Event List
Handles creating, reading and updating events.
GET /api/event/?format=api&offset=380&ordering=-keywords
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Cette édition de l’école aborde les nouveaux enjeux technologiques: elle s’articulera autour de trois ateliers en session parallèle (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, variants DNA-seq), et inclura une introduction à l’intégration des données, ouverture aux approches “single-cell” ainsi qu’aux technologies lectures longues (Nanopore, PacBio).\r\n\r\nL’école vise à introduire les concepts et à manipuler les outils informatiques et à en interpréter les résultats. Elle est basée sur une alternance de courtes sessions théoriques et d’ateliers pratiques. Les participants bénéficieront d’un tutorat personnalisé pour élaborer leur plan d’analyse, et effectuer les premières étapes de traitement de leurs propres données ou de celles de leur plateforme.", "homepage": "https://ressources.france-bioinformatique.fr/fr/evenements/EBAI2018", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 40, "contacts": [ "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/userprofile/207/?format=api" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 4, "name": "IFB", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/IFB/?format=api" }, { "id": 53, "name": "AVIESAN", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/AVIESAN/?format=api" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 29, "name": "IFB Core", "url": 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"registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": "2018-05-31", "registration_status": "closed", "courseMode": "Onsite" }, { "id": 104, "name": "Data collection and registration of Research Projects for Orphanet information scientists", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "https://ressources.france-bioinformatique.fr/sites/default/files/150x150.png", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2017-09-21", "end_date": null, "venue": "", "city": "Paris (à distance)", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", 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formation avancée", "shortName": "", "description": "3 jours pour être capable de tester des hypothèses et d'ajuster des modèles et comprendre l'évolution à l'échelle moléculaire", "homepage": "https://cnrsformation.cnrs.fr/stage-20287-Phylogenie-moleculaire---formation-ava…", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "https://ressources.france-bioinformatique.fr/sites/default/files/ATGClogox120_0.png", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2020-10-05", "end_date": "2020-10-07", "venue": "", "city": "Montpellier (34)", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": null }, { "id": 632, "name": "LINUX - session 07/10/2024", "shortName": "", "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.", "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)", "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)", "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;" ], "topics": [ "http://edamontology.org/topic_3316" ], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [ "none" ], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 12, "contacts": [ "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/userprofile/344/?format=api" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 37, "name": "MIAT 0875", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api" } ], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 22, "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api" } ], "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png", "updated_at": "2024-06-05T09:15:55.325587Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2024-10-07", "end_date": "2024-10-07", "venue": "", "city": "castanet-tolosan", "country": "France", "geographical_range": "National", "trainers": [ "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/userprofile/344/?format=api", "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/userprofile/739/?format=api" ], "trainingMaterials": [ { "id": 137, "name": "Linux slides", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20slides/?format=api" }, { "id": 138, "name": "Linux TP", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20TP/?format=api" } ], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": "2024-06-05", "registration_closing": "2024-10-01", "registration_status": "closed", "courseMode": "Onsite" }, { "id": 358, "name": "Workshop Web Viewers", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2017-06-27", "end_date": null, "venue": "", "city": "Laboratoire MTi, Paris", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": null }, { "id": 66, "name": "Formation MIGALE - Initiation à Perl", "shortName": "", "description": "Initiation à la programmation. Identifier les possibilités offertes par l’écriture de quelques lignes de code...", "homepage": "http://migale.jouy.inra.fr/", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 10, "name": "MIGALE", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/MIGALE/?format=api" } ], "logo_url": "https://ressources.france-bioinformatique.fr/sites/default/files/logo-inra_0_0_0.png", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2017-05-09", "end_date": null, "venue": "", "city": "Jouy en Josas", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": null }, { "id": 382, "name": " Linux For Jedi", "shortName": "", "description": "This course offers to develop and enhance advanced Linux shell command line and scripting skills for the processing and analysis of NGS data. We will work on a HPC server and use linux powerful commands to allow to analyze big amount of biological data.\n \nPrerequisites\nBasic knowledge of Linux (Linux for dummies required)\n\nProgram\nConnecting to a distant HPC\nManipuling text files\nComplex searching for text in a file\nCombining several commands\nWriting simple shell scripts\n\n\nLearning objectives\nAfter this course, participants should be able to:\nManipulate and search within text files\nChain and combine commands\nPerform the same actions on many files\nWrite a simple shell script\n\n\n \n\n\nInstructors\nChristine Tranchant (CT) - christine.tranchant@ird.fr\nNdomassi Tando (NT) - ndomassi.tando@ird.fr\nBruno Granouillac (BG) - bruno.granouillac@ird.fr\nFrançois Sabot (SB) - francois.sabot@ird.fr\nGautier Sarah (GS) - gautier.sarah@cirad.fr\n\n", "homepage": "https://southgreenplatform.github.io/trainings/linuxJedi/", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Free" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 24, "name": "South Green", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/South%20Green/?format=api" } ], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2018-03-12", "end_date": null, "venue": "", "city": "Centre IRD, Montpellier", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": null }, { "id": 145, "name": "From RNA-Seq data to bioinformatics analysis using Nanopore sequencers", "shortName": "", "description": "One-day workshop dedicated to transcriptome studies using the MinION", "homepage": "http://www.genoscope.cns.fr/externe/rna_workshop/", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [ { "id": 7, "name": "France Génomique", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/France%20G%C3%A9nomique/?format=api" } ], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "https://ressources.france-bioinformatique.fr/sites/default/files/logo-cea_0_0.png", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2017-12-13", "end_date": null, "venue": "", "city": "2 rue Gaston crémieux, Evry", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": null }, { "id": 601, "name": "Introduction to Linux", "shortName": "Introduction to Linux - BiRD", "description": "Objectives\r\n- Understand the principles and advantages of the Linux system\r\n- Know and use the main bash commands. Ability to chain multiple commands using pipes\r\n- Launch programs with arguments\r\n- Gain independence to perform command line analyses\r\n\r\nPedagogical Content\r\n- Introduction to the Linux system.\r\n- File system: directory structure, paths, home directory, file and directory management.\r\n- Principle of protections: reading file attributes, access rights, management of user groups.\r\n- Shell usage: command reminders, input/output redirection, history, completion, launching programs with arguments.\r\n- Commands relevant to bioinformatics: grep, cut, sed, sort, more, etc.\r\n- Connection (ssh) - how to start a session from Linux or Windows PowerShell", "homepage": "https://pf-bird.univ-nantes.fr/training/", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [ "http://edamontology.org/topic_0605" ], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 12, "contacts": [ "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/userprofile/596/?format=api" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [ { "id": 16, "name": "BiRD", "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/BiRD/?format=api" } ], "logo_url": "https://bird.univ-nantes.io/website/images/logo/logo.svg", "updated_at": "2024-02-19T09:37:34.209594Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2024-03-18", "end_date": "2024-03-18", "venue": "Faculté de Pharmacie - Salle 450, 4ème étage", "city": "Nantes", "country": "", "geographical_range": "National", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": "2024-02-08", "registration_closing": "2024-03-15", "registration_status": "closed", "courseMode": "Onsite" }, { "id": 326, "name": "Bioinformatique pour le traitement de données de séquençage (NGS) ", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2017-03-26", "end_date": "2017-03-30", "venue": "", "city": "Montpellier", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": null }, { "id": 24, "name": "Phylogénie", "shortName": "", "description": "", "homepage": "", "is_draft": false, "costs": [], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Internal personnel", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": null, "contacts": [], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": "https://ressources.france-bioinformatique.fr/sites/default/files/150x150.png", "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2017-02-23", "end_date": null, "venue": "", "city": "LISBP", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": null }, { "id": 472, "name": "Workflow4metabolomics - 2021 session postponed to 2022, march", "shortName": "W4E 2021", "description": "Processing, statistical analysis, and annotation of metabolomics data is a complex task for experimenters since it involves many steps and requires a good knowledge of both the methodology and software tools. The Workflow4Metabolomics.org (W4M) online infrastructure provides a user-friendly and high-performance environment with advanced computational modules for building, running, and sharing complete workflows for LC-MS, GC-MS, FIA and NMR analysis. Such features are of major values for teaching computational metabolomics to experimenters, and previous courses using W4M since 2014 have been very successful.", "homepage": "https://workflow4metabolomics.org/w4e2021", "is_draft": false, "costs": [ "Priced" ], "topics": [], "keywords": [], "prerequisites": [], "openTo": "Everyone", "accessConditions": "", "maxParticipants": 20, "contacts": [ "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/userprofile/116/?format=api" ], "elixirPlatforms": [], "communities": [], "sponsoredBy": [], "organisedByOrganisations": [], "organisedByTeams": [], "logo_url": null, "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z", "type": "Training course", "start_date": "2022-03-21", "end_date": "2022-03-25", "venue": "", "city": "Toulouse", "country": "", "geographical_range": "", "trainers": [], "trainingMaterials": [], "computingFacilities": [], "realisation_status": "past", "registration_opening": null, "registration_closing": null, "registration_status": "unknown", "courseMode": "Onsite" } ] }{ "count": 605, "next": "