Handles creating, reading and updating events.

GET /api/event/?format=api&offset=580&ordering=-trainers
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 605,
    "next": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/event/?format=api&limit=20&offset=600&ordering=-trainers",
    "previous": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/event/?format=api&limit=20&offset=560&ordering=-trainers",
    "results": [
            "id": 535,
            "name": "Analyse de données de métabarcoding : 2025",
            "shortName": "Analyse de données de métabarcoding",
            "description": "Cette formation est dédiée à l'analyse de données de type \"metabarcoding\" issues de la technologie de séquençage Illumina. Nous aborderons les différentes étapes bioinformatiques nécessaires pour transformer les données de séquençage brutes en table d'abondances. Nous présenterons également les outils et méthodologies classiquement utilisés pour décrire la diversité observée et comparer les échantillons.\r\nA l’issue des 4 jours de formation, les stagiaires connaîtront le périmètre, les avantages et limites des analyses de données de séquençage amplicons (métabarcoding).\r\nIls seront capables d’utiliser les outils de FROGS sur les jeux de données de la formation (16S et ITS).\r\nIls seront capables d’identifier les outils et méthodes adaptées au cadre de leurs analyses.\r\nS’ils ont en leur possession un jeu de données à analyser, ils sont encouragés à venir avec celui- ci.",
            "homepage": "https://migale.inrae.fr/trainings/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [],
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 82,
                    "name": "INRAE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/INRAE/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 10,
                    "name": "MIGALE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/MIGALE/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://migale.inrae.fr/sites/default/files/migale-orange_0.png",
            "updated_at": "2025-01-23T15:50:14.223205Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2025-06-23",
            "end_date": "2025-06-26",
            "venue": "Access to the INRAE center reception\r\n By car\r\n\r\n    Take the N118 from the Paris rotary Porte de Saint-Cloud > Pont de Sèvres > Follow direction Bordeaux/Nantes – take exit 6A Jouy-en-Josas/Bièvres\r\n    Take the N12 from Plaisir > Follow direction Paris exit 1 towards the D53\r\n    Take the A12 Rambouillet > Jouy – take exit 2 via the D446\r\n\r\n By the RER (train to the suburbs)\r\n\r\nRER C Line: Get off at the Jouy-en-Josas station. The research center is a 15 minute walk (you must walk towards the town hall (Mairie de Jouy).\r\n\r\n    From Chatelet-Les Halles, take the RER B line until the Massy-Palaiseau station (32 min.) then take the RER C line CIME train (14 min.)\r\n    From Versailles-Chantier RER C station take the VICK or VITY train (8 min.)\r\n    From the Bibliothèque François Mitterand RER C station, take the CIME train (1 hour)",
            "city": "Jouy-en-Josas",
            "country": "frnce",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "future",
            "registration_opening": "2025-01-22",
            "registration_closing": "2025-06-08",
            "registration_status": "open",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 573,
            "name": "Introduction aux bonnes pratiques pour des analyses reproductibles (2024 session)",
            "shortName": "Good practices for better reproducibility of analyses (2024)",
            "description": "Objectifs pédagogiques\r\n\r\nL’objectif de cette formation est d’initier les apprenants aux bonnes pratiques pour la reproductibilité des analyses. Ils apprendront à rédiger des rapports d’analyse en R Markdown et à les déposer sur un dépôt GitHub. Les principes FAIR (faciles à trouver, accessibles, interopérables et réutilisables) et les bases de la rédaction de PGD (plans de gestion de données) seront également présentés. Durant la formation, nous utiliserons RStudio et GitHub.\r\n\r\nProgramme\r\n\r\nPrincipes et enjeux de la recherche reproductible\r\nUtilisation de GitHub\r\nGestion des versions d’un document\r\nRédaction de document computationnel\r\nPartage d’un rapport avec ses collaborateurs\r\nPrincipes FAIR et PGD",
            "homepage": "https://documents.migale.inrae.fr/trainings.html",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 88,
                    "name": "BioinfOmics",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/BioinfOmics/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 10,
                    "name": "MIGALE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/MIGALE/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://migale.inrae.fr/sites/default/files/migale-orange_0.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-17T11:04:05.427843Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-03-21",
            "end_date": "2024-03-21",
            "venue": "https://migale.inrae.fr/how-to-come",
            "city": "Jouy-en-Josas",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-01-08",
            "registration_closing": "2024-03-07",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 582,
            "name": "Analyse primaire de données issues de séquenceurs nouvelle génération sous Galaxy  : 2025",
            "shortName": "Analyse donées NGS sous Galaxy: 2025",
            "description": "Objectifs pédagogiques\r\nConnaître les concepts et méthodes bioinformatiques utilisés pour l’analyse primaire de données issues de séquenceurs nouvelle génération (NGS). Savoir effectuer un alignement sur un génome de référence, un assemblage de novo d’un génome bactérien\r\n\r\nProgramme\r\nThéorie\r\n* Présentation des différents types de technologies de séquençage (lectures longues et courtes)\r\n\r\nPratique : Analyse des données de séquençage d’un génome bactérien\r\n* Contrôle qualité\r\n* Assemblage de-novo\r\n* Nettoyage des données\r\n* Assemblage\r\n* Visualisation et statistiques sur l’assemblage\r\n* Alignement de lectures sur un génome de référence et visualisation\r\nTous les TPs seront réalisés sous l’environnement d’exécution de traitements Galaxy.",
            "homepage": "https://documents.migale.inrae.fr/trainings.html",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
                "Galaxy - Basic usage"
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 82,
                    "name": "INRAE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/INRAE/?format=api"
                    "id": 88,
                    "name": "BioinfOmics",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/BioinfOmics/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 10,
                    "name": "MIGALE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/MIGALE/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://migale.inrae.fr/sites/default/files/migale-orange_0.png",
            "updated_at": "2025-01-23T15:28:28.758744Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2025-03-21",
            "end_date": "2025-03-21",
            "venue": "https://migale.inrae.fr/how-to-come",
            "city": "Jouy-en-Josas",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "future",
            "registration_opening": "2025-01-22",
            "registration_closing": "2025-03-06",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 572,
            "name": "Analyse de données métagénomiques shotgun / shotgun metagenomics (2024 session)",
            "shortName": "Shotgun metagenomics (2024)",
            "description": "Objectifs pédagogiques\r\n\r\nCette formation est dédiée à l’analyse de données métagénomiques procaryotes de type « shotgun » issues de la technologie de séquençage Illumina. Nous présenterons les étapes bioinformatiques nécessaires pour nettoyer les données brutes et les caractériser d’un point de vue taxonomique. Nous aborderons ensuite les différentes stratégies à employer pour assembler les reads et obtenir des comptages sur des gènes prédits. Enfin nous présenterons quelques outils pour obtenir une annotation fonctionnelle des échantillons. A l’issue des 2 jours de formation, les stagiaires connaîtront le périmètre, les avantages et limites des analyses de données de séquençage shotgun. Ils seront capables d’utiliser les outils présentés sur les jeux de données de la formation. L’ensemble des TP se déroulera sur l’infrastructure de Migale et nécessite une pratique courante de la ligne de commande.\r\n\r\nProgramme\r\n\r\nIntroduction générale sur les données métagénomiques\r\nAssignation taxonomique\r\nNettoyage des données brutes\r\nAssemblage / Binning\r\nPrédiction de gènes procaryotes\r\nAnnotation fonctionnelle\r\nConclusion, limites des méthodes",
            "homepage": "https://documents.migale.inrae.fr/trainings.html",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 88,
                    "name": "BioinfOmics",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/BioinfOmics/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 10,
                    "name": "MIGALE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/MIGALE/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://migale.inrae.fr/sites/default/files/migale-orange_0.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-17T10:55:12.140373Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-03-18",
            "end_date": "2024-03-19",
            "venue": "https://migale.inrae.fr/how-to-come",
            "city": "Jouy-en-Josas",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-01-08",
            "registration_closing": "2024-03-04",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 571,
            "name": "Développement d’une application avec R Shiny (session 2024)",
            "shortName": "Shiny application development (2024)",
            "description": "Objectifs pédagogiques\r\n\r\nÀ l’issue de la formation, les stagiaires connaîtront les principes de bases et le fonctionnement du package “Shiny”. Ils et elles seront capables de créer leurs premières applications web interactives à partir de scripts R. Les solutions de déploiement d’applications Shiny seront également abordées.\r\n\r\nProgramme\r\n\r\nPrincipes généraux et fonctionnement d’une application Shiny\r\nDéveloppement d’applications Shiny\r\nDéploiement d’applications Shiny",
            "homepage": "https://documents.migale.inrae.fr/trainings.html",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
                "Basic knowledge of R"
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 88,
                    "name": "BioinfOmics",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/BioinfOmics/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 10,
                    "name": "MIGALE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/MIGALE/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://migale.inrae.fr/sites/default/files/migale-orange_0.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-01-17T10:46:26.358781Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-03-14",
            "end_date": "2024-03-14",
            "venue": "https://migale.inrae.fr/how-to-come",
            "city": "Jouy-en-Josas",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-01-08",
            "registration_closing": "2024-02-29",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 533,
            "name": "Analyse primaire de données issues de séquenceurs nouvelle génération sous Galaxy",
            "shortName": "NGS Galaxy",
            "description": "Connaître les concepts et méthodes bioinformatiques utilisés pour l’analyse primaire de données issues de séquenceurs nouvelle génération (NGS).\r\nSavoir effectuer un alignement sur un génome de référence, un assemblage de novo d'un génome bactérien.",
            "homepage": "https://migale.inrae.fr/trainings/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
                "NGS Data Analysis",
                "Data visualization",
            "prerequisites": [
                "Galaxy - Basic usage"
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 82,
                    "name": "INRAE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/INRAE/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 10,
                    "name": "MIGALE",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/MIGALE/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://migale.inrae.fr/sites/default/files/migale-orange_0.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-26T14:16:02.157083Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-06-15",
            "end_date": "2023-06-15",
            "venue": "Access to the INRAE center reception\r\n By car\r\n\r\n    Take the N118 from the Paris rotary Porte de Saint-Cloud > Pont de Sèvres > Follow direction Bordeaux/Nantes – take exit 6A Jouy-en-Josas/Bièvres\r\n    Take the N12 from Plaisir > Follow direction Paris exit 1 towards the D53\r\n    Take the A12 Rambouillet > Jouy – take exit 2 via the D446\r\n\r\n By the RER (train to the suburbs)\r\n\r\nRER C Line: Get off at the Jouy-en-Josas station. The research center is a 15 minute walk (you must walk towards the town hall (Mairie de Jouy).\r\n\r\n    From Chatelet-Les Halles, take the RER B line until the Massy-Palaiseau station (32 min.) then take the RER C line CIME train (14 min.)\r\n    From Versailles-Chantier RER C station take the VICK or VITY train (8 min.)\r\n    From the Bibliothèque François Mitterand RER C station, take the CIME train (1 hour)\r\n\r\n From the Orly Airport\r\n\r\nTake the bus « Paris par le train » to the Pont de Rungis RER C train station. Then take the RER C train CIME towards Versailles Chantiers. Get off at the Jouy-en-Josas station.\r\n\r\nStops of the “Paris par le train” bus :\r\n\r\n    Paris-Orly Sud : porte C, stop 6\r\n    Paris-Orly Ouest : porte G on the Arrivals level.\r\n\r\n From the Charles de Gaulle - Roissy Airport\r\n\r\nTo go from the Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport to Jouy-en-Josas you may take :\r\n\r\n    the RER B train towards St Remy les Chevreuses. Get off at the Massy Palaiseau station\r\n    the RER C train towards Versailles Chantiers (CIME trains). Get off at Jouy-en-Josas.",
            "city": "JOUY EN JOSAS Cedex",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2023-05-25",
            "registration_closing": "2023-06-01",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 632,
            "name": "LINUX - session 07/10/2024",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands  (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-06-05T09:15:55.325587Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-10-07",
            "end_date": "2024-10-07",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 137,
                    "name": "Linux slides",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20slides/?format=api"
                    "id": 138,
                    "name": "Linux TP",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20TP/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-06-05",
            "registration_closing": "2024-10-01",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 633,
            "name": "Cluster - session 08/10/2024",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is designed to help you deal with the platform compute cluster and data banks. You will launch your first processing batch on the cluster and will learn how to track and manage them. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and bioinfo genotoul platforms.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/cluster-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-06-05T09:19:16.493620Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-10-08",
            "end_date": "2024-10-08",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 139,
                    "name": "Cluster Slides",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Cluster%20Slides/?format=api"
                    "id": 140,
                    "name": "TP Cluster",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/TP%20Cluster/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-06-05",
            "registration_closing": "2024-10-01",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Online"
            "id": 567,
            "name": "Reproducible Research 2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "The following topics and tools are covered in the course:\r\n\r\n    Data management\r\n    Project organisation\r\n    Git\r\n    Conda\r\n    Snakemake\r\n    Nextflow\r\n    R Markdown\r\n    Jupyter\r\n    Docker\r\n    Singularity\r\n\r\nAt the end of the course, students should be able to:\r\n\r\n    Use good practices for data analysis and management\r\n    Clearly organise their bioinformatic projects\r\n    Use the version control system Git to track and collaborate on code\r\n    Use the package and environment manager Conda\r\n    Use and develop workflows with Snakemake and Nextflow\r\n    Use R Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks to document and generate automated reports for their analyses\r\n    Use Docker and Singularity to distribute containerized computational environments",
            "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/training_reproducible_research/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Internal personnel",
            "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators",
            "maxParticipants": 13,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [],
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 24,
                    "name": "South Green",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/South%20Green/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//images/southgreenlong.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-12-04T15:35:44.983725Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-06-14",
            "end_date": "2023-06-16",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
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            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": null,
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "unknown",
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            "id": 416,
            "name": "Principes FAIR dans un projet de bioinformatique - Session 2021",
            "shortName": "FAIR bioinfo - 2021",
            "description": "L’Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB) organise en partenariat avec l’Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC) une formation à destination des bioinformaticiens et biostatisticiens souhaitant mettre en oeuvre les principes “FAIR” (Facile à trouver, Accessible, Interopérable, Réutilisable) dans leurs projets d’analyse et de développement. Les concepts FAIR, initialement définis dans le contexte d’ouverture des données de la recherche, seront ici adaptés pour cadrer avec un projet type de développement et/ou analyse bioinformatique/biostatistique. Ainsi, la formation n’abordera pas les aspects “FAIR” spécifiques aux données mais introduira plusieurs outils permettant d’améliorer la reproductibilité des analyses.",
            "homepage": "https://ifb-elixirfr.github.io/IFB-FAIR-bioinfo-training/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
                "Computing Environments",
                "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis",
                "Workflow development"
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": null,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": "IFB",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/eventsponsor/IFB/?format=api"
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 43,
                    "name": "IFB-core",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/IFB-core/?format=api"
                    "id": 64,
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                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/I2BC/?format=api"
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            "logo_url": null,
            "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2021-06-28",
            "end_date": "2021-06-30",
            "venue": "Institut des Systèmes Complexes\r\n113 rue Nationale 75013\r\nParis\r\nMétros : Olympiades (L14) ou Nationale (L6)\r\nStation Vélib : place Nationale.",
            "city": "Paris",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [
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            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": null,
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "unknown",
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            "id": 418,
            "name": "Formation IFB Science Ouverte & PGD - Comment gérer des jeux de données haut-débit en sciences de la vie et de la santé  - Session 1",
            "shortName": "FAIR data - Session 1",
            "description": "L’Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB) organise une formation à destination de bioinformaticiens, biologistes et médecins. La formation abordera les différents points fondamentaux (théoriques, pratiques, juridiques) en lien avec la politique nationale d’ouverture des données de la recherche et présentera sous forme de séances pratiques les ressources nationales accessibles à la communauté scientifique ainsi que les solutions proposées par l’IFB pour gérer les données d’un projet de recherche.",
            "homepage": "https://ifb-elixirfr.github.io/IFB-FAIR-data-training/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "public",
            "maxParticipants": null,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": "IFB",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/eventsponsor/IFB/?format=api"
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 43,
                    "name": "IFB-core",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/IFB-core/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 29,
                    "name": "IFB Core",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/IFB%20Core/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://www.france-bioinformatique.fr/wp-content/uploads/logo-ifb-couleur.svg",
            "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2021-03-15",
            "end_date": "2021-03-19",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
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            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": null,
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "unknown",
            "courseMode": null
            "id": 568,
            "name": "Formation Principes FAIR dans un projet de bioinformatique - Session 1 - Strasbourg",
            "shortName": "FAIR-Bioinfo-Strasbourg_session1",
            "description": "Cette formation sur 3 jours est destinée à des bioinformaticiens et biostatisticiens souhaitant acquérir des compétences théoriques et pratiques sur les principes \"FAIR\" (Facile à trouver, Accessible, Interopérable, Réutilisable) appliqués à un projet d'analyse et/ou de développement.",
            "homepage": "https://sygefor.reseau-urfist.fr/#/training/10387/12552/66e8217a2c8c491a60eeed9f5a167db3",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Free to academics"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
                "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences",
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "Academics",
            "maxParticipants": 14,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 79,
                    "name": "UPR2357",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/UPR2357/?format=api"
                    "id": 83,
                    "name": "IGBMC",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/IGBMC/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 14,
                    "name": "BiGEst",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/BiGEst/?format=api"
            "logo_url": null,
            "updated_at": "2023-12-20T15:48:19.995591Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-04-09",
            "end_date": "2024-04-11",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Strasbourg",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2023-12-20",
            "registration_closing": "2024-03-10",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 508,
            "name": "Principes FAIR dans un projet de bioinformatique - Session 2023",
            "shortName": "FAIR_bioinfo_2023",
            "description": "L’Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB) organise en partenariat avec l’Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC) une formation à destination des bioinformaticiens et biostatisticiens souhaitant mettre en oeuvre les principes “FAIR” (Facile à trouver, Accessible, Interopérable, Réutilisable) dans leurs projets d’analyse et de développement. Les concepts FAIR, initialement définis dans le contexte d’ouverture des données de la recherche, seront ici adaptés pour cadrer avec un projet type de développement et/ou analyse bioinformatique/biostatistique. Ainsi, la formation n’abordera pas les aspects “FAIR” spécifiques aux données mais introduira plusieurs outils permettant d’améliorer la reproductibilité des analyses.",
            "homepage": "https://moodle.france-bioinformatique.fr/course/view.php?id=19",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
                "Computing Environments",
                "NGS Sequencing Data Analysis",
                "Workflow development"
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 15,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Training",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/elixirplatform/Training/?format=api"
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [
                    "id": 3,
                    "name": "IFB",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/eventsponsor/IFB/?format=api"
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 43,
                    "name": "IFB-core",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/IFB-core/?format=api"
                    "id": 64,
                    "name": "I2BC",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/I2BC/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 29,
                    "name": "IFB Core",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/IFB%20Core/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://www.france-bioinformatique.fr/wp-content/uploads/logo-ifb-couleur.svg",
            "updated_at": "2023-10-16T08:28:12.972795Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-10-09",
            "end_date": "2023-10-11",
            "venue": "Institut des Systèmes Complexes",
            "city": "Paris",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2023-04-03",
            "registration_closing": "2023-05-30",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 460,
            "name": "Molecular Phylogeny - Basic Training - session 2022",
            "shortName": "Phylogénie moléculaire - formation de base - session 2022",
            "description": "OBJECTIF\r\n- Savoir inférer un arbre phylogénétique et l'interpréter\r\n\r\nPRÉREQUIS\r\n- Savoir ce à quoi correspondent des séquences génétiques homologues\r\n- Avoir déjà utilisé les logiciels de base en bioinformatique\r\n- Connaître les notions de base en statistiques (tests, lois probabilistes usuelles, méthodes simples d'estimation de paramètres)\r\n- Avoir des notions de programmation\r\n\r\nPROGRAMME\r\n- Lignes de commandes Linux\r\n- Le format Newick\r\n- Dessin d'arbres\r\n- Alignements multiples et nettoyage\r\n- Modèles d'évolution\r\n- Choix de modèles\r\n- Définitions et propriétés des arbres\r\n- Méthodes de parcimonie\r\n- Méthodes de distance\r\n- Maximum de vraisemblance\r\n- Reconstruction phylogénétique Bayésienne\r\n- Bootstraps et autres supports de branches",
            "homepage": "https://cnrsformation.cnrs.fr/phylogenie-moleculaire-formation-de-base?axe=146",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "1200 €"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
                "Evolution and Phylogeny",
                "Molecular evolution",
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
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                    "name": "CNRS formation entreprises",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/CNRS%20formation%20entreprises/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 7,
                    "name": "ATGC",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/ATGC/?format=api"
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            "updated_at": "2023-05-17T10:17:18.992615Z",
            "type": "Training course",
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            "end_date": "2022-04-01",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
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            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": null,
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "unknown",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 563,
            "name": "RNA-Seq analysis 2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "Introduction to RNA-Seq analysis",
            "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//rnaseq/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Internal personnel",
            "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators",
            "maxParticipants": 20,
            "contacts": [],
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            "organisedByOrganisations": [],
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 24,
                    "name": "South Green",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/South%20Green/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//images/southgreenlong.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-12-04T15:35:29.445559Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-05-31",
            "end_date": "2023-06-01",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "Local",
            "trainers": [
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            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": null,
            "registration_closing": null,
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            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 470,
            "name": "Introduction to python - May 2022",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This course provides an introduction to programming using python. At the end of the training, participants should be able to write simple python programs to handle biological data and to understand more complex programs written by others.\r\nNote : This course in currently available only in french",
            "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//python/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Internal personnel",
            "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators",
            "maxParticipants": 15,
            "contacts": [
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            "communities": [],
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            "organisedByOrganisations": [],
            "organisedByTeams": [
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                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/South%20Green/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//images/southgreenlong.png",
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            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2022-05-16",
            "end_date": "2022-05-20",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "Local",
            "trainers": [
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            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2022-03-07",
            "registration_closing": "2022-03-22",
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            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 470,
            "name": "Introduction to python - May 2022",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This course provides an introduction to programming using python. At the end of the training, participants should be able to write simple python programs to handle biological data and to understand more complex programs written by others.\r\nNote : This course in currently available only in french",
            "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//python/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Internal personnel",
            "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators",
            "maxParticipants": 15,
            "contacts": [
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            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [],
            "organisedByTeams": [
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            "logo_url": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//images/southgreenlong.png",
            "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2022-05-16",
            "end_date": "2022-05-20",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "Local",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2022-03-07",
            "registration_closing": "2022-03-22",
            "registration_status": "closed",
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            "id": 567,
            "name": "Reproducible Research 2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "The following topics and tools are covered in the course:\r\n\r\n    Data management\r\n    Project organisation\r\n    Git\r\n    Conda\r\n    Snakemake\r\n    Nextflow\r\n    R Markdown\r\n    Jupyter\r\n    Docker\r\n    Singularity\r\n\r\nAt the end of the course, students should be able to:\r\n\r\n    Use good practices for data analysis and management\r\n    Clearly organise their bioinformatic projects\r\n    Use the version control system Git to track and collaborate on code\r\n    Use the package and environment manager Conda\r\n    Use and develop workflows with Snakemake and Nextflow\r\n    Use R Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks to document and generate automated reports for their analyses\r\n    Use Docker and Singularity to distribute containerized computational environments",
            "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/training_reproducible_research/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Internal personnel",
            "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators",
            "maxParticipants": 13,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [],
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 24,
                    "name": "South Green",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/South%20Green/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//images/southgreenlong.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-12-04T15:35:44.983725Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-06-14",
            "end_date": "2023-06-16",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": null,
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "unknown",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 567,
            "name": "Reproducible Research 2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "The following topics and tools are covered in the course:\r\n\r\n    Data management\r\n    Project organisation\r\n    Git\r\n    Conda\r\n    Snakemake\r\n    Nextflow\r\n    R Markdown\r\n    Jupyter\r\n    Docker\r\n    Singularity\r\n\r\nAt the end of the course, students should be able to:\r\n\r\n    Use good practices for data analysis and management\r\n    Clearly organise their bioinformatic projects\r\n    Use the version control system Git to track and collaborate on code\r\n    Use the package and environment manager Conda\r\n    Use and develop workflows with Snakemake and Nextflow\r\n    Use R Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks to document and generate automated reports for their analyses\r\n    Use Docker and Singularity to distribute containerized computational environments",
            "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/training_reproducible_research/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Internal personnel",
            "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators",
            "maxParticipants": 13,
            "contacts": [],
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            "communities": [],
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            "logo_url": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//images/southgreenlong.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-12-04T15:35:44.983725Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-06-14",
            "end_date": "2023-06-16",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
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            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": null,
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "unknown",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 470,
            "name": "Introduction to python - May 2022",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This course provides an introduction to programming using python. At the end of the training, participants should be able to write simple python programs to handle biological data and to understand more complex programs written by others.\r\nNote : This course in currently available only in french",
            "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//python/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Internal personnel",
            "accessConditions": "Open to South Green close collaborators",
            "maxParticipants": 15,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [],
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 24,
                    "name": "South Green",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/South%20Green/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings//images/southgreenlong.png",
            "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2022-05-16",
            "end_date": "2022-05-20",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Montpellier",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "Local",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2022-03-07",
            "registration_closing": "2022-03-22",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"