Handles creating, reading and updating events.

GET /api/event/?format=api&offset=140&ordering=logo_url
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 605,
    "next": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/event/?format=api&limit=20&offset=160&ordering=logo_url",
    "previous": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/event/?format=api&limit=20&offset=120&ordering=logo_url",
    "results": [
            "id": 608,
            "name": "LINUX - session 22/04/2024",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands  (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-03-26T14:24:31.157055Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-04-22",
            "end_date": "2024-04-22",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Castanet Tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 137,
                    "name": "Linux slides",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20slides/?format=api"
                    "id": 138,
                    "name": "Linux TP",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20TP/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-03-24",
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "open",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 530,
            "name": "Short-Read Alignment And Small Size Variants Calling - session 13/11/2023 - 14/11/2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session, organized jointly with the Sigenae platform, is designed to introduce NGS data, in particular Illumina Solexa technologies with command line. You will discover the new sequence formats, the assembly formats and the known biases of these technologies. You will use mapping on reference genome software, polymorphisms detection with the GATK pipeline and alignment visualization software.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on the practice. It consists of modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\nDay 1 (09:00 am to 12:30 am): Fastq format / Sequence quality. Read mapping.\r\nDay 1 (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): SAM format. Visualisation.\r\nDay 2 (09:00 am to 17:00 am): Variant calling. VCF format. Variant annotation (SNPeff / SNPsift).\r\n \r\nThe session will take place in the room ‘salle de formation’ at INRAE center of Toulouse-Auzeville.\r\n\r\nPrerequisites: ability to use a Unix environment (see Unix training) and Cluster (see Cluster training).\r\n \r\nTool box: FastQC, BWA, Samtools, Picard tools, GATK, SnpSift / SnpEff, IGV.",
            "homepage": "https://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/alignment-and-small-size-variants-calling/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-06-10T12:36:44.820913Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-11-13",
            "end_date": "2023-11-14",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Toulouse-Auzeville",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2023-04-04",
            "registration_closing": "2023-11-08",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 668,
            "name": "Cluster - 12 March 2025",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is designed to help you deal with the platform compute cluster and data banks. You will launch your first processing batch on the cluster and will learn how to track and manage them. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and bioinfo genotoul platforms.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/cluster-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 170 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-12-06T20:50:57.555838Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2025-03-12",
            "end_date": "2025-03-12",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 139,
                    "name": "Cluster Slides",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Cluster%20Slides/?format=api"
                    "id": 140,
                    "name": "TP Cluster",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/TP%20Cluster/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-12-06",
            "registration_closing": "2025-03-05",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 631,
            "name": "Using sed and awk to modify large large text files - session 03/10/2024",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This “Sed and AWK to modify large text files” training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform.\r\n\r\nThe Linux sed command is a powerful and very fast text editor without an interface. Sed can select, substitute, add, delete, and modify text in files and streams. Sed relies heavily on regular expressions for pattern matching and text selection. We’ll manipulate regexes and the sed command to modify and filter several type of file often used in bioinformatics.\r\n\r\nAWK enables to easily process columns in large text files but is also a quite powerfull programming language. This training session aims at introducing you AWK principles. You will learn about variables, operators and functions useful to manipulate very large files. \r\n\r\nFor example you can use AWK to generate your unix command lines to be launched on the cluster. AWK enables to process millions of lines in text files. The course includes short feature presentations between long hands-on sessions in which you will be able to understand the global ideas as well as details.",
            "homepage": "https://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/using-sed-and-awk-to-modify-large-text-files/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
                "Programming Languages & Computer Sciences"
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 15,
                    "name": "MIAT",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-06-04T07:39:04.387849Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-10-03",
            "end_date": "2024-10-03",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 141,
                    "name": "training material sed and awk training",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/training%20material%20sed%20and%20awk%20training/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-06-04",
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "open",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 635,
            "name": "Introduction To Python - session 16/10/2024 - 17/10/2024",
            "shortName": "Introduction To Python - session 16/10/2024 - 17/10/2024",
            "description": "The Toulouse Genotoul bioinformatics platform, organizes a 2 days long training course for non computer scientist and biologists aiming at learning the foundation of Python programming. In this training you will learn the basics of programming (variables, functions, control structures such as “if” condition, “for” loop”), writing simple programs which read files, and write results to others. The training course does not require any knowledge in programming, but basic Linux/bash commands are required (cd, ls).\r\n\r\nThis training focuses on practice. It consists of modules with a large variety of exercises described hereunder (PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE):\r\n\r\nUsing a Jupyter notebook (Day 1).\r\nUsing variables (Day 1).\r\nBasic operations and functions (Day 1).\r\nReading a file, writing to a file (Day 1).\r\nCharacter string manipulation (Day 1).\r\nLists and dictionaries (Day 2).\r\nThe if and for controls (Day 2).\r\nBases of algorithms (Day 2).",
            "homepage": "https://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/python/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [],
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
                "Python Language"
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 15,
                    "name": "MIAT",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-06-10T12:33:57.629350Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-10-16",
            "end_date": "2024-10-17",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 142,
                    "name": "Introduction to python",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Introduction%20to%20python/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-06-05",
            "registration_closing": "2024-10-08",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Online"
            "id": 611,
            "name": "Using sed and awk to modify large large text files - session 24/04/2024",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "Many analysis generate large result text files which have to be checked, merged, split, reduced. Several tools have been developed and are available on Unix to do this, including sed and AWK. During this course you will be trained to process large files with sed and AWK. Sed is tool enabling to select and process lines. You can easily insert, delete, modify, append lines to very large files with millions of lines. AWK will enable to perform more fine tuned file modifications based on columns. It includes also more mathematical and string functions.  The course is based mainly on exercises with small sections presenting concepts and commands.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/modify-and-extract-information-from-large-text-files-day-2-3/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-03-26T14:25:14.649994Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-04-24",
            "end_date": "2024-04-24",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Castanet Tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 141,
                    "name": "training material sed and awk training",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/training%20material%20sed%20and%20awk%20training/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-03-24",
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "open",
            "courseMode": "Online"
            "id": 636,
            "name": "How To Run a NF-Core Nextflow Workflow On Genotoul ? - session 12/11/2024",
            "shortName": "Nextflow/nf-core - session 12/11/2024",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning nf-core workflow submission, error understanding, resuming jobs and ressource reservation. We will present and practice:\r\n\r\nthe Nextflow software\r\nthe nf-core community and pipelines\r\nWhat is a singularity image ?\r\nWhere are installed the nf-core workflows ? Which version do I use ?\r\nHow to run a workflow and which config file is used ?\r\nWhich kind of error I can get ?\r\nHow to resume failed jobs?\r\nHow to handle genome indexes ?\r\nHow to monitor my process and then well configure my workflow ?\r\nHow do you best adjust CPU and RAM reservations?\r\nThis is NOT a bioinformatic training on a particular workflow or a training on how to develop a workflow.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of several modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\nStart at 09:00 am\r\nEnd at 17:00 pm",
            "homepage": "https://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/how-to-run-a-nf-core-nextflow-workflow-on-genotoul-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 15,
                    "name": "MIAT",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-06-10T12:38:11.016801Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-11-12",
            "end_date": "2024-11-12",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 143,
                    "name": "workflows nf-core",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/workflows%20nf-core/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-06-05",
            "registration_closing": "2024-11-06",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Online"
            "id": 610,
            "name": "Cluster - session 23/04/2024",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is designed to help you deal with the platform compute cluster and data banks. You will launch your first processing batch on the cluster and will learn how to track and manage them. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and bioinfo genotoul platforms.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/cluster-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-03-26T14:24:58.135354Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-04-23",
            "end_date": "2024-04-23",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Castanet Tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 139,
                    "name": "Cluster Slides",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Cluster%20Slides/?format=api"
                    "id": 140,
                    "name": "TP Cluster",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/TP%20Cluster/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-03-24",
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "open",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 667,
            "name": "LINUX - session 11 March 2025",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands  (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-12-06T20:39:17.845500Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2025-03-11",
            "end_date": "2025-03-11",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-12-06",
            "registration_closing": "2025-03-04",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 447,
            "name": "LINUX - session 2022/03/14",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands  (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2022-03-14",
            "end_date": "2022-03-14",
            "venue": "INRAE Occitanie Toulouse 24 Chemin de Borde Rouge – Auzeville CS 52627 31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex",
            "city": "Toulouse",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2022-01-24",
            "registration_closing": "2022-03-07",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 528,
            "name": "LINUX - session 17/04/2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands  (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-17T10:04:05.719947Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-04-17",
            "end_date": "2023-04-17",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2023-04-04",
            "registration_closing": "2023-04-12",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 531,
            "name": "Improve your command line skills by learning a few words of Perl - session 28/11/2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This “Perl one-liners” training session is organized by the Sigenae platform. Perl one-liners are small and awesome Perl programs that fit in a single line of code and perform many operations such as replacing of text, spacing, deleting, calculation, manipulation in files and many more. This training will allow you to discover the power of Perl on the command line and learn how to use it to automate your file manipulations and command line generation with classical file formats such as tabulated text, fastq, sam/bam, and vcf.\r\n\r\nThis training lasts one day and is focused on practice. It consists of 3 parts with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\nIntroduction to Perl and its characteristics: Perl is a widely used programming language for data processing and task automation. We will introduce the main characteristics of Perl and discuss why it is particularly suited for biologists who want to manipulate files and generate command lines.\r\nPerl on the command line: we will show how to use Perl on the command line to perform common tasks, such as searching and replacing strings, merging files, and loop over lists of files.\r\nConcrete examples: we will present several concrete examples drawn from biology, such as extracting information from genomic sequence files, converting files between different formats, and generating command lines for data biology tools.\r\n \r\nThe session will take place in the room ‘salle de formation MIAT’ at INRAE center of Toulouse-Auzeville.",
            "homepage": "https://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/onelineperl/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
                "Perl Langage"
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-17T10:03:41.882770Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-11-28",
            "end_date": "2023-11-28",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Toulouse-Auzeville",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2023-04-04",
            "registration_closing": "2023-11-22",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 476,
            "name": "LINUX - session 2022/10/10",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands  (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
                "Linux - Basic Knowledge"
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 10,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2022-06-02T11:50:50.627601Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2022-10-10",
            "end_date": "2022-10-10",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Castanet Tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2022-03-08",
            "registration_closing": "2022-10-03",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Online"
            "id": 529,
            "name": "Cluster - session 18/04/2023",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is designed to help you deal with the platform compute cluster and data banks. You will launch your first processing batch on the cluster and will learn how to track and manage them. Organized jointly by the Sigenae and bioinfo genotoul platforms.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/cluster-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [],
            "keywords": [
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "You need to register (via the website) and pay 165 euros a day for academic and 550 euros a day for a private.",
            "maxParticipants": null,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-17T10:03:57.925413Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2023-04-18",
            "end_date": "2023-04-18",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "",
            "country": "",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2023-04-04",
            "registration_closing": "2023-04-12",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 612,
            "shortName": "RNASeq bioinfo / biostat",
            "description": "The Toulouse Genotoul bioinformatics platform, in collaboration with the Genotoul Biostatistics platform, and the MIAT unit, organize a 3,5 days long training course for bio-informaticians and biologists aiming at learning sequence analysis. It focuses on (protein coding) gene expression analysis using reads produced by ‘RNA-Seq’. This training session is designed to introduce sequences from ‘NGS’ (Next Generation Sequencing), particularly Illumina platforms (HiSeq). You will discover the standards file formats, learn about the usual biases of this type of data and run different kinds of analyses, such as spliced alignment on a reference genome, novel gene and transcript discovery, expression quantification of coding genes and transcripts. Finally you will be able to extract the differentially expressed genes.",
            "homepage": "https://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/rnaseq-alignment-transcripts-assemblies-statistics/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
                "NGS Data Analysis",
            "prerequisites": [
                "Langage R de base"
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "Register on the training page : https://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/training-2/training/",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 15,
                    "name": "MIAT",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 33,
                    "name": "Genotoul-biostat",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-biostat/?format=api"
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-03-26T14:25:27.655655Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-05-14",
            "end_date": "2024-05-17",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Castanet Tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 135,
                    "name": "training RNASEQ Bioinfo part",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/training%20RNASEQ%20Bioinfo%20part/?format=api"
                    "id": 136,
                    "name": "training RNASeq biostat part",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/training%20RNASeq%20biostat%20part/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-03-24",
            "registration_closing": null,
            "registration_status": "open",
            "courseMode": "Online"
            "id": 632,
            "name": "LINUX - session 07/10/2024",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "This training session is organized by the Genotoul bioinfo platform and aims at learning sequence analysis. This training session has been designed to familiarize yourself with the platform resources and its organization. You will learn to access the platform from your work station, what is an Linux environment and how to use it, how to create and manipulate files, how to transfer them from and to your personal computer.\r\n\r\nThis training is focused on practice. It consists of 3 modules with a large variety of exercises:\r\n\r\n- Connect to « genotoul » server (09:00 am to 10:30 am): Platform presentation, Linux basics, opening an user account, Putty installation, first connection.\r\n- Files and basics commands  (10:45 am to 12:00 pm): types of files and secure access, file manipulation commands, text editors and viewers, disk space management .\r\n- Transfers and file manipulation (14:00 pm to 17:00 pm): download/transfer, compress/uncompress, utility commands and data extraction, output redirections.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/linux-2-2/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-06-05T09:15:55.325587Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-10-07",
            "end_date": "2024-10-07",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 137,
                    "name": "Linux slides",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20slides/?format=api"
                    "id": 138,
                    "name": "Linux TP",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Linux%20TP/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-06-05",
            "registration_closing": "2024-10-01",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 669,
            "name": "Using sed and awk to modify large large text files - 13 March 2025",
            "shortName": "",
            "description": "Many analysis generate large result text files which have to be checked, merged, split, reduced. Several tools have been developed and are available on Unix to do this, including sed and AWK. During this course you will be trained to process large files with sed and AWK. Sed is tool enabling to select and process lines. You can easily insert, delete, modify, append lines to very large files with millions of lines. AWK will enable to perform more fine tuned file modifications based on columns. It includes also more mathematical and string functions.  The course is based mainly on exercises with small sections presenting concepts and commands.",
            "homepage": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/index.php/events/modify-and-extract-information-from-large-text-files-day-2-3/",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
                "Non-academic: 550€ + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "Academic but non-INRAE: 170 € + 20% taxes (TVA)",
                "For INRAE's staff: 150 € no VAT charged;"
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 12,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 37,
                    "name": "MIAT 0875",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/MIAT%200875/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 22,
                    "name": "Genotoul-bioinfo",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/Genotoul-bioinfo/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "http://bioinfo.genotoul.fr/wp-content/uploads/bioinfo_logo-rvb-petit.png",
            "updated_at": "2024-12-06T20:47:41.482360Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2025-03-13",
            "end_date": "2025-03-13",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "castanet-tolosan",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "National",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [
                    "id": 146,
                    "name": "Processing_large_files_with_sed_awk_2024",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/trainingmaterial/Processing_large_files_with_sed_awk_2024/?format=api"
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-12-06",
            "registration_closing": "2025-03-05",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 499,
            "name": "Linux - Initiation / Linux for Beginners - 2022 Session 2",
            "shortName": "Linux Init - 2022 Session 2",
            "description": "Objectifs :\r\n- Être capable de se connecter à une machine Linux\r\n- Être capable de transférer des fichiers à partir de/vers une machine Linux\r\n- Être capable de naviguer dans le système de fichiers\r\n- Être capable d’examiner le contenu d’un fichier et de gérer l’espace disque\r\n- Être capable de gérer les droits d’accès aux répertoires et aux fichiers.\r\n- Être capable de gérer le lancement, l’interruption et l’arrêt de processus",
            "homepage": "http://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/training/courses",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
                "Operating systems"
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 16,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 65,
                    "name": "SBR",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/SBR/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 4,
                    "name": "ABiMS",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/ABiMS/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/sites/default/files/abims.png",
            "updated_at": "2023-05-17T09:55:01.623771Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2022-11-21",
            "end_date": "2022-11-21",
            "venue": "Station Biologique de Roscoff",
            "city": "Roscoff",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2022-10-07",
            "registration_closing": "2022-11-06",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 619,
            "name": "Manipulating  & Visualizing Data with R - 2024",
            "shortName": "R - DataViz - 2024",
            "description": "Objectifs\r\n- Importer, structurer, transformer et exporter un tableau de données avec R\r\n- Générer des figures de qualité pour, par exemple, une publication scientifique\r\n\r\nProgramme\r\n- Introduction au tidyverse (metapackage pour manipuler, visualiser et analyser des données)\r\n- Import et export de tableaux de données (csv, excel, google sheet, etc.)\r\n- Manipulation de tableaux de données avec dplyr et tidyr (filtre, aggregation, jointure)\r\n- Manipulation de chaînes de caractères et de dates avec stringr et lubridate\r\n- Introduction aux concepts de visualisation de données\r\n- Apprendre à utiliser ggplot2 grâce à esquisse\r\n- Partager ses résultats avec Quarto",
            "homepage": "http://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/training/courses",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [],
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "",
            "maxParticipants": 18,
            "contacts": [
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [],
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 4,
                    "name": "ABiMS",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/ABiMS/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/sites/default/files/abims.png",
            "updated_at": "2025-01-23T13:52:27.424558Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2024-05-23",
            "end_date": "2024-05-23",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Roscoff",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "past",
            "registration_opening": "2024-03-29",
            "registration_closing": "2024-04-21",
            "registration_status": "closed",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"
            "id": 712,
            "name": "Linux - Initiation / Linux for Beginners",
            "shortName": "Linux Initiation",
            "description": "Objectifs :\r\n- Être capable de se connecter à une machine Linux\r\n- Être capable de transférer des fichiers à partir de/vers une machine Linux\r\n- Être capable de naviguer dans le système de fichiers\r\n- Être capable d’examiner le contenu d’un fichier et de gérer l’espace disque\r\n- Être capable de gérer les droits d’accès aux répertoires et aux fichiers.\r\n- Être capable de gérer le lancement, l’interruption et l’arrêt de processus",
            "homepage": "https://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/ateliers/2025",
            "is_draft": false,
            "costs": [
            "topics": [
            "keywords": [
                "Operating systems"
            "prerequisites": [],
            "openTo": "Everyone",
            "accessConditions": "Preregistration required using: https://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/ateliers/preinscription",
            "maxParticipants": 16,
            "contacts": [],
            "elixirPlatforms": [],
            "communities": [],
            "sponsoredBy": [],
            "organisedByOrganisations": [
                    "id": 65,
                    "name": "SBR",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/organisation/SBR/?format=api"
            "organisedByTeams": [
                    "id": 4,
                    "name": "ABiMS",
                    "url": "https://catalogue.france-bioinformatique.fr/api/team/ABiMS/?format=api"
            "logo_url": "https://abims.sb-roscoff.fr/sites/default/files/abims.png",
            "updated_at": "2025-02-21T08:52:59.581686Z",
            "type": "Training course",
            "start_date": "2025-05-14",
            "end_date": "2025-05-14",
            "venue": "",
            "city": "Roscoff",
            "country": "France",
            "geographical_range": "",
            "trainers": [],
            "trainingMaterials": [],
            "computingFacilities": [],
            "realisation_status": "future",
            "registration_opening": "2025-02-09",
            "registration_closing": "2025-04-30",
            "registration_status": "open",
            "courseMode": "Onsite"