conformes aux normes. De quelques échantillons à plusieurs dizaines de milliers, le Centre de bio-informatique fournit des services complets d'analyse et d'intégration d'ADN, d'ARN, de métabolomique, de protéomique et de données d'images.", "expertise": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "146 Rue Léo Saignat\r\n33076 Bordeaux\r\nFrance", "city": "Bordeaux", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [ "Label IBiSA", "ISO 9001", "CNOC (INRA)", "NF X50-900" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 91, "name": "Université de Bordeaux", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Ecology", "Immunogenetics", "Machine learning", "Sequence analysis", "proteomics", "Systems Biology", "Metabolomics and Fluxomics", "Data collection curation", "Comparative genomics", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical", "Agro-alimentaire", "Environnement" ], "orgid": "057qpr032", "tools": [ "xeml-lab", "mix", "molligen", "tango", "xheinz" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "44.824860", "lng": "-0.608450", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T13:39:29.367122Z" }, { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "logo_url": "", "description": "South Green est une plateforme bioinformatique dédiée à la génomique des plantes tropicales et méditerranéennes et des pathogènes associés. Elle fédère des bio-informaticiens de différentes unités et instituts de Montpellier (Bioversity, CIRAD, INRA et IRD) ayant une expertise multidisciplinaire en intégration de données, développement de logiciels, analyse de données de séquençage et calcul haute performance. South Green assure le développement de systèmes d'information originaux tels que GreenPhyl, SNiPlay, Gigwa ou AgroLD, et propose des pipelines bio-informatiques via les gestionnaires de flux de travail Galaxy et TOGGLe. La plateforme a acquis une forte expertise dans le développement de Genome Hubs, des systèmes d'information intégrés, déployés sur plusieurs plantes et en cours d'extension aux pathogènes.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Agropolis", "city": "Montpellier", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 50, "name": "CIRAD", "url": "" }, { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" }, { "id": 85, "name": "IRD", "url": "" }, { "id": 86, "name": "the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 50, "name": "CIRAD", "url": "" }, { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Biodiversity", "Evolution and Phylogeny", "Sequence analysis", "Comparative genomics", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Structural Bioinformatics", "Développements technologiques de l‘Information et de la Communication" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Agro-alimentaire", "Environnement", "Biotechnologie", "Informatique" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "AgroLD", "Banana_Genome_Hub", "Cocoa_Genome_Hub", "Coffee_Genome_Hub", "Gigwa", "", "", "", "Rice_Genome_Hub", "", "SouthGreen_Galaxy", "Sugarcane_Genome_Hub", "toggle", "" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "", "", "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "", "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.643777", "lng": "3.871175", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T15:29:52.290299Z" }, { "id": 11, "name": "Pasteur HUB", "logo_url": "", "description": "Le centre de bioinformatique et de biostatistique est la partie service du département de biologie informatique. L’équipe du Hub comprend 50 experts en biostatistique et en bioinformatique. Créé en 2015, le C3BI comprend cinq unités de recherche en biologie computationnelle et le Hub de bioinformatique et biostatistique. La mission du centre est de développer la recherche méthodologique en bioinformatique et biostatistique, de donner une visibilité internationale à l'Institut Pasteur dans ce domaine, d'offrir un soutien aux unités de recherche expérimentale, et de développer les compétences informatiques et analytiques du campus. Les activités de la plateforme comprennent la participation à des projets de recherche et d'analyse, des missions sur le terrain au sein des unités et des plateformes du campus, des sessions de formation et d'enseignement ouvertes à nos partenaires, et fournissent un certain nombre de ressources à la communauté nationale et internationale. L’équipe du Hub et l’ensemble du département ont une longue expérience dans le développement de sites web (par exemple, les calculs intensifs et la gestion des données de santé.", "expertise": [ "" ], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "25 Rue du Dr Roux", "city": "Paris", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 26, "name": "C3BI-USR 3756", "url": "" }, { "id": 48, "name": "Institut Pasteur", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "", "10.21105/joss.00698", "10.1093/bioinformatics/btab070" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 48, "name": "Institut Pasteur", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Methodology", "QTL Localization", "Biostatistics", "Metagenomics", "Expression", "Small and long non-coding RNAs", "GPU", "Quantification", "E-learning", "Tiling", "Sequence Algorithm", "DNA biochips", "RNA biochips", "Statistical differential analysis", "Evolution and Phylogeny", "Molecular evolution", "Methylation profiles", "Machine learning", "Chromatin accessibility", "Chromosome conformation analysis", "Bioimaging", "Visualization", "Biological network inference and analysis", "Selection Detection", "Assembly of genomes and transcriptomes", "Read alignment on genomes", "Supertrees and Reconciliations", "Statistical Tests", "Regression", "Dimension reduction", "Gene expression regulation analysis", "Image analysis", "Information retrieval", "Descriptive statistics", "Multivariate analyses", "Gene expression differential analysis", "Web portals", "metatranscriptomics", "Chip-Seq", "Panels (amplicons, captures)", "Exomes", "Sequence analysis", "Variant analysis", "proteomics", "Interfaces", "Systems Biology", "Interoperability", "Metabolic network analysis", "Genome analysis", "Structural and functional annotation of genomes", "Statistical Genetics", "Quantitative proteomics", "Complete genomes", "Transcript and transcript variant analysis", "Transcriptomics (RNA-seq)", "Genomics (DNA-seq)", "Functional and regulatory pathways comparison", "Genomics (Chips)", "Cluster", "Genomes comparison", "Comparative genomics", "Computing Environments", "Data Integration", "Data management and transfer", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Homology/orthology prediction", "Structural Bioinformatics", "Phylogenomics", "Données", "Mapping", "Sequence annotation", "Pattern matching", "Multiple sequence alignment", "Tool integration", "Workflow development", "Parallelization", "Databases and information systems" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "edam-browser", "fqtools", "macsyfinder", "memhdx", "sartools", "shaman", "syntview", "VHRdb" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.840351", "lng": "2.310813", "updated_at": "2024-03-12T07:35:38.727469Z" }, { "id": 46, "name": "IMGT", "logo_url": "", "description": "IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®, is the international reference in immunogenetics and immunoinformatics, created in 1989 at the University of Montpellier and the CNRS. IMGT® is a high-quality integrated knowledge resource specialized in the immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR), major histocompatibility (MH) of human and other vertebrate species, and in the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF), MH superfamily (MhSF) and related proteins of the immune system (RPI) of vertebrates and invertebrates.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Faculté de Pharmacie, \r\n15 avenue Charles Flahault", "city": "Montpellier Cede 5", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 99, "name": "Université de Montpellier", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.611242", "lng": "3.876733", "updated_at": "2024-03-12T14:50:13.670911Z" }, { "id": 25, "name": "TAGC-BU", "logo_url": "", "description": "TAGC est une unité mixte de recherche et de services de l'Inserm spécialisée dans le développement et l'application des approches omiques à divers systèmes biologiques. Le laboratoire comprend une installation de séquençage (TGML, membre de France Génomique) et une solide équipe de bio-informaticiens qui développent et donnent accès au public à des ressources bio-informatiques (outils logiciels et bases de données) dans des domaines allant de l'analyse de protéines individuelles et de séquences d'ADN à l'analyse à grande échelle et à l'intégration de données omiques, avec un accent particulier sur les variations du génome, la régulation génétique et épigénétique, et l'analyse de réseaux.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "163 avenue de Luminy\r\nParc Scientifique de Luminy case 928", "city": "Marseille", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" }, { "id": 63, "name": "TAGC", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Methodology", "QTL Localization", "Biostatistics", "Cloud", "Comparative and de novo structure modeling", "Post-translational modifications", "Ecology", "Multi-scale analysis and modelling", "Dynamic systems", "Expression", "Small and long non-coding RNAs", "Positional cloning", "GPU", "E-learning", "Metabolic Network Modelling", "Sequence Algorithm", "DNA biochips", "RNA biochips", "Statistical differential analysis", "Molecular evolution", "Speciation dating", "Methylation profiles", "Genotyping", "Machine learning", "Second level analysis", "Chromatin accessibility", "Biological network inference and analysis", "Selection Detection", "Assembly of genomes and transcriptomes", "Read alignment on genomes", "Statistical Tests", "Regression", "Dimension reduction", "Gene expression regulation analysis", "Descriptive statistics", "Multivariate analyses", "Gene expression differential analysis", "Web portals", "Data identity and mapping", "Ontologies", "Database search engine", "Spectral library search", "De novo sequencing", "Chip-Seq", "Panels (amplicons, captures)", "Exomes", "Sequence analysis", "Variant analysis", "proteomics", "Interfaces", "Systems Biology", "Interoperability", "Metabolomics and Fluxomics", "Metabolic network analysis", "Genome analysis", "Structural and functional annotation of genomes", "Population Genetics", "Statistical Genetics", "Functioning of complex biological systems", "Regulatory network modelling", "Complete genomes", "Transcript and transcript variant analysis", "Transcriptomics (RNA-seq)", "Genomics (DNA-seq)", "Functional and regulatory pathways comparison", "Integration of heterogeneous data", "Protein/protein interaction modelisation", "proteins/peptides and proteins/nucleic acids", "Structure analysis", "homology and structural pattern matching", "Genomics (Chips)", "Cluster", "Genomes comparison", "Data collection curation", "Comparative genomics", "Computing Environments", "Data Integration", "Data management and transfer", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Structural Bioinformatics", "Predictions of structural properties", "Données", "Genes and genomes", "Mapping", "Sequence annotation", "Pattern matching", "Multiple sequence alignment", "Toolkit", "Tool integration", "Workflow development", "Parallelization", "Databases and information systems", "Développements technologiques de l‘Information et de la Communication" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "ocg", "remap", "rsat" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Associated Team", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.231496", "lng": "5.441888", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T15:37:08.604704Z" }, { "id": 12, "name": "RPBS", "logo_url": "", "description": "RPBS est une plateforme dédiée à la bio-informatique structurelle. Elle propose : le développement de méthodes/protocoles de bio-informatique structurelle, l'hébergement de services et le déploiement en ligne de services du domaine, la formation et conseil dans le domaine et l’hébergement de calculs via PAAS.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "35 rue Hélène Brion", "city": "Paris", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 27, "name": "UMR-S 973", "url": "" }, { "id": 28, "name": "Université Paris-Diderot", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [ "Label IBiSA" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 28, "name": "Université Paris-Diderot", "url": "" }, { "id": 56, "name": "INSERM", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Comparative and de novo structure modeling", "Dynamic and thermodynamic structure properties analysis", "Virtual screening", "Structure-based screening", "2D/3D", "ADME/tox", "Small chemical compound libraries", "Protein/protein interaction modelisation", "proteins/peptides and proteins/nucleic acids", "Structure analysis", "homology and structural pattern matching", "Structural Bioinformatics", "Predictions of structural properties" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical", "Informatique" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "fpocket", "frog2", "hca", "hhalign-kbest", "interevdock2", "pep-fold", "pep-sitefinder", "sabbac" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "", "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.827664", "lng": "2.380355", "updated_at": "2024-04-24T09:38:55.908344Z" }, { "id": 4, "name": "ABiMS", "logo_url": "", "description": "The mission of the ABiMS platform is to assist researchers of the marine and, more broadly of the life sciences communities, in the analysis of their bioinformatic data as well as in the development of software and databases. It is also connected to the EMBRC infrastructure, is part of the IBiSA network via the regional BioGenOuest project, and is ISO 9001: 2015 certified. Through its numerous interactions with research units,", "expertise": [ "" ], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "Place Georges Teissier - Station Biologique de Roscoff", "city": "Roscoff", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" }, { "id": 65, "name": "SBR", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [ "Label IBiSA", "ISO 9001" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Methodology", "Metagenomics", "Expression", "GPU", "Fonctionelles", "DNA biochips", "RNA biochips", "Molecular evolution", "Selection Detection", "Assembly of genomes and transcriptomes", "Read alignment on genomes", "Gene expression regulation analysis", "Gene expression differential analysis", "Web portals", "metatranscriptomics", "Variant analysis", "Interfaces", "Interoperability", "Metabolomics and Fluxomics", "Genome analysis", "Structural and functional annotation of genomes", "Transcript and transcript variant analysis", "Transcriptomics (RNA-seq)", "Genomics (DNA-seq)", "Genomics (Chips)", "Cluster", "Genomes comparison", "Data collection curation", "Comparative genomics", "Computing Environments", "Data Integration", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Données", "Genes and genomes", "Toolkit", "Tool integration", "Workflow development", "Databases and information systems" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Agro-alimentaire", "Environnement" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "galaxy", "workflow4metabolomics" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "48.726769", "lng": "-3.987521", "updated_at": "2024-11-20T15:36:25.314159Z" }, { "id": 23, "name": "PACA-Bioinfo", "logo_url": "", "description": "Les services de PACA Bioinfo se concentrent sur la génomique microbienne, la métagénomique, la génomique comparative et la phylogénie moléculaire. Il met à la disposition de la communauté divers outils en ligne en accès libre proposés sans inscription préalable. La plateforme collabore également à des projets de génomique ou de métagénomique pour lesquels elle constitue le principal support bioinformatique, notamment pour les équipes de l'Institut Méditerranéen de Microbiologie de Marseille. Des progrès importants ont été réalisés grâce aux analyses génomiques de virus géants, de deux éponges et de métagénomes provenant d'anciens sols gelés (permafrost). La plate-forme fournit également des outils statistiques génériques pour comparer de grands ensembles de données de comptage (outils ACD) tels qu'ils sont rencontrés dans les études écologiques classiques ou basées sur les métagénomes.", "expertise": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "UMR7256", "address": "163 Avenue de Luminy\r\nCase 934", "city": "Marseille", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 38, "name": "CNRS UMR7256", "url": "" }, { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "10.1093/bioinformatics/bty640", "10.1093/bioadv/vbab034", "10.1093/femsml/uqac003", "10.1128/JVI.01997-19", "10.3389/fmicb.2019.00430", "10.1186/s12864-018-4715-9", "10.1080/23802359.2017.1285210", "10.1128/JVI.00230-17", "10.1038/ncomms15087", "10.1038/ismej.2015.192", "10.1111/mec.13621", "10.1073/pnas.1506469112", "10.1371/journal.pone.0090988", "10.1371/journal.pone.0090989", "10.1186/1471-2164-14-158", "10.1111/mec.12108", "10.1038/ismej.2013.116", "10.1074/jbc.M111.314559", "10.1371/journal.pgen.1003122", "10.1186/gb-2012-13-5-r39", "10.1371/journal.pone.0018528", "10.1186/1743-422X-8-99", "10.1105/tpc.110.076406", "10.1186/gb-2009-10-10-r114", "10.1186/1743-422X-6-178", "10.1101/gr.091686.109", "10.1016/j.jip.2009.03.011", "10.1101/gr.091561.109", "10.1186/1471-2164-10-352", "", "10.1093/nar/gkn180" ], "certifications": [ "CATI - CTAI", "RIO" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Phylogeny", "Biostatistics", "Metagenomics", "Evolution and Phylogeny", "metatranscriptomics", "Sequence analysis", "proteomics", "Comparative genomics", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Structural Bioinformatics" ], "fields": [ "Biomédical", "Environnement", "Biotechnologie" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "" ], "services": [], "leaders": [ "", "" ], "deputies": [ "" ], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "", "" ], "ifbMembership": "Associated Team", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.239127", "lng": "5.436787", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T15:00:44.492495Z" }, { "id": 22, "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo", "logo_url": "", "description": "The GenoToul bioinformatics facility provides access to high-performance computing resources, data analysis and programming expertise. Its permanent staff has many years of experience in supporting scientific programmes (software development, data analysis and training) in biology and bioinformatics. The main axis of development and scientific support include high throughput sequencing data processing (quality control, genome and transcriptome de novo assemblies, variation discovery, diversity analysis,…) and non coding RNA analysis.\r\n\r\nResources include a high-performance informatics hardware infrastructure for large scale storage and computation, major generalist and specialized databank, and open source software.\r\nServices include, training sessions organisation, web sites and virtual machine (VM) hosting, expertise and scientific support to programmes in biology and in bioinformatics.\r\n\r\nThe bioinformatics platform GenoToul Bioinfo is a member platform of the national research infrastructure IFB (Institut Français de Bioinformatique) and is an associated platform of the national research infrastructure France Génomique.\r\n\r\nAt the regional level, GenoToul Bioinfo is one of the platform GenoToul (platform network in Toulouse region).\r\n\r\nGenotoul Bioinfo is recognized as a strategic national platform by IBISA (Infrastructure en Biologie Santé et Agronomie). It is one of the strategic national platforms of INRAE (labellised ISC and member of Bioinfomics IR). It depends of the MathNum department. It is certificated ISO9001 since 2010 and NFX50-900 since 2016.", "expertise": [ "" ], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "24 Chemin de Borde Rouge", "city": "Castanet Tolosan", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 37, "name": "MIAT 0875", "url": "" }, { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" }, { "id": 88, "name": "BioinfOmics", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "10.1038/s41598-021-01066-z", "10.1016/j.cub.2021.08.030", "10.1093/molbev/msaa249", "10.1093/bioinformatics/btab032", "10.1038/s41467-021-21094-7", "10.1007/978-3-030-73249-3_34", "10.1016/j.msom.2021.10.020", "10.1080/15476286.2020.1869892", "10.7717/peerj.11885", "10.1093/ve/veab093", "10.3389/fgene.2021.655707", "10.1111/raq.12542", "10.7554/eLife.62858", "10.3390/md19080452", "10.3389/fgene.2021.659287", "10.1016/j.isci.2020.101927", "10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009321", "" ], "certifications": [ "Label IBiSA", "France-Génomique", "ISO 9001", "CNOC (INRA)", "NF X50-900", "CATI - CTAI", "PF stratégique nationale INRA" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 82, "name": "INRAE", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Biostatistics", "Metagenomics", "Small and long non-coding RNAs", "Evolution and Phylogeny", "Molecular evolution", "Methylation profiles", "Selection Detection", "Statistical Tests", "Regression", "Descriptive statistics", "Multivariate analyses", "Gene expression differential analysis", "Web portals", "metatranscriptomics", "Exomes", "Sequence analysis", "Variant analysis", "Interfaces", "Interoperability", "Genome analysis", "Structural and functional annotation of genomes", "Complete genomes", "Transcript and transcript variant analysis", "Transcriptomics (RNA-seq)", "Genomics (DNA-seq)", "Cluster", "Genomes comparison", "Comparative genomics", "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis", "Homology/orthology prediction", "Phylogenomics", "Sequence annotation", "Pattern matching", "Multiple sequence alignment", "Workflow development" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical", "Agro-alimentaire", "Environnement", "Biotechnologie" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [ "metagwgs" ], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [ "" ], "ifbMembership": "Member platform", "platforms": [], "is_active": true, "closing_date": null, "lat": "43.515910", "lng": "1.498640", "updated_at": "2024-03-11T14:03:41.186788Z" }, { "id": 21, "name": "PRABI-Lyon-Gerland", "logo_url": null, "description": "Le PRABI-Gerland localisé à l'IBCP développe les bases de données dans le domaine infectieux, les méthodes de prédiction et d'optimisation des structures 3D de protéines ainsi que les outils et services s'y rapportant. Dans le domaine des services la spécificité de la PF est la bioinformatique structurale (Modélisation moléculaire, prédiction de structure) introduite sur Lyon dès 1986 (il y a 25 ans avant même que le mot n'existe...). Dans ce domaine, l’activité proposée par le PRABI-Gerland s’appuie sur les expertises suivantes:\r\n Prédiction de structure de protéines [G. Deléage]\r\n Modélisation moléculaire [E. Bettler, G. Deléage, R. Terreux]\r\n Intégration de méthodes et serveurs Web [C. Combet, G Deléage]\r\n Serveur Web 3D [E. Bettler, G. Deléage]\r\n Drug design et QSAR (R. Terreux, J.A. Chemelle)\r\n \r\nMots clefs: Bioinformatique structurale, Prédiction de structure, Base de données structurales, Analyse de séquences, Modélisation moléculaire, docking moléculaire.\r\n \r\nPrincipaux sites web: (site en cours de refonte)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nMéthodes de prédiction des structures secondaires de protéines.\r\nPlusieurs méthodes originales ont été développées, Self Optimized Prediction Method (SOPM), génère automatiquement à partir de cette base de donnée, une \"sous-base\" rassemblant les 60 à 80 protéines les plus homologues ou appartenant à la même classe structurale que la protéine\r\nétudiée. En effet, des protéines homologues ont généralement une structure assez proche (30% d'identité indique une architecture semblable). Après une phase d'apprentissage automatique sur cette \"sous-base\", en particulier d'optimisation des paramètres, la prédiction de la structure de la protéine est réalisée. La version SOPMA tire bénéfice des alignements multiples. La méthode MLRC combine les réseaux de neurones avec la méthode SOPMA.\r\n [SOPMA] Self optimised Prediction Method (1995)\r\n [SOPM] Self optimised Prediction Method (1994)\r\n [DPM] Double prediction Method (1987)\r\n [MLRC] Multivariate Linear Regression Combination (1999)\r\n [AMPHIPASEEK] Prediction of membrane anchor helical peptides (2006)\r\n \r\nIntégration de methodes- WebicielsServeur NPS@\r\nLe PRABI Gerland a développé le premier serveur de mail Français pour la prédiction de structures secondaires de protéines (80 000 prédictions en tout). Ensuite ces méthodes ont été intégrées dans [NPS@ 2000]. Le serveur est actuellement dans sa version 3. Dans le cadre de RENABI-IFB, ce serveur généraliste de séquences couplé aux prédictions de structures sera mis à jour en termes d’ergonomie, d’interface et de conception. Mise à disposition d’outils et de services en ligne correspondant aux domaines d’expertise du laboratoire d’accueil de la PF.\r\n \r\nServeur Web ESPript/ENDscript\r\nA partir d’une protéine de structure connue (code ou fichier PDB), le serveur ENDscript produit, en quelques secondes et de manière automatisée, plusieurs illustrations téléchargeables dans des formats usuels (PostScript, PDF, PNG et TIFF) :\r\n1/ Une première figure, générée par le logiciel ESPript, présente la séquence de la protéine d’intérêt agrémentée de ses éléments de structure secondaire, de l’accessibilité au solvant et de l’hydropathie par résidu. Si disponibles, sont aussi représentés les contacts cristallographiques et non-cristallographiques protéine/protéine et/ou protéine/ligand ainsi que les résidus impliqués dans des ponts disulfures.\r\n2/ Une seconde figure ESPript montre, en plus des informations précédentes, un alignement multiple de séquences des protéines homologues coloré en fonction de la conservation des résidus et agrémenté des éléments de structure secondaire de ces dernières si leurs structures sont connues. \r\n3/ Deux représentations 3D interactives visualisables par le logiciel PyMOL : a) une représentation en ruban, colorée en fonction de la conservation de séquence. b) une représentation en tube dont le diamètre est proportionnel à la déviation structurale (rmsd) entre la protéine d’intérêt et les protéines homologues de structure connue. De plus, si disponible, peuvent être affichés : l’assemblage de l’unité biologique, les modèles RMN multiples, les ligands et les résidus en contact avec ces derniers.\r\nLe serveur ESPript permet, en complément d’ENDscript ou de manière autonome, de représenter des alignements multiples de séquences avec la possibilité d’ajouter des marqueurs définis par l’utilisateur de manière à produire des figures facilitant l’analyse ou dédiées aux communications scientifiques.\r\n \r\nModélisation moléculaire\r\nUn serveur Web de modélisation moléculaire automatique de structure 3D de protéines appelé geno3D est disponible depsuis 2002 qui permet aux biologistes et biochimistes d'obtenir un modèle 3D de qualité si la séquence \"query\" présente plus de 35% d'identité avec une protéine de structure 3D connue. Le principe de cette modélisation consiste à appliquer les techniques de modélisation sous contraintes à la protéine à modéliser (de type RMN) à partir d'un jeu de contraintes calculées sur l'empreinte structurale. Plusieurs empreintes sont utilisables, le ligand (si présent) est replacé dans les modèles, 10 modèles sont générés. Les résultats sont proposés sous la forme d’une archive récupérable et les résultats sont conservés 8 jours sur le serveur. Ce serveur génère 100 modèles/mois. Un système intégré de modélisation moléculaire (MAGOS ) à grande échelle de protéomes entiers a été utilisé pour des protéomes de virus (modeome3D) et de plantes (arabidome3D).\r\n \r\nDocking et sites 3D- chemo-informatique\r\nUne méthode bioinformatique SUMO a été développée permettant de détecter des sites 3D fonctionnels communs à plusieurs protéines. L’approche a fait l’objet d’un brevet déposé par le CNRS et d'un serveur Web pour rendre utilisable la méthode par la communauté académique.\r\nDans un travail récent, nous avons réévalué les paramètres et avons montré que la qualité de comparaison était améliorée tout comme la rapidité du calcul. Cette méthode a été appliquée pour établir une classification des antibiotiques à noyau ß lactame.", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "7 Passage du Vercors\r\n69367 Lyon\r\nFrance", "city": "Lyon", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 35, "name": "PRABI-Gerland", "url": "" }, { "id": 36, "name": "UMR 5305", "url": "" }, { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [ "Label IBiSA", "RIO" ], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 52, "name": "CNRS", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Comparative and de novo structure modeling", "Post-translational modifications", "Sequence Algorithm", "Sequence analysis", "Structure analysis", "homology and structural pattern matching", "Homology/orthology prediction", "Structural Bioinformatics", "Predictions of structural properties", "Sequence annotation", "Pattern matching", "Multiple sequence alignment" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical", "Biotechnologie" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [], "ifbMembership": "None", "platforms": [], "is_active": false, "closing_date": "2023-03-15", "lat": "45.727764", "lng": "4.825956", "updated_at": "2023-03-16T13:09:54.041387Z" }, { "id": 18, "name": "PRABI-HCL", "logo_url": null, "description": "To be completed...", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "165 chemin du Grand Revoyet\r\nFaculté de Médecine Lyon Sud\r\n69310 Pierre Bénite\r\nFrance", "city": "Bénite", "country": "France", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [ { "id": 34, "name": "UMR 5558", "url": "" }, { "id": 59, "name": "LBBE", "url": "" } ], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 4, "name": "IFB", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [ "Aucun des termes ci-dessus ne convient" ], "fields": [ "Biologie", "Biomédical", "Biotechnologie" ], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [ "" ], "technicalLeaders": [ "" ], "members": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "maintainers": [], "ifbMembership": "None", "platforms": [], "is_active": false, "closing_date": "2023-03-15", "lat": "45.702207", "lng": "4.808651", "updated_at": "2023-03-16T13:09:41.584686Z" }, { "id": 33, "name": "Genotoul-biostat", "logo_url": null, "description": "To be completed...", "expertise": [], "linkCovid19": "", "homepage": "", "unitId": "", "address": "", "city": "", "country": "", "communities": [], "projects": [], "affiliatedWith": [], "publications": [ "" ], "certifications": [], "fundedBy": [ { "id": 4, "name": "IFB", "url": "" } ], "keywords": [], "fields": [], "orgid": null, "tools": [], "services": [], "leaders": [], "deputies": [], "scientificLeaders": [], "technicalLeaders": [], "members": [ "" ], "maintainers": [], "ifbMembership": "None", "platforms": [], "is_active": false, "closing_date": "2023-03-13", "lat": null, "lng": null, "updated_at": "2023-03-14T13:36:55.220114Z" } ] }{ "count": 45, "next": "